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: 27.06.2011
: 65030


, . Jozsef Rippl Ronai / - (1861-1927)

, 04 2019 . 07:01 +


(Countess Tivadar Andrássy). 1896

Giovanni Marradi - Romantico

, . , . , . , , . , . , , , . , . , . ! ....

(Zorka piros barett sapkában)

(Girl in Blue Dress). 1910-1913

(Mrs Kunffy). .1907

(Actress). 1924

(Shivering Girl with a Blue Ring). 1916

(With a Green Stoned Ring).

(Woman in Red Hat). 1925

(Woman with a Chinese Cup). 1920

(Woman with Black Gloves). .1920

(Zorka in a Red Armchair). 1918

КÐÑÑинки по ÐÐпÑосу ÐоÐÐÑ Ð Ð¸Ð¿ÐÑŒ-РонÐи
(Reclining Zorka)

(Portrait of Edit de Lukacs Lessner). 1919

(Woman in Black Hat). 1918

(Lady with Black Boa)

() (Profile of a Woman (Zorka)). 1916

(Woman in Pink Dress and Black Collar). 1915

. 1926

(Portrait of Zdenka Ticharich) 1921

(Black Haired Girl)

(Female Portrait). .1923

(Lilakalapos hölgy rókával)

+ The two Somssich Children (1918) (700x459, 418Kb)
(The two Somssich Children). 1918

КÐÑÑинки по ÐÐпÑосу ÐоÐÐÑ Ð Ð¸Ð¿ÐÑŒ-РонÐи
(Winter Evening)

(Evening Mood)


(Woman with a Birdcage). 1892

(Bányai in a Black Dress). 1911

КÐÑÑинки по ÐÐпÑосу rippl rónai józsef festmÃnyei
(Portrait of Mrs. Pataki). 1892

( ) (Lady with a Black Veil (Portrait of Mme Mazet)). 1896

9101Eckn2nL._SL1500_ (700x582, 239Kb) (Parisian Woman with Hat). 1893 ()

КÐÑÑинки по ÐÐпÑосу jozsef rippl ronai paintings
(Ladies in the Interior). 1894 ()

-  . 1927 (563x700, 128Kb)
. 1927

- / József Rippl-Rónai (1861-1927) - . , , .
- 1861 . , . 1884 . , , , , , .
, 1889 . 1902 .
. -, , 3500 , 2400 - , 800 - .
1927 .





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-   , 04 2019 . 11:00 ()

, 06 2019 . 07:17
SINDI-57   , 04 2019 . 20:05 ()

, 06 2019 . 07:18
Tatjanuschka   , 05 2019 . 00:38 ()
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, 06 2019 . 07:26
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Akmaya   ! , 05 2019 . 09:20 ()
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, 06 2019 . 07:15
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Liudmila_Sceglova   , 05 2019 . 11:48 ()
_   , 05 2019 . 18:12 ()
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, 06 2019 . 07:14
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BatValentina   , 05 2019 . 19:26 ()
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, 06 2019 . 07:07
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Talya6   , 05 2019 . 20:02 ()
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, 06 2019 . 06:51
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_   , 11 2019 . 21:37 ()
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