


  •     - - . : Internet Explorer 6, Fire Fox 1.5, Opera 9.5, Safari 3.1.1 JavaScript.
  •     , , , 24 . !
  •    - "Empire" - "Empire" Goodgame Empire. , .
  •    - " " - " " , , , . ,
  •      ^_^ Html-. ,


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https://www.sloosh.ru/ : — 350–400 &...



 - e-mail




( : 10) _ _ ___ Picnic_Time _ __ __ __ __ __


: 24.11.2010
: 8212
: 216
: 18213



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, 22 2024 . 03:39 +
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4    ,      . (700x490, 100Kb)
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c caoye ex, o eo e ae

, 24 2022 . 02:58 +
[ + !]


, 22 2020 . 03:35 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]


. ?

, 02 2020 . 04:25 +
_ [ + !]

«» —      .   , ! :)

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, , ...

, 07 2020 . 13:28 +
- [ + !]

107453174_3130954686984333_8894310529472023875_n (695x415, 38Kb)

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, 05 2020 . 18:49 +
52 [ + !]


: , , , , , . 

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1 :34 (486x17, 25Kb)

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2 :34 (486x17, 25Kb)

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3 :34 (486x17, 25Kb)


4 :34 (486x17, 25Kb)

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, 08 2019 . 04:46 +
belorys_kh [ + !]

. .



, 13 2018 . 01:51 +
nikitaqa29 [ + !]




, 24 2018 . 13:01 +
Enigmatica [ + !]




, 27 2018 . 17:23 +
Akmaya [ + !]


, , , . , ,




, 29 2017 . 16:55 +
Konstancia [ + !]



1. , :
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

2. , :




, 13 2017 . 11:49 +
kudryashechka [ + !]



: C

, 13 2017 . 11:48 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

: C

Amazing () - incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary

wful () - dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant 

Bad () - evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandar, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, nasty, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, deplorable, dismal, foul, ghastly 

Beautiful ( ) - pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid, magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite, aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly, resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparkling

Big (o) - enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large, sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainous

Brave () - courageous, fearless, dauntless, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, bold, gallant, valiant

Bright 1. - shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, colorful, lustrous, luminous, incandescent,
2. , - intelligent, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectual

alm () - quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof

Dangerous () - perilous, hazardous, risky

Delicious ( ) - savory, delectable, appetizing, luscious, scrumptious, palatable, delightful, enjoyable


, 13 2017 . 11:46 +
kudryashechka [ + !]


1. activity [æktˈɪvɪti]
2. ancient [ˈeɪːnʃənt]
3. architecture [ˈɑːkɪtɛktʃə]
4. arrive [ərˈaɪv]
5. art gallery [ˈɑːt gˈæləri]
6. attraction [ətrˈækʃən]
7. beautiful [bjˈuːtəfl]
8. breathtaking [brˈeθtɛɪːkɪŋ]
9. business district [bˈɪznəs dˈɪstrɪkt]
10. castle [kˈɑːsl]
11. church [tʃˈɜːtʃ]
12. close [klous]
13. continue on [kəntˈɪnju w̆ɒn]
14. custom [kˈʌstəm]
15. customary [kˈʌstəməri]
16. dangerous [dˈeɪːndʒərəs]
17. depart [dɪpˈɑːt]
18. devastating [dˈevəstɛɪːtɪŋ]
19. en route [ˈɒŋ rˈuːt]
20. enjoy [ɪndʒˈɔɪː]
21. enormous [ɪnˈɔːməs]
22. entertainment district [ɛntətˈeɪːnmənt dˈɪstrɪkt]
23. event [ɪvˈent]
24. exception [ɪksˈepʃən]
25. exhibition [ɛksɪbˈɪʃən]
26. expect [ɪkspˈekt]
27. extensive [ɪkstˈensɪv]
28. fascinating [fˈæsɪnɛɪːtɪŋ]
29. gorgeous [gˈɔːdʒəs]
30. grocery store [grousəri stˈɔː]
31. heritage [hˈerɪtɪdʒ]
32. highlight [hˈaɪlaɪːt]
33. international [ɪntənˈæʃənl]
34. legend [lˈedʒənd]
35. lobby [lˈɒbi]
36. locals [louklz]
37. location [ləʊːkˈeɪːʃən]
38. lovely [lˈʌvli]
39. magnificent [mægnˈɪfɪsn̩t]
40. map [mˈæp]
41. market [mˈɑːkɪt]
42. monument [mˈɒnjʊmənt]
43. museum [mjuzˈɪəːm]
44. necessities [nɪsˈesɪtiz]
45. original state [ərˈɪdʒənl stˈeɪːt]
46. permit [pˈɜːmɪt]
47. photograph [foutəgrɑːf]
48. popular [pˈɒpjʊlə]
49. postcard [poustkɑːd]
50. prevalent [prˈevələnt]
51. proceed [prəsˈiːd]
52. questions or concerns [kwˈestʃənz ɔː kənsˈɜːnz]
53. raise a hand [rˈeɪːz ə hˈænd]
54. recommend [rɛkəmˈend]
55. reconstructed [rikənstrˈʌktɪd]
56. refer [rɪfˈɜː]
57. relax [rɪlˈæks]
58. request [rɪkwˈest]
59. restaurant district [rˈestrɒnt dˈɪstrɪkt]
60. restored [rɪstˈɔːd]
61. ritual [rˈɪtʃʊəːl]
62. safe [sˈeɪːf]
63. scenery [sˈiːnəri]
64. scenic [sˈiːnɪk]
65. shopping district [ʃˈɒpɪŋ dˈɪstrɪkt]
66. show someone around [ʃou sˈʌmwʌn ərˈaʊːnd] -
67. sit back [sˈɪt bˈæk] ,
68. stairway [stˈeəːwɛɪː]
69. superb [supˈɜːb]
70. supermarket [sˈuːpəmɑːkɪt]
71. surroundings [sərˈaʊːndɪŋz]
72. thrilling [θrˈɪlɪŋ]
73. unbelievable [ʌnbɪlˈiːvəbl]
74. view [vjˈuː]
75. waterfront [wˈɔːtəfrʌnt]


24 , .

, 13 2017 . 11:41 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

24 , .




, 13 2017 . 11:34 +
kudryashechka [ + !]




'I like it very much'

, 12 2017 . 19:34 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

'I like it very much'

'I like it very much'


I'm addicted to it! — !
I'm very fond of it! — , .
I'm hooked on the Net -
She's completely hooked on soap operas. — .
I just like it very very much. —
I'm crazy about it! — !
I'm keen on it! — !
I really enjoy it! - !
It's very interesting for me. — .
It's a great pleasure for me to do it. — .
That's very pleasant for me. — .
It's really great! — !
It's awesome! - !


(Phrasal verbs) - Look

, 12 2017 . 19:33 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

(Phrasal verbs) - Look

(Phrasal verbs) - Look

look about = look around - ,
look about for - , (-.)
I've been looking about for a better job since Christmas.

look back - ,
Man stopped and looked back.
I want to be able to look back -

look down - , / -
he looked down towards the water -
look up and down -

look down - ;

look down - ; ;
look down nose - ( -., -.)

look for - , ,
What are you looking for?
? ?

look forward to - ; (-.)
I'm looking forward to some warmer weather after this bitter winter.
, , .

look out - (.)
Look out! - ! !

look out - ( -. ), (-.)
My hotel room looks out across the lake. - .

look out for - , (-. / -.)
to look out for a house - ( )

look over - , , / ,
He looked around, is there someone else.
, - .

look over - ,
So me and John start to look over the rest of the fuel trucks.
, .

look in - (-.) /
I don't intend to look in tonight, there's nothing worth watching.
, .

look through - , (-.) / ,
I said good morning but she looked me straight through and walked on.
, .

look up - (-. )
look up to - (-.), (-.)
look up - (.) ( )
Things are looking up. - .

look up - (-.)
While you're in London, do look up our old teacher, he'll be pleased to see you.
, , .





, 12 2017 . 19:32 +
kudryashechka [ + !]



I agree / disagree...
In my opinion, ... / From my point of view, ... / As far as I am concerned, ...

I believe that ... / It seems to me that ...
I am in favour of ... / I am against the idea of ...
According to ...
Some people say that ...
It is said / believed that ...
There is no doubt that ...
It cannot be denied that ...
It goes without saying that ....
We must admit that ...


The main argument in favour / against is ...
First of all, I should like to consider ...
The first thing (I would like to consider) to be considered is...
To begin with ... / To start with ...
Apart from that ...
Despite the fact that ... / In spite of the fact that ...
On the one hand ... / On the other hand, ...
Besides, ... / In addition, ...
What is more, ... / Moreover, ... / More than that, ...
What matters most in this case is ...
Finally, ...
However, ... / ..., though
... although ... / ... even though ...
Nevertheless, ...

- :

for this reason
therefore / that is why
sth happened
because of
as a result of
owing to / due to
as a consequence of


for example
for instance
such as


To sum up, ....
To conclude, ...
On this basis, I can conclude that ...
In conclusion, I would like to stress that ...
All in all, I believe that ...

a graduate – ( )
paper qualifications – ,
work experience –
to graduate from (a college, university etc.) – (, )
train as – ,
to qualify as – , -
in-house training –
management development –
management training – ,
skilled — , , (-, )
unskilled – , (-, )
highly skilled – (-, , )
semi-skilled– (-, )
to be skilled at/in smth – , -
to be skilled at/in doing smth – , -
customer care –
good with = skilled at/in – , -
a self-starter = self-motivated = self=driven = proactive] – ( – )
methodical = systematic = organized – ,
computer-literate – ,
numerate –
motivated– ( )
talented– ,
a team player – ,
come through experience –
accountancy firm –
laborer (AmE) = labourer (BrE) – (, )




I think (/)

, 12 2017 . 19:32 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

I think (/):

I suppose – , ,
I suppose it will rain today. (, .)

I reckon – ,
I reckon she is angry at me for leaving her alone. (, - , .)

I guess – , ,
I guess I’ll go now. (, , .)

I imagine – ,
I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel. (, .)

I presume – ,
That’s the new assistant, I presume. ( , .)

In my opinion –
In my opinion this matter is not as bad as it may seem. ( , , .)

I believe – ,
I believe he is innocent. (, .)

It seems to me that – , …
It seems to me that they are conspiring against us. ( , - .)

To my way of thinking,… - , -
To my way of thinking, his speech was not very convincing. ( , .)

As I see it, … – ,
As I see it, he has done nothing wrong but helped his family. ( , , .)

The way I see things is that… – , -
The way I see things is that they have committed a crime and have to be punished. ( , , .)



, 11 2017 . 18:14 +
kudryashechka [ + !]


, :

Talk big — ,
Go on, talk big! I'll soon have you purring like a kitten.

Run for one's life — ,
Simon continued to run for his life.

Throw good money after bad —
You don't spend more money— in effect throw good money after bad.

Cast a glance —
Are there really that many women with that low of self-esteem that they would even cast a glance at a man like this?

Put on a show —
The children are now at an age when they are fully aware of what is going on, so for their sakes Kate and Peter have decided to put on a show of union.

Take turns —
The fact that you take turns attacking, of course, offers endless strategies.

Make a nuisance of oneself —
It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself.

Play the fool —
It's a guy walking around the streets playing the fool.

Have smb on the string —
Olivia breaks off their relationship despite Rollo's attempts to keep her on the string.

Out of sight —
Now get that dog out of my sight.

Take for granted —
What we take for granted might not be here for our children.

Turn inside out —
Oh yeah, there's also a gigantic thing wandering around that looks like if you took a yeti and turned it inside out. Interesting premise.

Make a show of —
The club wants blood, but Jax says they can't make a show of force.

Break loose —
All hell is literally about to break loose as the eve to the magical Libria Solstice approaches

fall /be out of favor — /
Du Barry has been complaining to the King that you will not address her, and you cannot afford to fall out of favor with the King.

Be quits —
As long as the check doesn't bounce, you and I are quits.

Be at the end of one's tether —
I do feel I'm getting to the end of my tether with vampires of late.

Set the pace —
When you set the pace, you control the race.

Keep pace with smb —
They scurried along as fast as they can, trying to keep pace with the moving vehicle below.

single-handed —
Single-handed, through fog and sleet and snow, he daily risks his life in the cause of justice.

Drive someone into a corner —
His efforts to provide himself with an alibi failed and he got driven into a corner.

Hurt smb's pride —
A man was talking about a girl that had hurt his pride. He was in despair.

Cover one's tracks —
Harry was a great cop here in Miami. He taught me how to think like one; he taught me how to cover my tracks. I'm a very neat monster.

Be up to smth —
You are up to no good!

Catch smb unawares —
I have thought about how they so often catch us unawares.

Take by surpirse —
I'm going to come around behind you now, sir. - Okay, Kryten, take me by surprise.

Know smb by sight —
Cartwright, neither of which knows him by sight.

Know one's place —
I know my place. It is time you learn yours.

Lead the way —
Okay, big guy, you lead the way, uh...

Run counter to smth —
As Martin notes, this runs counter to the ideal of the empathetic, hands-on modern dad.

Go to all lengths —
This man will go to all lengths to save his Love.

Have a way with —
I do have a way with the ladies, Lexie! It's my burden!

Tempt fate —
Don't tempt fate, girls — leave the Pandora's box of female sexuality and female creativity alone!

In smb's stead — -
You'll trust us to act in your stead.

Get one's hand in / have a hand in smth —
Not only has he developed a cool giant killer robot but he's got his hand in many other experiments--the most exciting of which is his invisibility formula.

Make up for lost time —
Soon, Jack's young, orphan brother Frankie arrives in town; while Tom and Doris vie for his friendship, the outlaw gang is hoping to make up for lost time.

Go back on one's word —
You can't go back on your word. I can do what I like. Help! Help!

Begin the world —
We have it in our power to begin the world again.

Keep one's nose out of smth —
Why don't you keep your nose out of my family.

Have a bite —
Dave, why don't we order some room service, have a bite, relax.

Do smb a good / bad turn — /
Come on Cookie, you've helped him fuck up his life for the last five years, now do him a good turn.

On pain of smth —
Brother Bender, do you accept the principles of Robotology on pain of eternal damnation in Robot Hell?

Lose sight of —
Sorry I lost sight of you. I had to step outside for a smoke.

Lose face —
He doesn't want to get beaten up, but on the other hand, he doesn't want to lose face in front of Bala.

Cut smb down to size —
Cut him down to size, Jack!

Settle a score —
Thanks for bailing me out, Dad. Can you drop me off at Rushmore? I got to go settle a score.

Play a trick —
That guy's wife must be pretty pissed off to play a trick like that.

Get out of hand — , -
I say we kill him, before this gets out of hand.

Fall into the habit of —
It's just a matter of settling back into the habit of writing every day.

Learn one's lesson —
Oh, no. Not again. I learned my lesson.



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. !

, 11 2017 . 18:13 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

. !

it's high time - ( " ") 
take your time - ( " ") 
help yourself - ( " ") 
to make a decision - ( "")  
to achieve results -
pay attention - ( "") ()
draw (smb's) attention - (-)
to take a chance -  
to have a rest -  
to take offence -  
to take a nap -  
shadow cabinet -
to hit the target -
golden share -
to put an end to - ,
to play with fire -
the root of the trouble -
to read between lines -
to take into account -  
to make a point -  
to jump at conclusions -  
moment of silence -  
ups-and-downs -  
trouble shooter -  
at the world's end -  
think tank -  
token strike -
in accordance with -  
on account of -  
in addition to -  
at any rate -  
on behalf of -  
on the basis of -  
for the benefit of -  
by and large -  
in charge of -  
in connection with -  
in contrast to/with -  
in the course of -  
as early as -  
with the exception of -  
at the expense of -



British VS American

, 11 2017 . 18:12 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

British VS American








, 11 2017 . 18:12 +
kudryashechka [ + !]





, 11 2017 . 17:25 +
kudryashechka [ + !]


back away , , ( ) 
be back
be out , ,
be over ,
be up 1) , ; 2) ,
blow out 1) , ( ..); 
( ); 2)
break down ) , , 
; ; ) , ..; 
2) ( );
break off 1) ( , ..); 2) ,
break out 1) , ( , ..); 2) , ( , , , , ..)
call back 1) (); 2) , o
calm down
carry on -.
check in , ( , , 
, ..)
check out (, ..)
come back 1) ; - 2)
come down 1) , (. ); 
2) ; ; ( )
come in 1) ; , ; 2) ( ..)
come on 1) !, !, !; 2) !, !, !, !, ! come over , , , , -.
cut off 1) , , ; 2) ( .)
fall down 1) , , ( , ); 
2) . .
find out - , , , , ,
get around 1) , (); 
2) ,
get away 1) , , , ; 2) ,
get back
get down - 1) ; ; 2) : , , ; !
give up - , , (),
go away - 1) , (, , ); 2) , ;
go back -
go in -
hang on - 1) - !; 
2) - , , – ;
hold on - 1) ! ( ); 2) , ( ); 3) , ( );
let in - 1) ,
lie down - , (, )
look for -
look forward to - ,
move on - ;
pull on - 1) , ; 2) , (, .l.)
run away - , ,
set up - 1) , ; 2) ,
switch off -
switch on -
take off - 1) , , 2) -
wake up -
walk away - ,
watch out - ,
work out - 1) , ( - , ) 
work up - , , , ,
write down -,


, 09 2017 . 19:04 +
kudryashechka [ + !]




, 09 2017 . 19:00 +
kudryashechka [ + !]



1) Approval, praise, admiration (, , ) 
You did a great job! !
It's great! It's wonderful! ! !
That's great! I'm so proud of you. ! .
Well done! ! !
You did it! ! (.. )
That's my boy! / That's my girl! !

2) Joy, happiness (, )
It's great! That's great! ! !
It's wonderful! That's wonderful! ! !
Great! Beautiful! Wonderful! Excellent! Terrific! (adjectives) ! ! ! ! ! ()
What a wonderful day! !
I love it! !
I'm so happy! !
Just the thing! , !
That's exactly the thing that I wanted! , !

3) Disgust ()
It's terrible! / It's awful! !
Terrible! / Awful! / Horrible! !
How disgusting! !
I hate it! ! / !
I can't stand it! !
It was the worst party (trip, food, day, etc.) in my whole life! (, , ..) !

4) Indifference ()
It doesn't make any difference to me. .
It doesn't matter. .
It's all the same to me. .
I don't care. . / .
I couldn't care less. . / .
Suit yourself. , ( ).

5) Complaining, annoyance, disapproval (, , )
I wish you wouldn't take my books without permission. , .
I thought I told you not to smoke in this room. , .
I thought I asked you to be here by nine o'clock. , .
How many times do I have to tell you to turn off the light when you leave? , ?
Oh, how could you? ?
You should be ashamed of yourself. .
Shame on you! !

6) When someone is bothering / annoying you ( - / )
Leave me alone! !
Mind your own business, will you? !
Stop bothering me! ! / !
Lay off! (slang) ! ()
Get lost! (slang) ! / ! ()

7) Anger, annoyance, resentment (, , )
Why on earth should I do it? ?
Who (the hell) do you think you are? ? / ?
How dare you! !
For heaven's sake! Oh God! ! !
Oh darn! / Oh hell! / Damn! / Damn it! !
That's it! / That does it! , ! (.. )

8) Asking not to get angry
Don't get upset. .
Calm down. .
Take it easy. .
Don't get mad! !
Cool it. (slang) . / . ()

9) Asking not to worry ( )
Don't worry about it. .
Don't worry. Everything will be all right. . .
Calm down. .
Take it easy. .
Relax. . / .

10) Sympathizing () 
I'm sorry to hear that. .
I know how you feel. , .
That's too bad. .
Bad luck. / Hard luck. .
Oh dear! !

11) Encouraging ()
Cheer up! ! / !
Everything will be all right! !
It's not the end of the world! !
Don't give up. Hang in there. . .
Don't worry. You'll be all right. . .

12) Surprise, disbelief (, )
Oh really? / Is that so? ?
That's amazing! !
That's incredible! !
I'm really surprised that (he said it). , ( ).
No kidding? Are you serious? ? ?
You must be joking! You're kidding! , , ! !
I can't believe it. .
It can't be true! !


, 09 2017 . 18:59 +
kudryashechka [ + !]



Speaking -
This is Surikov calling. - .
Who's calling, please? - ()?
Could you put me through to Mr. Sokolov? - - ?
I'm putting you through (I'm ringing your party now). - .
The line is engaged. - .
Can you hold on? - ?
Mr. Jones is on the other fine. - - .
Sorry to have kept you waiting. - , .
I'm putting Mr. Jones on the line. - - .
I'll see if he is in. - , .
Mr. Ivanov is out at the moment. - - .
Could you take a message? (Could I leave a message?) - ?
Mr. Roberts is not available. - - .
Is there any message? - - ?
I'll call back later. - .
There is no reply (answer) at his number. - .
What extension, please? - , ?
You are through. - .
Trying to connect you. - .
You've got the wrong number. - .
Sorry to have troubled (bothered) you. - .
There is no one by the name of Smith here. - .
This is a private residence. - .
I'm sorry to have bothered you - , .
That's quite all right. - .
Could you speak up, please? - ?
Are you there? - ?
Your voice is fading and there's some background noise interfering. - - .
We had a very bad connection. - .
We could scarcely hear each other. - .
Then we were cut off completely. - .
I want to book/to place a call to Moscow for 10 p.m. - 10 .
What number are you calling from? - ?
Would you like to make it personal? Br. / Would you like to make it person-to-person? Am. - ?
I just want a station-to-station call. - .
Will it be on credit? Br. / Is it a credit-card call? Am. - ?
I'm terribly sorry that you have been disconnected. - , .
There seems to be some interruption (interference) in our connection with Chicago. - , .
I'll call you back as soon as there is another circuit open. - , .
I'll ring you as soon as I have your party again. - , .
I can't get through. - .
Go ahead, please. - , .
I'll call him again. - .
Is Mr. Courtney in? - - ?
This is Abrahams of Social Welfare. - .
He is in a meeting with his aids now. - .
I'll call him tomorrow morning
 - .




, 09 2017 . 18:58 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

about , , , - , , , ,
above , , , ,
absent (.) ,
across , ,
after , , ,
against , , , , ,
along ,
amid , ,
amidst , ,
among ,
amongst ,
around , , ,
as ,
aside ,
astride , ,
at , , ,
athwart , , ,
atop , ,
bar , ,
before , ,
behind , ,
below ,
beneath ,
beside , , ,
beyond , , , , ,
but ,
by , , , , , ,
circa , ,
down , , , , , , , ,
except ,
for , , , , , , , , ,
from , , , , -,
in , , , , , , , ,
inside , , ,
into ,
like ; -.; -.
mid ( "amid") , ,
minus ,
near , ,
neath ,
next ,
notwithstanding ,
of , , ,
off , ,
on , , ,
opposite ,
out ,
outside ,
over , , , , , ,
per , , , , , , ,
plus ,
pro , ,
qua ,
round ,
save ,
since ( ),
than ,
through , , , , , , , , ,
to , , , ,
toward , , , , ,
towards , , , , ,
under , ,
up ,
versus (. «vs.») , (-.), (-.), (-.)
vice ,
with , ,
without , , , -

barring , ,
considering ,
during , ,
excepting ,
failing ,
following ,
including ,
past , , , ,
pending , , ,
regarding ,

alongside , ,
within , , , ,
outside , ,
upon , , ,
onto ,
throughout , , ,
wherewith ,

according to
ahead of ,
apart from ,
as far as
as for
as of , ; , ; , (- )
as per
as regards ,
aside from ,
as well as ,
away from ,
because of -
by force of
by means of
by virtue of ,
close to
contrary to ,
due to , , -
except for
far from
for the sake of
in accordance with
in addition to ,
in case of
in connection with
in consequence of ,
in front of
in spite of
in the back of ,
in the course of
in the event of ,
in the middle of
in to (into) ,
inside of (- ),
instead of
in view of
near to ,
next to ,
on account of , -,
on to (onto)
on top of ,
opposite to
out of , , ,
outside of ,
owing to -,
thanks to
up to ,
with regard to ,
with respect to ,


: 30 , .

, 09 2017 . 18:54 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

: 30 , .



: 30 , .

1. I'm sorry to bother you - ,

2. Nice to meet you! -

3. How much is this? -

4. My name is ……., what's yours? I'm from Russia, and you? - …. ? ,

5. Does anybody here speak Russian? -- -?

6. I'm Russian, I don't speak English very well - , -

7. I'm lost, can you help me? - , ?

8. Where can I buy a newspaper? - ?

9. Where can I find a toilet? - ?

10. Where can I buy the tickets? - ?

11. Where is the booking office? - ?

12. How far is it? - ?

13. That's (too) expensive. - ()

14. I'll take one / it / this. -

15. I like this. -

16. I don't like that -

17. Can I pay by credit-card? - ?

18. Can I exchange this? -

19. That's all, thanks - ,

20. Please say that again - ,

21. Could you speak more slowly, please? - ?

22. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - , ?

23.What time is breakfast? - ?

24.When does the bus to Boston leave? - ?

25. Keep the change -

26. Could I have the bill? - ?

27. The hange is not correct -

28. Do you have a table by the window? - ?

29.Could you break this 100 (hundred) dollar bill? - 100- ?

30.Stop here, please. - , .


, 09 2017 . 18:53 +
kudryashechka [ + !]



, - — . , , . . :


How did you cook fish?


. , , , . , . , , , . , . :


Well, first I did X then I did Y… ( )

Oh! It’s easy really. ( )

Why? Don’t you like it? ( )


, :


Can you feel a draught from the window?


, , , , . , , , , ( , - ). , : « , , , .» , - . , . :


No, I’m fine thanks. ( )

Yes, it is a bit cold. ( )

Oh, are you cold? I’ll close the window. ( - )

Yes. Should we move to another room? ( )


, . , , . , , , .




Can’t you drive more quickly? ( )

Have you washed your hands recently? ( )

Why did you paint it red? ( )

Where on earth did you get that hat? ( )


- .


Have you met/Do you know Mr Jones?

Do you two know each other?




Are you doing anything tomorrow night? ( )

Would you like to come to a film on Friday?

Why don’t you come dancing with us?


- :


Won’t you have some more coffee?

Shall I give you a hand?

Would you like me to help you carry that?




Will you just roll up your sleeve? ( )

Close the window, will you/would you? ( )

Will you listen to me for a minute? (, , )




Do you mind if I smoke?

Can I come in?


- :


Could you pass me the newspaper?

Can you reach the salt? (, )

Have you got a minute? ( )


- :


Why don’t we have lunch before we go?

Have you tried doing it this way?

How about asking Bill to the party?




How are you feeling today? ( )

Are you all right? ( )




Do you want a smack? ( )

How would you like a punch on the nose?


, « », , .
 Do you Know Mr Jones? 
 Yes  No.
«Yes»”, .       
Are you doing anything special tomorrow night? 
  Yes No
, «No».



, 09 2017 . 18:49 +
kudryashechka [ + !]


Look here. – .
Thank you very much. – .
It was very kind of you to do it. – ( ).

Excuse me for being late. – .
I must apologize to you. – .
Forgive me, please, I meant well. – , , .
I congratulate you. – .
Happy birthday to you. – .
Have a good time. – .
Let me introduce... – ...
Allow me to introduce (to present). – .
May I present... – ...
Goodbye. – .
See you later. – .
I must be going. – .
By the way... – ...
I have been thinking. – .
You are getting away from the subject. – .
Keep to the point. – .
In short... – ...
Skip the details. – .
That’s all there is to it. – , .
But enough of it.– , .
I see. – .
Say it again, please. – , .
Is that the point? – ?
That is not exactly what I mean. – , .
Let us clear it up. – .
In other words. – .
I mean it. – .
I am coming to that. – .
It stands to reason. – .
All right, I give in, you win. – , , .
What has it got to do with the problem? – ?
You are carrying it too far. – .
It does not make sense. – .
It does not prove a thing. – .
Let us stick to facts. – .
It is not true to facts. – .
That makes all the difference. – - .
That is quite a different thing. – .
On the one hand. – .
On the other hand. – .
As to... / As for... (As far as...is concerned) – ...
Nevertheless. – .
Of course. Certainly. – .
Exactly. – .
That’s right. – .
I agree with you. – .
I think so. – , .
I am afraid so. – , .
I am sure of it. – .
I don’t agree with you at all. – .
Far from it. – .
I don’t think so. – , .
I am afraid you are wrong. – , .
I am not sure of it. – .
I doubt it. – .
I don’tknow. – .
I can’t say. – .
Is he? – ?
Really? – ?
Well, it is a surprise. – , .
Who would have expected that? – ?
You look wonderful today. – .
It does you credit. –



, 09 2017 . 18:48 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

as a matter of fact -
as things turned out -  
as to / as for -  
at first sight / at a glance -  
at any rate -  
at first - - 
at least -  
believe it or not - ,  
by the way -  
deep down - ( ) 
first of all -  
for all / for all that -  
for example / for instance / for one thing - ,…
for one thing -
for one's part / on one's part -
for the most part -
I dare say - ,…
I wonder… -
if I remember rightly -
if I'm not mistaken -
in a nutshell -
in all probability / in all likelihood -
in any case -
in fact -
in my opinion -
In other words - ,
in short / in brief / in a word -
in the long run -
it turned out that - ,
just for the record - ,
lay it on the line -
let alone -
look here -
not to mention -
on the contrary -
one way or another -
or what? - ?
or whatever - -
something tells me - - ,…
that is to say -
that's the way things are going -
to say nothing of -
to say the truth -
to sum up - …
what's more -



, 09 2017 . 18:41 +
kudryashechka [ + !]


1. Hello/ good bye - /  
2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - ! / /  
3. Please thank you - /
4. Sorry -  
5. I don't understand. -  
6. Please speak more slowly. - , , . 
7. Could you repeat that? - ? 
8. What is your name? - ? 
9. My name is . . . . - ... 
10. Nice to meet you! -  
11. How are you doing? ? 
12. Can you help me? - ? 
13. Let's go to... - () ... 
14. I'm looking for... - ... 
15. Where is . . . the bathroom, restaurant, museum, hotel, beach, embassy? - , , , , , ? 
16. How do I get to ..? - ...? 
17. How do you say this? - ? ( ) 
18. How much is this? - ? 
19. Can I ask you a question? - ? 
20. I am from . . . . - ... 
21. Can you help me practice English? - ? 
22. Could you write it down on paper?- ? 
23. What does this word mean? - ? 
24. I am hungry. - . 
25. I am thirsty. - . 
26. I am cold. - . 
27. I am feeling sick. - . 
28. How do you use this word? - ? 
29. Did I say it correctly? - ? 
30. What time is it? - ? 
31. This food is amazing! - - ! 
32. I need to go now. - . 
33. Today, yesterday and tomorrow - , , . 
34. Can you give me an example? - ? 
35. Please wait a moment. - . 
36. Excuse me! - ( ) 
37. I'm sorry to bother you - ,  
38. Does anybody here speak Russian? -- -? 
39. I don't speak English very well - -. 
40. I speak English a little bit - - 
41. I need an interpreter. - . 
42. Where can I buy ...? - ...? 
43. That's (too) expensive. - ()  
44. I'll take one / it / this. -  
45. I like this. -  
46. I don't like that -  
47. Can I pay by credit-card? - ? 
48. Can I exchange this? -  
49. That's all, thanks - ,  
50. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - , ? 
51. This address , please - , ! 
52. Drive me to the airport/hotel/city center - / /  
53.When does the bus to Boston leave? - ? 
54. Stop here, please. - , . 
55. I'd like a ticket to...- ... 
56. When does the check-in begin? - ? 
57. Where can i return my ticket? - ? 
58. Here are my passport and custom declaration -  
59. Here is my luggage -  
60. It is a business trip -  
61. It is a turistic visit -  
62. I travel with a group -  
63. I want to book a room. . 
64. I want a room with bed and breakfast. « ». 
65. Non-smoking, please. - , . 
66. Here you are. , . 
67. Keep the change -  
68. Could I have the bill? - ? 
69. The hange is not correct -  
70 Could you break this 100 (hundred) dollar bill? - 100- ? 
71. What size is this sweater? ? 
72. I want to try it on. - . 
73. I need... - ... 
74. I want to book a table. . 
75. I'd like... - ... 
76. I do not eat meat. -  
77. I agree. - (). 
78. With pleasure. - . 
79. I see. - . 
80. I am busy. - (). 
81. No, thank you. - , . 
82. I am sorry, but I can’t. - , . 
83. Thank you so much!- ! 
84. You are welcome! - ( ). 
85. Best wishes! - ! 
86. Congratulations! - ! 
87. Happy birthday! - ! 
88. I wish you all the best! - ! 
89. Have a good time! - ! 
90. Have a good holiday! - ! 
91. Have a good trip! - ! 
92. Take care! ! 
93. Good luck! - ! 
94. See you (later)! - ! 
95. See you soon! - ! 
96. I need help. . 
97. I'm lost. - . 
98.I have an emergency. Please call for help. - . ! 
99. Call the police! - ! 
100. Call for a doctor. -





, 09 2017 . 18:35 +
kudryashechka [ + !]




To be hoisted by one's own petard - , (: " ")

That's the way the cookie crumbles - (: " ").

To tread on air - (.: " ")

Smell hell - (: " ")

Bare as a bone - (: ", ")

To promise the moon - (: " ")

Neither here nor there - (.: " ")

To call a spade a spade - (.: " ")

Rolling in money - (: " ")

To fly off the handle - (: " ")

To draw the wool over someone's eyes - - (.: " -")

To hang by a thread - (: " ")

Act the fool - (: " ")

It's still all up in the air - (.: " ")

To sit twiddling one's thumbs - (.: " ")

Put it into your pipe and smoke it - . (.: " ")




, 30 2017 . 17:01 +
__ [ + !]

! .

, .

 .     ./4596068_tablica_eng_3 (700x505, 93Kb)

: ~ + ~

Humour.FutbolkaBest.ru - :)



, 21 2017 . 11:17 +
Maja2012 [ + !]


Cheer up! — ! !
Chin up! — !
Don't give up! — !
Come on, you can do! — , !
Keep going! — !
Lighten up! — !
Look on the bright side ... — ...
Smile! — !
There are plenty more fish in the sea. — .
There's no use crying over spilt milk. — .
Worse things happen at sea. — .
You're coming along well. — .
Keep up the good work! — !
That's a good effort. — .
That's a real improvement. — .
You're on the right lines. — .
Every cloud has a silver lining. — .
It's not the end of the world. — .





... !

, 28 2017 . 12:07 +
_ [ + !]

... !

... ...

, .




, -

Copyright: , 2017

4maf.ru_pisec_2017.03.09_02-35-48_58c092324a138 (257x45, 23Kb)

0_3f811_d7b8a3af_S (11x11, 1Kb)


. 1000

, 24 2017 . 16:18 +
11111 [ + !]

. 1000

01-x49oMcHx6Zs (525x700, 335Kb)



1 - 4

, 24 2017 . 09:51 +
11111 [ + !]

1 - 4

001-HNSYn5MOQhE (450x700, 236Kb)




, 22 2017 . 18:23 +
11111 [ + !]


01-izaEztHQ32o (505x700, 329Kb)



, 20 2017 . 16:38 +
11111 [ + !]

01-UorF3Q8kFsE (502x700, 296Kb)



, 19 2017 . 17:00 +
heregirl [ + !]

Air conditioner [e][kn'dnr] .
Airbag [e][bg] .
Arm rest [:m][rest] .

Back seat [bk][si:t] .
Boot [bu:t] .
Brake [brek] .
Brake lights [brek][lats] -.
Brakes [breks] .
Breakdown van ['brekdan][vn] .
Buckle ['bkl] .
Buckle up ['bkl][p] .
Bumper ['bmp] .

Caravan ['krvn] , .
Clutch [kl] .
Cowl [kaul] .

Diesel ['di:zl] .
Door handle [d:]['hndl] .
Driver's license ['drav's ]['lasns] .
Driver's seat ['drav's ][si:t] .
Driving license ['drav]['lasns] .

Engine ['enn] .

Fender bender ['fend][,bend] .
Filling station ['fl]['sten] .
First gear [f:st][g] .
Fix [fks] .
Flat tyre [flt]['ta] .
Freeway ['friwe] , , .
Fuel [fjul] .

Garage ['gr☺ .
Gas [gs] .
Gas gauge [gs][ge] .
Gas pedal [gs]['pedl] .
Gas station [gs]['sten] .
Gas tank door [gs][tk][d .
Gasoline ['gsuli:n] .
Gear lever [g]['li:v] .
Gear shift [g][ft] , .
Gear stick [g][stk] .
Glove compartment [glv][km'p:tmnt] .

Handbrake ['hn(d)brek] .
Head light [hed][lat] .
High beam [ha][bi:m] .
Horn [h:n] .

Ignition key [g'nn][ki .
Ignition switch [g'nn][sw] .
Indicator ['ndket] .
Indicator switch ['ndket][sw] .

Jack [k] .
Jump start [mp][st:t] , .

Lens [lenz] .
License plate ['lasns][plet] .
License plate number ['lasns][plet]['nmb] .
Lock [lk] , , .
Low beam [lu][bi:m] .

Miles per hour [mals][p:]['au] .
Moonroof [munruf] .
Motor ['mut] .
Motorway ['mutwe] .

Neutral ['nju:trl] .
Number plate ['nmb][plet] .

Oil [l] .
Outside mirror ['aut'sad]['mr] .

Parking ['p:k] .
Parking light ['p:k][lat] .
Parking ticket ['p:k]['tkt] .
Passenger seat ['psn][si:t] .
Petrol ['petrl] .
Petrol cap ['petrl]['kp] .
Petrol gauge ['petrl][ge] .
Petrol station ['petrl]['sten] .
Power locks ['pau][lks] .
Pump [pmp] .

Rear light [r][lat] .
Rear seat [r][si:t] .
Rear window [r]['wndu] .
Rearview mirror [r][vju:]['mr] .
Reverse [r'v:s] .
Reversing lights [()v][lats] .
Rim [rm] .
Roundabout ['raundbaut] .

Safety belt ['seft][belt] .
Safety seat ['seft][si:t] .
Screwdriver ['skru:,drav] .
Seat [si:t] .
Seat belt [si:t][belt] .
Shift [ft] .

shift stick [ft][stk]
shoulder ['uld]
side mirror [sad]['mr]
sidelight ['sadlat]
skid [skd] ;
sliding sunroof [sld]['snruf]
spare part [spe][p:t]
spare tire [spe]['ta]
spare wheel [spe][wi:l]
speed limit [spi:d]['lmt]
speedometer [sp'dmt]
steering wheel [st][wi:l]
stick shift [stk][ft]
stop-lights [stp][lats] -
sun visor [sn]['vaz]
tail light [tel][lat] ,
tailgate ['telget]
taillight ['tellat]
tepney ['stepn]
ticket ['tkt]
tire ['ta]
tool [tu:l]
traffic light ['trfk][lat]
traffic signal ['trfk]['sgnl]
trailer ['trel]
trailer hitch ['trel][h]
transmission [trnz'mn]
truck [trk]
trunk [trk]
tube type [tju:b][tap]
tubeless [ubles]
turn signal lever [t:n]['sgnl]['li:v]
understeering ['nd'str]
upholstery [p'hulstr] ,
u-turn [t:n]
vanity mirror ['vnt]['mr]
vehicle ['vi:kl]
wheel [wi:l]
winch [wn]
window ['wndu]
windshield ['wndi:ld]
windshield wiper ['wndi:ld]['wap] ,
wiper ['wap]
wrench [ren]
lM4M2rG-gfc (576x604, 194Kb)


45 , !

, 11 2017 . 17:09 +
Donnarossa [ + !]

45 , !

45 ,
1. —
2. ,
« »
3. ,
5. «», :
, ,
unnamed (6) (140x24, 5Kb)



, 27 2017 . 08:57 +
_ [ + !]



Ask me another - !
eat one's words -
Enough of it -
go into details -
I don't care -
I have no idea -
I mean it! -
I wish I knew - !
It doesn't matter -
It doesn't make sense -
It doesn't prove a thing -
It' s none of your business -
It's a lie -
It's all the same to me -
It's beside the point -
It's new to me -
It's out of place -
It's up to you -
It's waste of time -
Let's clear it up - .
Let's drop the subject -
Mind one's own business -
no matter -
point of view -
pro and con -
say one's say -
side against -
So what? - ?
speak one's mind -
stand one's ground -
stand to reason - ,
take a side -
take a stand -
take into account -
That's not the point -
That's very well, but - , .
to one's face - ( )
up against -
Use your own judgement -
What are you driving at? - ?
What are you talking about? - !
What for? - ?
What of it? - ?
You can take it from me -
fm01zGpE6ow (679x435, 125Kb)


, 24 2017 . 13:25 +
heregirl [ + !]

? . , .

, - , . , , , , Simple, Continues Perfect.

, , , :


Continuous, , , . Perfect, Simple.

. .

- .
iuOq4j-BV_8 (604x424, 147Kb)


, 05 2017 . 14:39 +
[ + !]

1) .

2) : , — , — — — .
: , — , — — — .
: , — - ,
— — — — — .
: : , — — : — , — — — — — : — — — .

3) ! - ?
, , .

4) , ; , , .



, 26 2017 . 10:18 +
Mellodika [ + !]

delightful - ,
terrified -
infuriated -
fearful - ,
guilty -
stuffed -
dejected -
self-disgusted -
peevish -
appalled - ,
melancholy -
giggly -
astonished -
mirthful -
dreamy - ,
sarcastic - ,
blue - ,
stunned -
bored -
shocked -
hysterical -
awed -
woozy -
distressed -
cheery -
angst -ridden -
worried -
startled - ,
doubtful -
contented -
frightened -
excited -
surprised -
lovey-dovey - , , (AmE)
embarrassed -
haggard -
fuming -
agitated -
horrified -
16ASwb2xJY4 (700x693, 232Kb)


, 18 2017 . 15:08 +
_ [ + !]

— . . , . 

«» «», «», « », « » «», «» « ».

, « » — , « » — , « » — ?

, , (« ...»), (« »), (« !»)?


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