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, 28 2010 . 15:28 +






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       He had a fetish for her toes, and insisted on doing the nails with bright red polish at least twice a month. They'd seen it in Bull Durham, and though he wasn't as neat and sober as Kevin Costner, she had grown to enjoy the intimacy of it.

 "The Pelican Brief" John Grisham.


     , , .   Bull Durham, , ʸ, .

  Darby sat in a chair and pulled her feet under her. Red toenails.


  He lifted her feet and sat at the end of it. They were in his lap. red toenails. He rubbed her ankles and tought only of this first major event - the holding of the feet. It was terribly intimate for him, but didn't seem to faze her.

"The Pelican Brief" John Grisham.




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You may ask: what is so interesting about these feet? What is all this fuss about?

Every human organ is beautiful. I believe this contention is true for my favorite feet. But when the beauty of an organ is at its maximum? I think an organ is most beautiful when it is at high point of its function. The second acme of beauty is the moment of maximal relaxation.

Look at this: the strenuous acrhs and curves, the dinamic creases of skin, the pads of toes so flat, the ball of the heel raised! The feet will fly next moment.


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           toes, . , . 



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        Foot fetishism has been defined as a pronounced sexual interest in the feet or footwear. Freud considered foot binding as a form of fetishism. For a foot fetishist, points of attraction include the shape and size of the foot and toes (e.g., long toes, short toes, painted toes, high arches, slender soles, fat toes, long toenails, short toenails, small feet, toenail color), jewelry, toe rings, ankle bracelets, treatments e.g. French pedicure, state of dress (e.g., barefoot, flip flops, or clad in socks or nylons), odor, and any form of sensory interaction, e.g. licking, kissing, sucking, tickling, person giving foot jobs, pedal pumping or trampling/stomping and shoeplay.



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, 21 2010 . 10:30 +









Part 1.





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10% .


 There were no less than 10% of Nu on the Big annual German art exhibitions.



    For some time the idea had circulated that nudity was a healthy, typically “German” pastime, particularly when the nude human bodies were cavorting in the beloved German countryside. One of the advocates of nudity was Hans Suren, a fever Nazi and author of several books: Der Mensch und Sonne, German Gymnastic, Physical beauty and Training.

Many of the ideas the Nazis seized upon were already “in the air”, even the aesthetic that is often  considered a “Nazi” aesthetic. Among these was the exaltation of nudity, the cult of the body, of youth, of strength.

      , , "" , , . , : , , . , , , . : , , .



Karl Truppe (1887-1959)



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« »    

   (200x144, 24Kb)                              (313x390, 33Kb)

Leda mit dem Schwan. 1945.                                                                         Die Badende 1927.




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.    Das Erwachen. 1939.


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    , - (, ), . , .  . , - . , , .

     What I have to say about this Truppe? There is a wild hotchpotch of classicism, the mythology, the romanticism and everything imaginable. Leda is nothing interesting. Prometheus with his big cock suffers very dull. Hitler did not like it. But he was a great patron of art and squandered a lot of reichmarks to Truppe.

19-3 (377x261, 23Kb)


. . . 1941


19-6 (310x292, 14Kb)





  Sepp Hilz


      ., 1938 10 (« »). 1939 1 , . 1938 1944 . 22 .



       Sepp Hilz was one of Hitler’s favorite painters. Hitler bought his picture “After Work” for 10 thousand marks in 1938. In 1939 author got 10 million marks as a government gift to buy a land and to build a house and an art atelier. From 1938 until 1944 Hilz showed 22 paintings on the national art exhibitions.


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  • « » (1939)
  • PEASANT VENUS (1939)


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      , , . "", . , , , . . 

      And what? It's a very plain thing, but the thing of fine taste, I like it. The contemporary critics had a good laugh at   " the naked baby doll". Incidently, Furer banned the art critique at all. He beleived that critique insults the artist and pressures the viewer's opinion. The most egregious critics had opportunity to exersise their sharp wit in the very nasty places.


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Die Eitelkeit.



  , ( )  . 

     I have got an impression that there is the same model on two pictures ( the sock and the slippers are the same positively). He liked collars too. Sepp is a frolicsome fellow.




Wilhelm Hempfing  (1886–1948).

        (240x181, 9Kb)     (176x240, 9Kb)

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  , , .

       I like the girl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s concentration. We may suppose  that she is preparing for a clyster.


Adolf Ziegler .

      , .

      The person Furer liked dearly. Ziegler's Three elements hung over the fireplace in Munich "brown house".

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() , . 60, , .

   The critics (who was not in the prison) said, that one cannot read at one meter length. We, persons in our fifties understand perfectly well, that nearer we cannot see at all.


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 Ivo Saliger    1894-1987


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Diana's rest.

  (550x463, 19Kb)

. 1939.

of Paris (1939)

- , .

 The breathtakingly absurd Judgement
of Paris (1939), which shows Paris as
a Hitler Youth in shorts, choosing
between three strapping specimens of
Aryan womanhood.

        , , . .

         Ivo created with line production method. The sitters are the same on both pictures. On the first picture she lies, on the Judgement of Paris sits, on the "Diana\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Rest" the model is in profile and on "The Judgement of Paris" we can see her back. Yet their hairdresses are the same! 

 (250x400, 20Kb)  .   The cloak-room of Paris court . 

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"Tiziano" of pitiful sight.

       ,   .  , - , , .


        It’s amazing how the Third Reich artists could so completely ovoid any sex appeal when depicting a naked woman’s body. The naked young girl always waits for man’s choice and marriage. The matured woman it is a mother of German warrior. There were never any lovers and acts of sex. All is very severe.

     , , , , . 1937 "" Der Kameradschaft , , . , , - , . , , ?

    We cannot deprive Reich era German artists of breakthrough in men’s nu problem. This breakthrough took place in the sculpture mostly. On the contrary the naked men were not highly thought of by the socialrealism. In the Exposition Internationale Paris 1937 the entrance to German pavilion was decorated with Josef Torak  sculpture group "Friendship" Der Kameradschaft  , but Hitler liked more Soviet "Industrial Worker and Collective Farmer Woman", that stood just opposite to the German pavilion.

         I believe there is some sodomite tang with “buddies”. They keep hands so tenderly. Yet I don’t understand one thing; there are three figures in each group on the pavilion photos and there are only two on the sculpture group photo itself.


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    .   !!!   , ,   .

    It’s enough to look at one of male figures to believe you have seen them all. Arno Breker had chiselled  Die Wehrmacht and Die Partei and Die Abwehr too!!! Die Abwehr I think needs the cock with screw to backsides of Reich foes.

 (308x513, 42Kb)    .    .     Die Partei. Arno Breker

             (319x339, 12Kb)    (250x396, 15Kb) . Die Wehrmacht.

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And it's Arno Breker too .



     Ferdinand Preiss - , ? .


( ) .

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Ferdinand Preiss. 



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Preiss was not Nazi. But some of his works were in accord with the prevailing ideas of the Third Reich the cult of the body, of youth, of strength.

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, .

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1. Ferdinand Preiss. Art Deco Sculptor. The fire and the flame. Alberto Shayo.

2. http://nazi-art.ru/main.html





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    , ? ! -, PIN-UP , . .


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Gene Pressler (1893 – ?)

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, 01 2010 . 13:16 +
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, 03 2010 . 19:58 +










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