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: 21.08.2012
: 146915
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, " ". 12 ( , ), "" - . " " (Homenage to 12 masters of Art). , 2015 , , - . , , , , , , - . , 107 ! )) 12 - . , ... , - , .

(El Greco, 1541-1614) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. El Greco. 2015 .


(Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, 6 1599 - 6 1660) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Diego Velázquez. 2015 .


-- (. Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, 30 1746 - 16 1828) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Francisco Goya. 2015 .


(Edgar Degas, 19 1834 - 27 1917) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Edgar Degas. 2015 .


(Oscar-Claude Monet, 14 1840 - 5 1926) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Claude Monet. 2015 .


(Vincent Willem van Gogh, 30 1853 - 29 1890) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Vincent van Gogh. 2015 .


(Alfons Maria Mucha, 24 1860 - 14 1939) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Alfons Mucha. 2015 .


(Gustav Klimt, 14 1862 - 6 1918) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Gustav Klimt. 2015 .


- (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 24 1864 - 9 1901) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. 2015 .


(Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, 25 1881 - 8 1973) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Pablo Picasso. 2015 .


(Amedeo Clemente Modigliani, 12 1884 - 24 1920) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Amedeo Modigliani. 2015 .


(Salvador Dalí, 11 1904 - 23 1989) - .

Félix Mas (Spanish, born 1935) Series Homenage to 12 masters of Art. Salvador Dalí. 2015 .


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