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  .   .      :  .      .   ,    .   ..    ?? .      .     ??,   9 ,         .



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: 09.02.2012
: 5529
: 2012
: 17057


. ..

: . .(19), ... (151), " , ..."(36), . .(78), . .(46), - .(30), - . (95), John Sloan.(17), . .(3), ...(60), ..(67), - .(106), LiRu. LiveInternet/(138), . .(139), .(29), . .(56), . .(5), .(4), .(36), .(52), , .(24), " Pin - Up " .(28), .(21), . .(7), ! , .(69), . .(4), . .(67), .(9), . . .(50), .(55), Dona Gelsinger.(15), .(167), " (6), . (3), . .(38), .(36), . .(159), . (55), .(6), . .(41), ll.(8), .(98), . .(125), .(34), .(13), .(3), ... (156), - , .(7), . (72), .(299), .(27), . .(152), . ( ).(105), , .(37), .(171), on line.(22), .(34), (2), , .(4), ...(38), ...(36), .(2), .(98), .(59), (57), .(9), . .(97), .(20), - (147), . .(29), . , .(2), . , , ...(47), . (45), .(60), , .(52), . .(147), . .(125), Donald Zolan(4), .(204), Street Art.(13), Richard MacNeil - . G.B.(13), Photoshop ..(19), Happy Halloween.(20), Flash for fun(88), English language.(3), E - NUN (47), Art William Vanderdasson(3), "" .(18), "". .(13), <center><a(2), . .(22), (0), (0)

. 3.

, 10 2018 . 19:08 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

. 3.


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. Deborah Dewit.

, 09 2017 . 10:29 +
[ + !]

. Deborah Dewit

. Deborah Dewit


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. Deborah DeWit.

, 09 2017 . 10:25 +
Madam_Irene [ + !]

. Deborah DeWit


0_dc915_1a6b93a9_XL (610x700, 360Kb)

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. Avi Belaish, .

, 20 2017 . 14:22 +
Rietta [ + !]

Avi Belaish,

Avi Belaish was born in 1954 in Moshav Neve Neeman in the Sharon Region. At a very young age , he was introduced to the world of drawing and art through the encouragement and support of his mother. While growing up, Avi received his formal education in kibbutz kinneret, his studies in the kibbutz greatly influenced his world view as he encountered other cultural experiences. These experiences , while different than his previous past in moshav neve neaman ( a co-operative Israeli settlement) , helped him merge both cultures, and molded his perception of reality . during this process Avis striking characteristic of being .The artist states that his village home was the source of his unique experiences and many fascinating adventures.

62307511_68930dde1f69 (90x37, 3Kb)
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Füsun Ürkün. .

, 14 2016 . 20:37 +
A-delina [ + !]

Füsun Ürkün. .

. ( ).
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, ... Stephen J. Darbishire. ( "")

, 14 2016 . 10:04 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

, ... Stephen J. Darbishire.

. .


/ ..

, 21 2016 . 23:15 +
__-_ [ + !]

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(Alexander Bobryshev)
0 1.jpg
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, 16 2016 . 16:27 +
_ [ + !]

01 (518x700, 372Kb)

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, 24 2016 . 19:21 +
- [ + !]


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4964063_0_58821_fb9cccbb_L (450x20, 10Kb)
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Tan Chun Chiu.

, 24 2016 . 18:56 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

Tan Chun Chiu.

La Fenetre

La Fenetre

Pink Flowers and Pears

Poppies, Peaches And Shells

. .


Anca Bulgaru.

, 27 2016 . 12:05 +
Rietta [ + !]

Anca Bulgaru ( 9)

62307511_68930dde1f69 (90x37, 3Kb)
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... Fusun Urkun.

, 15 2016 . 11:49 +
PKFNF [ + !]

... Fusun Urkun


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. ...

, 15 2016 . 11:43 +
super59 [ + !]

. ...



  1901311_0_829cc_6a670432_S (150x104, 24Kb)

Yvette Moore — December


0_96857_572ad8f3_S.jpg (118x150, 11Kb)
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, 19 2015 . 12:34 +


4803300_125016445_IZ_CHAYNICHKA_V_KRUZHECHKU_CHAY (150x102, 46Kb)
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"" " ... , , ... ..."

, 19 2015 . 10:53 +

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4803300_0_1354e3_ead0233b_orig (150x47, 9Kb)
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. ... .

, 29 2015 . 22:14 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

. ... .

Sir Herbert James Gunn (1893-1964)

Robert Haig Coxon - Hemingbough...A Prelude

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... .

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 - ...
© Copyright:

Carl Rohling (1849–1922)

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, ... Hanne Lore Koehler.

, 15 2015 . 00:46 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

, ... Hanne Lore Koehler.

Precious Memories

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, , ,
, , !

© Copyright: , 2008

Virginia Waltz

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, 21 2015 . 23:38 +
PKFNF [ + !]


Fanny Brate  

Jenny Nyström  

Robert Thegerström  

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... ...

, 21 2015 . 23:26 +
PKFNF [ + !]

... ..

Robert Burns, A.R.S.A. (Scottish,1869-1941) The window seat


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( 96 - : )

, 21 2015 . 23:12 +
[ + !]

( 96 - : )

., " ", "" , , , , . , .

Jean-Francois Millet Jarrón con margaritas.

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