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 - e-mail



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: 09.02.2012
: 5529
: 2012
: 17057



: . .(19), ... (151), " , ..."(36), . .(78), . .(46), - .(30), - . (95), John Sloan.(17), . .(3), ...(60), ..(67), - .(106), LiRu. LiveInternet/(138), . .(139), .(29), . .(56), . .(5), .(4), .(36), .(52), , .(24), " Pin - Up " .(28), .(21), . .(7), ! , .(69), . .(4), . .(67), .(9), . . .(50), .(55), Dona Gelsinger.(15), .(167), " (6), . (3), . .(38), .(36), . .(159), . (55), .(6), . .(41), ll.(8), .(98), . .(45), . .(125), .(34), .(13), .(3), ... (156), - , .(7), . (72), .(299), .(27), . .(152), . ( ).(105), , .(37), .(171), on line.(22), .(34), (2), , .(4), ...(38), ...(36), .(2), .(98), .(59), (57), .(9), . .(97), .(20), - (147), . .(29), . , .(2), . , , ...(47), . (45), .(60), , .(52), . .(147), . .(125), Donald Zolan(4), Street Art.(13), Richard MacNeil - . G.B.(13), Photoshop ..(19), Happy Halloween.(20), Flash for fun(88), English language.(3), E - NUN (47), Art William Vanderdasson(3), "" .(18), "". .(13), <center><a(2), . .(22), (0), (0)

.Kevin Daniel.

, 14 2015 . 10:08 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

.Kevin Daniel

Howling Wolves.

Sleeping Wolf and Lookout.



" ".Kevin Daniel.

, 14 2015 . 10:05 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

" ".Kevin Daniel.

The Tea Party

PATMOS instrumental group -

" ",


- ...
... ... ...




, 14 2015 . 10:04 +
Matrioshka [ + !]


Puppy Love. Kevin Daniel

. .

: !


: ...

, ,
, !



Jim Carson.

, 11 2015 . 20:58 +
Rietta [ + !]

Jim Carson

Artist's Statement:
In my paintings I strive to combine romantic idealism with historical reality to create lasting interpretations of America's westward expansion and the heroic people who lived it. -- Jim Carson
Jim Carson was born July 8, 1942 in Little Rock, Arkansas and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. He received a Bachelor of Science from Memphis State University in 1964

62307511_68930dde1f69 (90x37, 3Kb)


(Darrell Bush). 3.

, 03 2015 . 20:11 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

(Darrell Bush). 3.

Winter Colors

The Giving Tree




(Darrell Bush). 2.

, 03 2015 . 20:07 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

(Darrell Bush). 2.

Reflecting on Golden Pond

Mountain Retreat

Autumn at the Lake



(Darrell Bush). 1.

, 03 2015 . 20:02 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

(Darrell Bush). 1.

The Breakfast Club

Early To Rise

Loon Lake



... Bill Saunders.

, 15 2015 . 19:33 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

... Bill Saunders.

Reflections of Spring

Blossoms in Spring



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- ,


Copyright: , 2015

Glorious Springtime




Mark Keathley.

, 05 2015 . 21:34 +
Rietta [ + !]

Mark Keathley

mark-keathley (104x150, 21Kb)
Mark Keathley (1963) c , . ( 5- ). . 21 -

62307511_68930dde1f69 (90x37, 3Kb)



, 02 2015 . 08:25 +
[ + !]

John Patrick O'Brien ( )


84253023_john (232x175, 6Kb)
(John Patrick O'Brien (1951 2004)) Students -, -, - . , , . .
, . " ". , , , .
, ' .




, 02 2015 . 08:19 +
R-Oksana [ + !]


Β Students -, -, - . . .

- , , . " ".
- , .



Terry Redlin.

, 24 2015 . 15:48 +
_ [ + !]

Terry Redlin



... Jeff Rowland.

, 20 2015 . 12:49 +
Miledi1950 [ + !]

... Jeff Rowland.

, , .
, ,

:  ,
– …-




Paul van Ginkel | , .

, 16 2015 . 11:30 +
Alexandra-Victoria [ + !]

Paul van Ginkel | , .(-1)


-2:Paul van Ginkel | , . 

, , !

, ,
, - .

( " ")


Paul van Ginkel -, , 1960 , 1973 . 1996 , , 2001 . , Syracuse -. , 6 . , . , .



Milton Bernal Castro.

, 15 2015 . 09:48 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

Milton Bernal Castro ( 2.)

, 1- ( !), ...

: "" .

, , , - . , , , , .

, , . , « , . ».



...| Milton Bernal Castro.

, 15 2015 . 09:47 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

...| Milton Bernal Castro

: "" .

, , , - . , , , , .

Dominik Miller - Looking for

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, - .

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- , .
- .
, ,
© Larina



| Fran Di Giacomo.

, 15 2015 . 09:34 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

| Fran Di Giacomo




Fran Di Giacomo. - .

, 15 2015 . 09:23 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

- | Fran Di Giacomo (2)

89706119_358ae9fa450e (300x48, 15Kb)

Fran Di Giacomo



... | Fran Di Giacomo (3).

, 15 2015 . 09:13 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

... | Fran Di Giacomo (3)

89706119_358ae9fa450e (300x48, 15Kb)

X Fran Di Giacomo

, ?

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© Copyright:



Douglas Okada?

, 08 2015 . 22:10 +
[ + !]

Douglas Okada?



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