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Kyiv. Lavra Pecherskaya - Lavra Nebesnaya

Lavra Pecherskaya nebesnaya krasa.Foto Paul Lashkevich_ 05.Mar.2007_ 082.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.All Saints Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_14.June.2007_049.JPGLavra Pecherskaya.Lavra Nebesnaya Bell.Foto Paul Lashkevich_20.Sept.2008_DSC08039.JPG

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- - Hochfest Pfingsten im Hohen Dom zu Köln 2011 Einzug

, 16 2011 . 18:04 +

Hochfest Pfingsten im Hohen Dom zu Köln 2011 Einzug


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JMFontecha : , Google Earth (KML)

, 16 2011 . 16:36 +
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Maria Carta - Ave Maria Catalana - DEUS TI SALVET MARIA (trad. in italiano)

, 16 2011 . 15:58 +

Ave Maria-Maria Carta



yeoshuha, : 20.01.2008

Ave Maria in algherese(dialetto catalano arcaico parlato nella città di Alghero)

ave maria carta giotto italian etnic music slideshow



Maria Carta - Ave Maria Catalana

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZibwjqcn3o

nuraxis, : 16.01.2008

Canto religioso tradizionale della città di Alghero (XVIII secolo) nella parlata catalano-algherese. Elaborazione della maestra Isabella Montanari.

Lingua catalana corretta(così non se l'hanno a male i catalani doc :-)) :

Ave Maria
Plena de gràcia
Nostro Senyor
És amb tu
I beneïda sés tu
Més de totes les dones
I beneït sigui
lo fill tou Jesús

Santa Maria
Mare de Déu
Prega pels pobres
Pecadors que tadoren
Ara i en lhora
De la mort nostra

Testo ricopiato tale quale dal libro di Garau "Maria Carta":

Ave Maria
plena de grassias
nostru Sagnor
es ama tu
i benaira ses Tu
mes de tottas las donas
i benaitu sighi lu fil tou Jesus

Santa Maria
Mara de Deu
prega pels probas
peccarol che t'adoran
ora y nell'ora
della molt nostra

Maria Carta AveMariaCatalana Alghero Sardegna Musica Sacra Catalogna Sardinian Ethnic Musicfolk Mediterranea



Maria Carta - DEUS TI SALVET MARIA (trad. in italiano)


sardinianmusic, : 28.07.2009

Canto tradizionale in lingua sarda

Traditional medieval holy song of Sardinia

Deus ti salvet, Maria,
chi ses de grassias piena;
de grassias ses sa vena ei sa currente.

Su Deus Onnipotente
cun tecus est'istadu;
pro chi t'hat preservadu immaculada.

Beneitta e laudada
supra tottus gloriosa,
ses mamma, fiza e isposa de su Segnore.

Beneittu su fiore,
fruttu de su sinu;
Gesus, fiore Divinu, Segnore nostru.

Pregade a fizu bostru
pro nois peccadoris,
chi tottu sos errores nos perdonet.

Ei sas grassias nos donet,
in vida e in sa morte,
ei sa dizzosa sorte, in Paradisu.


Dio ti salvi, Maria,
che sei piena di grazia;
di grazie sei la sorgente e la corrente.

Il Dio Onnipotente
con te e' stato;
percio' ti ha preservato immacolata.

Benedetta e lodata
sopra tutti gloriosa
sei mamma, figlia e sposa del Signore.

Benedetto il fiore,
frutto del seno;
Gesu' fiore Divino Signore nostro.

Prega tuo figlio
per noi peccatori,
che tutti gli errori ci perdoni.

E ci dia grazie,
nella vita e nella morte,
e una buona sorte, in Paradiso.


Sardegna musica canzone music song traditional canto gregoriano chiesa chiese sarde sarda sardinian sardinia sardaigne sardinien cerdena sardinie folk revival gregorian medieval gothic religion christianity church ave maria





Tenores di Bitti: Deus ti Salvet Maria


loybillyrock, : 03.02.2008

Il culto Mariano in Sardegna è sentito da tutta la popolazione sarda. Gran parte delle stesse chiese sono dedicata alla Madonna

Loybillyrock ZoeRock Sardinia Sardegna Cerdena Tenores Bitti Barbagia Nuoro


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Catedral de Santa María la Real de la Almudena de Madrid - Volteo campanas catedral almudena, 3

, 16 2011 . 14:49 +

Catedral de Santa María la Real de la Almudena de Madrid

Foto: La Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Almudena en Madrid.JPG

3418201_La_Catedral_de_Nuestra_Seora_de_la_Almudena_en_Madrid (640x480, 129Kb)



Imagen de Santa María de la Almudena, titular de la catedral y patrona de Madrid.

3418201_Imagen_de_Santa_Mara_de_la_Almudena_titular_de_la_catedral_y_patrona_de_Madrid__450pxAlmudena_Cathedral_05 (450x600, 139Kb)

:  http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Almudena_Cathedral_05.jpg


Ave María - Schubert...Catedral de la Almudena - Madrid

Text: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1-Sj4aV1ok


Vigila de la Inmaculada,Catedral de la Almudena,Madrid


10predicadoresdhoy, : 07.12.2010

7 - Diciembre - 2010 - Momento de Silencio, Vigilia de la Inmaculada - Catedral de la Almudena,Madrid.

Vigilia Inmaculada Catedral Almudena Madrid España



Día de la Almudena - Madrid - 9 de Noviembre de 2009


jolurp, : 14.11.2009

Fotos del día de la Almudena, Patrona de Madrid




Himno a la Virgen de la Almudena.WMV



Catedral de la Almudena (Madrid) viajarsinprisa.net


Viajarsinprisa, : 08.11.2010


Catedral de la Almudena Madrid Arte Arquitectura



museo de la catedral de la Almudena


museoalmudena93, : 21.12.2009

Un recorrido por los interiores del museo de la Catedral y sus vistas de Madrid desde la Cúpula.

museo almudena catedral



Volteo campanas catedral almudena, 3



scheer, : 23.05.2006

Volteo de campanas para celebrar la elección de benedicto XVI

Bells campanas cathedral madrid



Corpus Christi Madrid 2007


scheer, : 11.06.2007

Procesión del Corpues en Mayor a la altura de Capitanía

Procesion corpus Madrid campanas almudena



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Catedral de Santa Maria, Burgos, España

, 15 2011 . 00:39 +

3418201_800pxCatedral_de_BurgosParador (700x525, 103Kb)

Catedral de Santa Maria, Burgos, España, 


Catedral de Burgos



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Scene from "Persepolis"

, 15 2011 . 17:09 +

Scene from "Persepolis"


FirouzanFilms, : 18.11.2008

Taken from the pages of the graphic novels, "Persepolis" centers around Marjane, only a child during the time of the Iranian Revolution, who is sent to Austria by her parents when living in Iran becomes too dangerous due to the Iraqi invasion and the purging of suspected domestic enemies by the country's new rulers. Marjane eventually returns to Iran and finds that her homeland has changed drastically since she last left, having exchanged the oppression of the Shah for the restrictions of the theocratic regime.


Iran Marjane Satrapi



Marjane Satrapi

Marjane Satrapi (Persian: مرجان ساتراپی) (born 22 November 1969 in Rasht, Iran) is an Iranian-born French[1][2] contemporary graphic novellist, illustrator, animated film director, and children's book author. Apart from her native language Persian, she speaks English, Swedish, German, French and Italian.[3]


Satrapi grew up in Tehran in a family which was involved with communist and socialist movements in Iran prior to the Iranian Revolution. She attended the Lycée Français there and witnessed, as a child, the growing suppression of civil liberties and the everyday-life consequences of Iranian politics, including the fall of the Shah, the early regime of Ruhollah Khomeini, and the first years of the Iran-Iraq War. She experienced an Iraqi air raid and Scud missile attacks on Tehran. According to Persepolis, one Scud hit the house next to hers, killing her friend and entire family.
Satrapi attended the Lycée Français de Vienne

Satrapi's family are of distant Iranian Azeri ancestry and are descendants of Nasser al-Din Shah, Shah of Persia from 1848 until 1896. Satrapi said that "But you have to know the kings of the Qajar dynasty, they had hundreds of wives. They made thousands of kids. If you multiply these kids by generation you have, I don't know, 10-15,000 princes [and princesses]. There's nothing extremely special about that."[4] She added that due to this detail, most Iranian families would be, in the words of Simon Hattenstone of The Guardian, "blue blooded."[5]

In 1983, at the age of 14 Satrapi was sent to Vienna, Austria by her parents in order to flee the Iranian regime. There she attended the Lycée Français de Vienne.[6] According to her autobiographical graphic novel, Persepolis, she stayed in Vienna through her high school years, staying in friends' homes, but spent three months living on the streets. After an almost deadly bout of pneumonia, she returned to Iran. She studied Visual Communication, eventually obtaining a Master's Degree from Islamic Azad University in Tehran.

During this time, Satrapi went to numerous illegal parties hosted by her friends, where she met a man named Reza, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq War. She married him at the age of 21, but divorced roughly three years later. Satrapi then moved to Strasbourg, France.

Satrapi is married to Mattias Ripa, a Swedish national.[7] They have no children, and they live in Paris.[8]


Satrapi's career began in earnest when she met David B., a French comics artist. She adopted a style similar to his, especially in her earliest works. Satrapi became famous worldwide because of her critically acclaimed autobiographical graphic novels, originally published in French in four parts in 2000–2003 and in English translation in two parts in 2003 and 2004, respectively, as Persepolis and Persepolis 2, which describe her childhood in Iran and her adolescence in Europe. Persepolis won the Angoulême Coup de Coeur Award at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. Her later publication, Embroideries (Broderies) was also nominated for the Angoulême Album of the Year award in 2003, an award which was won by her most recent novel, Chicken with Plums (Poulet aux prunes).[9][10] She has also contributed to the Op-Ed section of The New York Times.[11]

Marjane Satrapi at the premiere of Persepolis

Persepolis was adapted into an animated film of the same name, which debuted at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival in May 2007 and shared a Special Jury Prize with Silent Light (Luz silenciosa) by Carlos Reygadas.[12] Co-written and co-directed by Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud, the French-language picture stars the voices of Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, Danielle Darrieux, and Simon Abkarian. The English version, starring the voices of Gena Rowlands, Sean Penn, and Iggy Pop, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in January 2008. She and director Vincent Paronnaud are currently teaming together again for a live-action adaptation of her graphic novel "Chicken With Plums."[13][14]

Following the Iranian elections in June 2009, Marjane Satrapi and Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf appeared before Green Party members in the European Parliament to present a document allegedly received from a member of the Iranian electoral commission claiming that the reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi had actually won the election, and that the conservative incumbent Mahmoud Ahmedinejad had received only 12% of the vote.[



3418201_Marjane_Satrapi_MarjaneSatrapi10 (600x450, 40Kb)


A Night With Marjane Satrapi: The French Aren't More Civilized; They're Just Less Hungry
Posted by The Spin on Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 12:34 PM

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, 15 2011 . 15:24 +
esoterick [ + !]




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- Funny slideshow of funny people -

, 15 2011 . 14:38 +

Funny slideshow of funny people


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- Time To Say Goodbye - Oswald Musielski & ....

, 15 2011 . 14:10 +

Time To Say Goodbye - Oswald Musielski



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Andrea Bocelli & Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye




Paul Potts Semi Final winning performance High Quality 16:9 widescreen


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- Hi, I'm Davey Wavey...

, 15 2011 . 13:39 +


wickydkewl, : 14.09.2008

Hopefully you've seen Titanic...

Special thanks to Scotty Dynamo: http://www.myspace.com/scottydynamo.

Davey wavey titanic drawing scene parody hi my name is introduction gay travel

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