Сын последнего иранского шаха покончил с собой? |
02:13 5.01.2011
Сын последнего иранского шаха покончил с собой
Младший сын бывшего иранского шаха Мохаммеда Резы Пехлеви покончил жизнь самоубийством в своем доме в Бостоне.
Как сообщает РИА «Новости» со ссылкой на АР, бывший принц Ирана, 44-летний Алиреза Пехлеви «в течение нескольких лет пытался преодолеть свою печаль», - цитирует агентство сообщение его старшего брата, размещенное на сайте. Однако, старший сын Резы Пехлеви не разъясняет причину самоубийства Алиреза.
В доме на юге Бостона полиция обнаружила тело с огнестрельной раной, которую, предположительно, погибший нанес себе сам. Однако, сотрудники правопорядка, подтверждая этот факт, все же официально не идентифицирует погибшего. Как сообщает агентство, представитель следственных органов сообщил, что тело принадлежит Алирезе Пехлеви, лишь на условиях анонимности.
Правление шаха Мохаммеда Резы Пехлеви прервалось в феврале 1979 года в ходе исламской революции. После свержения Пехлеви иранцы на референдуме проголосовали за провозглашение страны Исламской Республикой. Изгнанный шах получил политическое убежище в Каире, где он скончался в 1980 году.
Голодомор 32-33 років в Україні - © ТРК 41 Канал |
Голодомор 32-33 років в Україні - © ТРК 41 Канал
Вечная память убитым и замученным!
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Заходьте на мій канал.
Щиро дякую, Павло В. Лашкевич
Тимошенко прийшла в суд підтримати Луценка |
Тимошенко прийшла в суд підтримати Луценка
По Русски - "решётка", а по - Украински - "грати"
Josh Groban You are loved dont give up with lyrics |
Josh Groban You are loved dont give up with lyrics
HeavyBirdProductions - Josh Groban - You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) [HQ] |
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Птица Небесная принесла подарок к Рождеству Христову 2011:
Josh Groban - You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) [HQ]
Христианский Европейский Гуманизм передаётся и прививается Духом и Словом.
Голос - высшая форма воздействия на Душу.
+++ Павел В.Л.:Господи, Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй мя грешного! +++
Скоро Рождество Христово 2011 You Are Loved - Josh Groban - A short film |
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Скоро Рождество Христово 2011
You Are Loved - Josh Groban - A short film
fifalacious | 10/06/2007 | Сподобалося: 150, не сподобалося 7
Funny how God, Christ, was even rejected by Peter at first. "His own people recieved him not". But Jesus was patient with them, as he is with us... not only patient but he loves us with a fire burning red, and consoles us, asking us not to give up, ever. Don't give up, because God is waiting for you on the other side. I've placed particular emphasis on St Peter, whom I am not worthy to call a friend, and his inner journey mainly because that's my name, he's my patron, and he's helped me in difficult times by speaking to Jesus on my behalf, but also because in him we kind of see all of us in some way don't we? Rash, arrogant, empty-promises, and yet, he'd end up dying for the Lord whom he loved. I can say, that my experience so far on this journey is similar to his and that I too wish to give it all back to God and help others on that same road. What about you? Leave a comment. ;)
I'd like to call down upon Josh Groban, Robert Powell & Olivia Hussey (and the entire Jesus of Nazareth cast), Jeremy Sisto & Jacqueline Bisset (and the entire Jesus cast), Jim Caviezel & Maia Morgenstern (and the entire The Passion cast) God's blessings and mercy through this video. May their success be the type which God wishes for all of us, and I just want to say thank-you to them for using their talents and sharing them with all of us.
I'd like to dedicate this tiny work, to you Lord, Jesus. It is so hard not seeing you! Not because I do not believe. How can I not believe when you have shown me so many times that you are with me? But it's just because when you love someone, you wanna see them, be with them, hold their hand. So it's hard Lord, because I love you above all else, eventhough my actions may not back it up at times. But you're worth a lifetime's walk of faith and sacrifice and so much more. You're worth everything I can give multiplied by billions, and even then, I would fall short of what I truly owe you because you are the Lord of all creation, and the life I possess is yours and always was. Just let me make of it something beautiful so that which I give back to you won't be an offense, but rather a sentiment of how truly grateful I am.
I only ask one thing Lord, have mercy on me, have mercy. On me and on all my friends and loved ones. Have mercy on us all especially those who once knew you and have strayed into the temptations of the world.
We're sorry you had to perform miracles before your own people could accept your word. But now, we need no more signs. You are He, the One Who's gaze has been upon us from all eternity. You are He, the one Who descended into our midst, God from God, Light from Light, and assumed a true human nature making you capable of suffering and joining our condition in solidarity. What an awesome God!! How can we not love You?
To the special person watching this, never forget, there is always hope. Do not doubt, Jesus is alive! You can't see him, because it is not yet time. But ask him to make this known to you, and He will. He knows your situation better than you yourself know it. He's with you and he loves you, and he waits for you in eternity because of that love. Seek, work, pray, love, and you'll be ok. Above all.. go slow. It's a process.. a walk.. a journey. And smile on the way. ;)
St. Peter, please remember me when you speak to Jesus and Mary, our mother. Hoping to see you some day in that perfect kingdom to which you were given the keys and to which we are all called, won for us by God's humble little Lamb, Jesus. Love you Jesus.
(Павел.В.Л.: согласен.)
To Where You Are (with Jesus) by Josh Groban
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Да сохранит его Бог.
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Святая Великомученица Анастасия - узорешительница, моли Бога о нас |
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+++ Святая Великомученица Анастасия - узорешительница, моли Бога о нас +++
День памяти по новому стилю 04 Января ежегодно.
Башка и Ржавый — Поцелуи |
Карта сайта: http://tv.molodejj.ru/map/
Видео по тегу:
поцелуй, (Башка и Ржавый)
Башка и Ржавый — Поцелуи
плэйер в безпрерывном режиме: http://tv.molodejj.ru/dm36_gop1/
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