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: 02.03.2006
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, 16 2018 . 20:25 +


  Iberian Cave Art: Neanderthal Technologies


  During the last 600,000 years the #Neanderthals probably had several advanced #civilizations. All these civilizations have disappeared, but the indirect signs of their #existence are found today. Recently in the #Iberian #Cave in #Spain were discovered 64,000 years old #petroglyphic #drawings (rock art), one of which seems to be a simplified and distorted #snowmobile scheme, apparently copied by Neanderthals from a very #ancient #drawing. #Neanderthal #language and script had an impact on #Paleohispanic language and script until at least 13,000 BC in the #Iberian #Peninsula, where were found the traces of disappeared Neanderthal #Civilization (this idea was inspired by the #investigations of Genevieve von Petzinger, Rodríguez Ramos, Ferrer i Jané and Correa).


   500000 . , . ( ) 64000 , , , , . https://youtu.be/8iiBwJTkbx0 (Music: "In the Shadows" ((c)Ethan Meixsell) / Copyright: Alexander Amelkin, http://www.duo-amelkin.de).


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   , " ", "#Science", "#Nature" "#Spiegel", "The #First #Signs: #Unlocking the #Mysteries of the World's #Oldest #Symbols" (Genevieve von Petzinger) .



  #Killer #Ants, #Bees and #Wasps #Invasion
  #Cats and #Dogs are not #Enough #Brainy *
   [1]. , , . - . [2, 3], .


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  1. Marie Claire Cammaerts and Roger Cammaerts (2015): The #Acquisition of #Cognitive #Abilities by Ants: A #Study on Three #Myrmica #Species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). - #Advanced #Studies in #Biology, Vol.7, 2015, No.7, 335-348, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/asb.2015.5424
  2. Adrian Dyer (2018): #Researchers #Discover The Tiny #Brains of #Bees and Wasps Can #Recognise #Faces. - RMIT University, Science #Alert
  3. Emily Sohn (2011): #Wasps never forget a face - at least those of other wasps. - #NBC #News
  4. Mythili Sampathkumar (2018): Killer bees terrorise #Texas neighborhood and attack #specialists trying to remove them. - The #Independent #US
  5. Stuart Winter (2017): #Killer fire ants #INVASION: #Warning over global spread as #deadly #swarms #invade. - #Sunday #Express
  6. Rebecca Morelle (2013): #Invasive #ants: 'Stowaway' #insects #spreading around #world. - #BBC World #Service
  7. Jascha Winking (2018): #Wespen sind diesen Sommer wesentlich aggressiver. - WAZ (#Westdeutsche #Allgemeine #Zeitung)
  8. Masanori Kohda, Hatta Takashi, Tmohiro Takeyama, Satoshi Awata, Hirokazu Tanaka, Jun-ya Asai, Alex Jordan (2018): Cleaner wrasse pass the mark test. What are the #implications for #consciousness and self-awareness testing in #animals? - bioRxiv, No.21, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/397067
  9. (2018): : # . - , MK.RU
  10. Monica Tan (2015): Crawling, breathing, invasive #fish a 'major disaster' if it reaches #Australia. - The #Guardian
  * " "


  Schnellzeichner, Portraitist und Karikaturist Amelkin

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  MOTTO: "Sci-Fi Loves Coffee and Rock 'n' Roll" / PROJEKT "MASCHUNJA.DE"
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  Schnellzeichner, Karikaturist und Portraitist Alexander Amelkin
  Portraits der inneren Schönheit
  VIDEO: Kunstmaler Dr Amelkin
  "Lassen Sie sich von dem professionellen Schnellzeichner, Portraitist und Karikaturist Dr. Alexander Amelkin charmant und gekonnt auf Papier verwirklichen. In nur wenigen Minuten entsteht von Ihnen ein ganz individuelles Kunstwerk - Portrait der inneren Schönheit." (Zitat frei nach Kundenreferenz)

  #Google #Scholar - Alexander Amelkin, Free #Scientist and #Artist:

   1. Amelkin A.A. (1992): #Continuous #maximum #principle in #optimal control of #fed-batch #fermentation processes: the #case of #switching #structure of #state #equations and #performance #index. - #Food #engineering in a #computer #climate, 1992, Seiten 469-474. - #Verlag #Taylor & #Francis / #Hemisphere, #Bristol, #PA, #USA
   2. Amelkin A.A., Blagoveschenskaya M.M., Amelkin A.K. (2001): The #Microenvironmental #Systems #Project. - In: #Proceedings of the 6th #IFAC #Symposium on Cost #Oriented Automation (#Low #Cost #Automation 2001 - #LCA 2001) (#Berlin, #October 8-9, 2001). - #Institut für #berufliche #Bildung, #Zentrum #Mensch-Maschine #Systeme, #Technische #Universität Berlin, #Germany, 192-197
   3. Amelkin A.A. (2003): #Forming of #Controlled #Living #Microenvironments. - Proceedings 17th #European #Simulation #Multiconference, (c) #SCS #Europe #BVBA, #Nottingham, #United #Kingdom, 2003, Pages 311-317. - #ISBN 3-936150-25-7
   4. Amelkin A.A., Amelkin S.A. et al. (1993): The #Way of #Automatic #Control of a #Biotechnological #Process. - #Invention (#Patent) SU 1786072 A1, C12Q3/00, #Russia, 1-6
   5. Amelkin A.A. et al. (1986): The Way of Automatic Control of a #Microorganisms #Cultivation Process. - Invention (Patent) SU 1252339 A1, C12Q3/00, #USSR, 1-3
   6. Amelkin AA, Blagoveschenskaya MM, Lobanov YuK, Amelkin AK (2003): #Minimum #Specific #Cost Control of #Technological #Processes #Realized in a #Living #Objects #Containing #Microenvironment. - #ESPR, #Landsberg am #Lech, Germany Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res. 10 (1): 44-48

(c) Copyright: Alexander Amelkin / #Schnellzeichner #Portraitist #Karikaturist since 1973 / VERSION 180918AA

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