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 - e-mail



: 07.09.2010
: 53559



, 18 2011 . 19:13 +





Translated by Tatiana Zolotuhina


Day 1

- , . ( ?)

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This is your Light Matrix as a cell of the Matrix field filled with Light. The left lower part is darkened (this may be karma for incarnation purposes). The Matrix is holographic and holds the same Matrices inside.



In the center of the Matrix a mirror-like sphere is formed.


. , , , .

Then the sphere diminishes. The Light Matrix transforms to a flying bird while the mirror-like sphere inside the bird seems to be the egg from which the bird appears.


-. , - .

The bird flies out of the Matrix and travels for a long time. Then the bird finds herself in the cosmic space, leaves the egg (the mirror-like sphere) there and flies away.



, . , .

A beam goes out of the center of the sphere “searching” in different directions. Finally the beam finds a Star in the space and settles (vertically).


Day 2

, , (?) , - . .

The Light channel built between the Star and the sphere starts expanding and transforming into something like a ball. This is how the Light structure develops. The mirror-like sphere and the Star are two “poles” of this Light structure.

- , . . 

Inside the Light sphere from the low pole of the mirror-like sphere there is rainbow shining which fills in the internal space with various colors. The colors are very dense below the sphere and almost transparent on the top. 



Day 3

(, ?) . .



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The mirror-like sphere (is it a Monada?) stands in the center of the rainbow sphere, and elements of the Light structure begin building up around it. Also a Light core channel is formed.

An external vertical channel embraces the Light sphere. I AM PRESENCE is built like a Bird-Eye; it is also an equator of the Light structure. Holy Spirit as a tiny bird appears in the center of the Monada.



Day 4

, , . . .

The mirror-like sphere (is it a Monada?) stands in the center of the rainbow sphere, and elements of the Light structure begin building up around it. Also a Light core channel is formed.

An external vertical channel embraces the Light sphere. I AM PRESENCE is built like a Bird-Eye; it is also an equator of the Light structure. Holy Spirit as a tiny bird appears in the center of the Monada.


7 , . , - . , . - - .

There are 7 circles in the rosy cones that are equally distributed along the height of the cones. The circles are yellowish in the cone below and white in the cone above. I believe they show the entire range of the Presence. The Earth is the place of incarnation.


, . , , .

Now spirals are created that go up and down, they consist of bubbles or balloons. The spirals have seven loops, they, possibly, are connected with the seven circles in the upper and lower ranges.


Day 5

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The Light Structure continues to develop attributing aspects of the earthly incarnation.

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I AM Presence is formed out of the white wings of the Bird-Eye: there are six wings at each side, and their place of fixing is Earth.


. - .

Along the central channel triple rosy fires come out up and down from the Earth. This is the Flame of Love and entry to the Love Temple in Telos.


. .

This is sacred geometry.


. .

Angel with large wings appears in the lower part of the structure wearing white robe. The Angels’ head is surrounded with shining Light.


, .

New images overlap with the previous images – the presence on the Earth becomes more obvious.


Day 6

, , 6 ( ).

The rosy flame looks like a bud, and the bud is now bursting into flower, creating 6 petals.


. . , .



Here lotuses are shown.

The lotus flowers at the top and at the bottom are in full blossom, they differ by color - the lower lotus has somewhat yellow color.

Multi-level flame is the center of the upper lotus. Angel is in the center of the lower lotus.

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Here I show the Angel separately against the grey color to demonstrate white lines.

The fire spreads from the Angel’s head down the arms. The Angel is in an ellipse filled with mother-of-pearl light.

The ellipse starts vibrating, sending waves that repeat the ellipse form. They look like long fibers of UCL. Vibration creates spreading resonance



This is how the Light structure looks like now.



Day 7

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The Earth is in the center of the Light structure, and rosy flames like a grid are created around the planet. The Earth has extraordinary rainbow colors.

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Flames rise along the entire contour of the Angel, and the Angel now is like a shining star. The Angel’s robe looks like a column of the rotating rainbow-like range of colors.

A fire-like vibration appears in addition to the white vibrations emanating in all directions. I believe this is how an extended range of vibration is shown.


This is how the entire Light structure looks now. 



Day 8

"". , . , : .

The Earth is “ascending”. Two more “Earths” appear moving upwards. The Earth while ascending changes its color: the color becomes more blue and light.

, (. 7 ), , . . , , . . .

The fire rapping the Angel’s body (see Day 7) now transforms to a seven-layer fire similar to the fire in the upper part of the pattern. The Angel is inside the fire. Since the images overlap, in the main drawing I move the ascending Earth and the Angel to the front, and here they are shown inside the fires. Thus we have two seven-layer fires, one above the other; and they are components of the central light channel.

. , ( ). 

Now the fire is gone, and a rainbow “coat” (a cloud) appears around the Angel’s body. The Angel’s vibrations acquire additional aspects (they are shown by different colors).



Day 9


The Angel is almost invisible in the rainbow cloud.



The Angel in the vibrating cocoon is ascending with the Earth.


, .

As the images are overlapping, here I show separately the Ascension channel.



Also I show ascending light forms for clarity


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