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Nad Tatrou Sa Blýska
KosiceSlovakia | 14.09.2009
Nad Tatrou sa blýska hromy divo bijú.
Zastavme ich, bratia, veď sa oni stratia, Slováci ožijú.
To Slovensko naše posiaľ tvrdo spalo.
Ale blesky hromu vzbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo.
Thanks: http://www.youtube.com/911ivan221
VideoCredid: MISHA
All images, documents, and music files were taken from the web. Credit belongs to respected authors. I take no credit in any of the work I posted on my channel except that I did put together the images on a photoshop program. If you want me to remove any videos/music which has infringe your rights, feel free to contact me at KosiceSlovakia@aol.com
Slovenská hymna/Szlovák himnusz Maďarskej ľudovej piesni/Magyar népdal
1908 Bartók Béla-Azt mondják.wmv
Magyar városok
Boldogasszony Anyánk / Régi Magyar Himnusz
National Anthem of Hungary - Magyar Himnusz
, . Marco Borsato, speeltuin |
Marco Borsato, speeltuin
Marco Borsato - Dochters (officiële videoclip) |
Marco Borsato - Dochters (officiële videoclip)
Nick en Simon - De soldaat |
Nick en Simon - De soldaat
Jamie Cullum - What A Difference A Day Made- I'm All Over It - Dream On |
Jamie Cullum - What A Difference A Day Made
Jamie Cullum - I'm All Over It Official Video
Jamie Cullum & Marco Borsato - Dream On
1993 . |
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Desert_Man, , . , ; - - .
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