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: 09.05.2011
: 14434



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80 /(Opposites)

, 03 2014 . 22:59 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

80 /(Opposites)

good - bad - -
happy - sad - -
excited - bored - -
beautiful - ugly - -
dry - wet - -
naughty - well-behaved - -
noisy - quiet - -
strong - weak - -
horrible - nice - -
narrow - wide - -
great - minor - -
late - early - -
tired - enegretic - -
rich - poor - -
painless - painful - -
dark - bright - -
careful - careless - -
expensive - cheap - -
helpfull - helpless - -
useful - useless - -
difficult - easy - -
healthy - sick - -
dirty - clean - -
new - old - -
hot - cold - -
thin - fat - -
tiny - enormous - -
small - large - -
sour - sweet - -
old - young - -
empty - full - -
married - single - -
dangerous - safe - -
polite - rude - -
high - low - -
rough - smooth - -
shy - outgoing - -
hard - soft - -
short - tall - -
light - heavy - -
opposites_--_light_&_heavy (306x169, 30Kb)


, 27 2014 . 23:15 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

At the hotel -

Can I help you? ?
Id like to check in. .
I have a reservation. .
Your room is ready. .
Is it possible to see the room? ?
Yes, Ill take it. , .
What time is checkout? ?

On the street -

Where is the nearest bus stop? ?
Where can I find the subway / underground? ?
How can I get to ? ?
How far is it? ?
How long does it take to get there? ?
Which bus goes to ? ?
When does the next bus leave? ?
Where is the tourist information center? ?
How much does a ticket cost? ?
I need a guide who speaks Russian. , -.
Where do we meet? ?
Can you take a photo of us? ?
Is there a discount for students? ?
May I use the toilet? ?
Where is the currency exchange? ?
What is worth visiting? ?
Do you have a map of the city? ?
Is this seat free? ?
Dont push
When are you coming back? ?
In 20 min. 20

At the airport -

May I see your passport / visa? , / .
Whats the purpose of your visit? ?
Please open your bags. , .
Do you have any items to declare? , ?
Delay on the flight is due to adverse weather conditions. .
Flight is boarding. .
You have to fill in this
- landing card
- immigration form
- customs declaration form .

() Facebook

7143426-travel-suitcase-with-many-colourful-tourism-and-vacation-icons-and-logos (429x348, 81Kb)



, 10 2014 . 23:45 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


to squeeze -
to squeeze juice -

to crumple -
to crumple the paper -

to squash -
to squash tomato -

to press -
to press the button -

to wring -
to wring a towel -

to crush - ,
to crush the rebellion -
10409491_469154533230554_234707972271929994_n (458x350, 24Kb)


10 ways to say...

, 02 2014 . 10:27 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

10 ways to say...

- :)
10380320_465779493568058_3761043884549538062_n (700x607, 140Kb)



, 26 2014 . 18:21 +
Joker-6 [ + !]


, , http://preply.com/blog , .

150 ! 
1 (518x604, 166Kb)




, 26 2014 . 17:44 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


10301942_641045182654117_5511571699615657695_n (300x211, 10Kb)



, 24 2014 . 00:50 +
_ [ + !]





, 24 2014 . 00:10 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


10397830_460645127414828_429332679263292778_n (700x525, 32Kb)



, 21 2014 . 00:24 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


pay a compliment

1. Complimenting someone on appearance -

You are beautiful - () !
You are pretty - !
Ive never seen you looking so happy - !
You are so cute - !
You look amazing - !
You are fun to be with - C !
What a charming girl you are - !
You look terrific today! - !
You are stunning girl - !
You are a handsome man - !

2. Complimenting someone on their traits of character -

You have an amazing sense of humor - !
You are so kind and caring - !
You are a wonderful person - !
You are very clever - !
I am so proud of you - !
I feel so comfortable around you - !

3. Complementing Someone on their skills and achievements - .

What a good answer.You're an excellent student! - ! - !
What a marvelous memory you've got - !
You have good/great taste in ... - ...
I am impressed by your knowledge in this area - !

4. Accepting compliments -

Thanks - !
Thank you. It's very nice of you to say so -! !
I'm glad you think so - !
 (235x214, 6Kb)


Some, any, no

, 19 2014 . 20:17 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]




, 19 2014 . 13:41 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


charming ,
confident -
thoughtful -
amused -
proud -
pleasant [ 'plezənt ]
sweet ,
satisfied -
contented -
cheering -
strained ,
enigmatic [ enig'mætik ]

P.S. Did you smile today?:)
Every-smile-a-day-can-erase-thousand-of-worries-Easy-Branches (700x469, 502Kb)



, 18 2014 . 19:24 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


awe -
inspiration -
gaiety ,
mirth , ,
fun ,
gratification - , ,
gratitude -
enjoyment , ;
amusement - ,
hope -
serenity -
empathy - ,
desire ,
ecstasy ,
love , ,
affection , ,
468390_stock-photo-ten-positive-emotions (400x293, 102Kb)


, 15 2014 . 23:04 +
LVN [ + !]

000    (1) (700x442, 151Kb)



, 15 2014 . 23:03 +
__ [ + !]




, 15 2014 . 19:06 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


1 Extremes meet — ,
2 East or West home is best — ,
3 Better late than never — ,
4 All’s well that ends well — ,
5 Out of sight out of mind — ,
6 As fit as a fiddle - ,
7 No sweet without sweat - ,
8 A penny saved is a penny gained - — ,
9 Have a heart! - !, !
10 A good beginning makes a good ending -
11 Too good to be true - , / ,
12 New lords new laws - -….
13 Honesty is the best policy - —
14 A light purse is a heavy curse - ,
15 It’s like putting a saddle on a cow -
16 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth - ,
17 I dare swear -
18 Look who’s talking! - , !
19 There is no rose without thorn -
20 If there is a will, there is a way -
21 There is no place like home - ,
22 There is no smoke without fire -
23 Lovely weather for ducks! !
24 There is a black sheep in every flock —
25 But … There is always but… - … -, …
26 There are spots even on the sun -
27 While there is life, there is hope - –
28 There is no flying from fate -
29 There is a small choice in rotten apples -
30 There is no so faithful friend, as a good book - ,
17298_English_proverbs_friends (600x600, 83Kb)



, 14 2014 . 23:23 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Really? - ?
What? -?
What a surprise! - !
Well I never! / Blimey! - !/ blimey='God blind me!', , !
That's the last thing I expected! - , !
You're kidding! - !
I don't believe it! / Are you serious? - / ?
I'm speechless! - !
I'd never have guessed. - !
Postcross_postcard_maria_van_bruggen_surprise_19 (600x600, 38Kb)



, 12 2014 . 14:12 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


10264296_634292859996016_3862785236856729081_n (445x604, 42Kb)


, 11 2014 . 16:24 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Strawberry [ˈstrɔːbri] -
Barberry [barbery] -
Cowberry [ˈkaʊbərɪ], foxberry -
Elder-berry [ˈeldəberi] -
Cherry [ˈtʃeri] -
Sweet cherry [swiːt ˈtʃeri] -
Crowberry [krəʊberi] -
Bog bilberry, whortleberry, blueberry [bɒɡ ˈbɪlbəri / ˈwɜːtlˌberɪ /ˈbluːbəri]-
Blackberry [ˈblækbəri] -
Wild strawberry [waɪld ˈstrɔːbri] -
Arrowwood, snowball, guilder [ˈærəʊwʊd / ˈsnəʊbɑːl / ˈɡɪldə] -
Cranberry [ˈkrænbəri] -
Gooseberry [ˈɡʊzbəri] -
Raspberry [ˈrɑːzbəri] -
Cloudberry [ˈklaʊdˌberɪ] -
Sea-buckthorn [siː ˈbəkˌθɔːn] -
Ashberry [æʃ ˈberi], rowan(berry) [ˈrəʊən ˈberi]-
Black chokeberry [blæk tʃəʊk ˈberi] -
White currant [waɪt ˈkʌrənt] -
Red currant [red ˈkʌrənt] -
Black currant [blæk ˈkʌrənt] -
Bearberry [beəˈberi] -
Bilberry, whortleberry [ˈbɪlbəri / ˈwɜːtlˌberɪ]-
Hip [hɪp] -
images (2) (259x194, 16Kb)


, !

, 09 2014 . 23:19 +
__ [ + !]

, !


4596068_Eng (604x385, 57Kb)



By the way. - .
A drop in the bucket -
And so on and so forth - .. ..
As I said before. - ..
As innocent as a babe unborn -
As sure as eggs is eggs -
As to... (As for.) - .
Believe it or not, but - ,
Did I get you right? - ?
Don't mention it -
Don't take it to heart -
Forgive me, please, I meant well. - ,
He is not a man to be trifled with -
I am afraid you are wrong - ,
I didn't catch the last word -
I mean it -
I was not attending -
If I am not mistaken -
If I remember rightly -
In other words. -
In short. -
It does you credit -
It doesn't matter -
It is a good idea -
It is new to me -
Let us hope for the best -
May I ask you a question? - ?
Mind your own business -
Most likely -
Neither here nor there - ,
Next time lucky -
Nothing much -
Oh, that. That explains it -
On the one hand -
On the other hand -
Say it again, please - ,
That's where the trouble lies - !
Things happen -
What do you mean by saying it? - ?
What is the matter? - ?
Where were we? - ?
You were saying? - - ?

: ~ + ~

Humour.FutbolkaBest.ru - :)



25 Part 2

, 09 2014 . 22:22 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

25 Part 2

This way (please) - , ( / ).

You have a point there. - . / .

I mean it. - . / .

Let's get to the point. - .

So far so good. - .

It's not that I don't... - He , ...

Example: It was not that he didn't love her. - He , .

Don't be silly. - . / .
introfamily_veer (620x350, 188Kb)


 : 10 9 8 [7] 6 5 ..
.. 1