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Mannenkoor Urker Zangers |
Mannenkoor Urker Zangers: Vaste Rots van mijn behoud
urkerzanger, : 30.04.2009
Mannenkoor Urker Zangers o.l.v. Jacob Schenk te gast bij E.O. 'Nederland Zingt'. Vanuit de Nieuwe Kerk te Middelburg. Opname september 2008. Bekijk en beluister 'Vaste Rots van mijn behoud'
(Tekst: Jacqueline E. van der Waals / arr.: J. van der Waart)
Solist: Florian Poepjes.
Vaste Rots
Mannenkoor Urker Zangers: Psalm 75 vers 1 en 6.
urkerzanger, : 30.04.2009
Mannenkoor Urker Zangers o.l.v. Jacob Schenk te gast bij E.O. 'Nederland Zingt'. Vanuit de Nieuwe Kerk te Middelburg. Opname september 2008. Bekijk en beluister Psalm 75, 'U alleen U loven Wij' (arr. Frits Bode)
Urker Zangers - Psalm121 - Bewerking: Henk Held
urkerzanger, : 04.06.2011
Op Hemelvaartsdag (donderdag 2 juni) 2011 was mannenkoor ,,Urker Zangers" o.l.v. Jacob Schenk weer present tijdens 'Zang op Hemelvaart' in de Urker Visafslag, het inmiddels zeer bekende Urker Hemelvaartsconcert waar diverse Urker koren hun medewerking aan verlenen. Begeleiding: Jaap Joh. Kramer.
Deze bewerking van Psalm 121 is van de oud-beiaardier carillon van de Emmeloordse Watertoren, Henk Held. Melodie zit bij de baritons, de omlijsting bij de tenoren. Een nummer uit de beginjaren van mannenkoor ,,Urker Zangers".
Opname en uitzending: Reformatorische Omroep.
yt:stretch=16:9 Mannenkoor Urker Zangers o.l.v. Jacob Schenk Hemelvaartsdag 2011 Urk Psalm121 religious music vocal
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- Corpus Christi - Fronleichnam 2011 - The Monastic Channel - 23.06.2011 |
Priesterweihen am Dreifaltigkeitssonntag 2011 - The Monastic Channel - 19.06.2011
Nicht gleiche Antworten aber die gleichen Fragen,
nicht gleiche Wege aber das gleiche Ziel,
nicht gleiche Frömmigkeit aber den gleichen Herrn,
nicht alle gleich aber alle eins
sich gleichzeitig geliebt wissen
und liebend.
Viel Segen für Eure ganze Gemeinschaft.
20dragonfly201 3 .
My wish to the new priests:
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.
chapel361 3 .
Und wie auf Bestellung der Segen von "oben" die Strahlen der drei Fenster Front die sagen alles ist gut. Ihr macht wirklich einen guten Job!
erzengelmichael14 3 .
Congratulations to the church for it's new priests
eneboer 3 .
Fronleichnam 2011 - The Monastic Channel - 23.06.2011
OCist33, : 23.06.2011
Heiligenkreuz OCist33 Fronleichnam Jesus Eucharistie KAtholische Kirche Catholic Church Zisterzienser Mönch Chant
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- -VE Day In London (1945) |
VE Day In London (1945)
airboyd, : 22.06.2011
http://airboyd.tv (Color, Silent) VE Day in London.
Courtesy: Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 18SFP9490, 9491
US Army Air Force, 3rd and 4th CCU, Lt. West; King
(18 SFP 9490) May 9, 1945. LS of Westminster Abbey. Big Ben. Pedestrian traffic. Crowds. Women dancing on street. People carrying flags. Parade. Couples dancing on square. Megaphone. Crowd surrounding Buckingham Palace, Queen Mother and King on balcony. Billboards in Piccadilly Circus, shop signs, traffic, crowds line streets. Buses squeeze through people.
airboyd #airboydtv airboyd.tv
thanks to all who fought and died to rid the world of the Nazi menace.
strafrag1 11 .
In light of the almost, immediate, display of Soviet hegemony in Berlin, and else where, a short lived celebration indeed...
deetjay1 13 . 2
If only our nations today were as great as they were then.
username5954 13 . 4
Arguably, the greatest day in modern world history. Loved it!
SFLRailFan 14 .
@SFLRailFan Agreed. When you realize the scope and reality of the situation, it is without question one of the most significant moments for mankind. Why? Because the UK and all of Europe would have been overrun by the Nazi's if the US hadn't joined forces with Britain. That along with Russia being on a quest of their own to stop the mad man after they too were invaded and actually got to him first.
jeffhanson1 8 .
The Benedictine Monastery of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) organist - Cristiano Rizzotto Vidal Pessôa (21) |
The Benedictine Monastery of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) organist - Cristiano Rizzotto Vidal Pessôa (21)
The statue of Cristo Redentor atop Corcovado Mountain on all fotos
Toccata in the Monastery
The Benedictine Monastery of Rio de Janeiro
cristianovpessoa, : 17.12.2010
Clip from the CD Jubilate Deo, recorded in 2009, with the monks of the Benedictine Monastery of Rio de Janeiro and the choir and the choir Benedict of Nursia, in commemoration of the 150 years of the Monastery's school.
Clipe do CD Jubilate Deo, gravado em 2009, com os monges do Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro e o coral Bento de Núrsia, em comemoração dos 150 anos do Colégio.
Cristiano Rizzotto Vidal Pessôa is currently the organist of the Monastery of Saint Benedict of Rio de Janeiro.
Benedictine Monastery Mosteiro de São Bento Rio Janeiro Rizzotto Vidal Pessôa Cristiano Gregorian Chant Canto Gregoriano Organ Órgão Monks Monges Beneditinos Organista Organist Colégio Coral Jubilate Deo Nursia christianity worship Music RJ Brazil Brasil Catholic Church Igreja Católica
Gherardus Scronx - Echo
cristianovpessoa, : 07.02.2010
Piece by Gherardus Scronx (XVI-XVII centuries) played by the Brazilian organist and pianist Cristiano Rizzotto Vidal Pessôa.
Echo Eco Organ Órgão Rizzotto Vidal Pessõa Cristiano Escola de Música da UFRJ Universidade Federal do Rio Janeiro Rodgers Rolland Salão Leopoldo Miguez Recital RJ Brazil Brasil Discípulo Professor Alexandre Rachid
MOSTEIRO DE SÃO BENTO. Rio de Janeiro. 06 de fevereiro de 2010.
pauloresendefotograf, : 07.02.2010
06 de fevereiro de 2010.
Clips filmados e fotos pelo Fotógrafo Paulo Resende
mosteiro são bento rio de janeiro 06 de fevereiro 2010