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, 01 2017 . 12:58 +


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Morning from Srimad Bhagavatam verse 1.3.1

, 16 2017 . 12:21 +

sūta uvāca
jagṛhe pauruṣaṁ rūpaṁ
bhagavān mahad-ādibhiḥ
sambhūtaṁ ṣoḍaśa-kalam
ādau loka-sisṛkṣayā

"Sūta said: In the beginning of the creation, the Lord first expanded Himself in the universal form of the puruṣa incarnation and manifested all the ingredients for the material creation. And thus at first there was the creation of the sixteen principles of material action. This was for the purpose of creating the material universe."

As we read, it is clear that the Lord manifested matter for the purpose of creation, this is also highlighted in the Chandogya Upanishads;

Seyam devataiksata, hantaham imas tisro devata anena jivena tmana nupravisya nama-rupe vyakaravaniti.

“May I enter into these three elements that I have created—fire, water and earth—and through them, may I become further manifold, by means of the triplication of these.” [ Chandogya Upanishad 2.3.2 ]



Harinama Japa

, 16 2017 . 12:18 +

" Your Harinama Japa must be your first priority and secondary will be your mundane tasks otherwise it never can be possible to progress in your spiritual life even if you going on your chanting for whole life .It's reality that in the starting the chanting of the eternal name of Srī Krīshnā , your mind will move here and there but if once you can steady to mind on meditation of Harinama then you will be capable to realize or see the Supreme Lord Srī Krīshnā 's eternal name, form, quality, līlā (past time), dhāma (abode) through only this Harinama Mahā-Māntra.So try to be more sincere while you chanting the holy name of Srī Krīshnā and perform other spiritual activities.And it's another important thing is we should increase our japa time more than mundane tasks."

------- HDG Sri Srimad Bhakti Jiban Achariya Goswami Maharaja Srila Gurudeva

[ Quote has been taken from Srila GuruMaharaja's lecture on Srī Chaītanyā - Charitāmrīta , dated :-- 14/10/ 2017]



, 16 2017 . 11:33 +

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, 15 2017 . 13:26 +

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Glories of Damodar month

, 04 2017 . 11:50 +

During the month of Damodar, or Kārttika (October/November), rewards for service to Krishna are greater than at any other time of year. For instance, Krishna always likes tulasi leaves, so it’s always a good time to offer tulasi leaves to Krishna. However, in the Hari-bhakti-vilas of Sanatan Goswami, we find these statements:

The result one obtains by giving ten thousand cows in charity can be obtained by offering only one tulasi leaf to the Supreme Lord during the month of Kārttika.” (7.335)

“Those who worship Lord Hari with an offering of one hundred thousand tulasi leaves during the month of Kārttika certainly advance on the path of pure devotional service, which includes liberation, with each leaf offered. (7.336)”

It is also recommended to offer malati (very fragrant white jasmine-like flowers) to Krishna, and here’s what Hari-bhakti-vilasa says about malati offerings during Kārttika:

“It is better to offer malati flowers to Lord Kesava in the month of Kārttika than to donate gold, cows, or land to worthy recipients.

Malati flowers are pleasing to Lord Kesava (Krishna) in whatever month they are offered. In the month of Kārttika, the offering of malati flowers awards one the merit of performing a horse sacrifice. “

“For a devotee who worships Lord Vishnu with offerings of malati flowers in the month of Kārttika, Yamaraja orders the removal of all his sinful reactions from the account book.” (7.90-92)

Not bad. And the list goes on. Whatever you offer–tulasi, malati, ghee lamps, time, energy, attention–takes on greater significance this month.

Kārttika could be thought of as the ultimate *“buy one, get a-whole-lot-more free”* sale, or the equivalent of a “super, multi-triple word score” in the game of Scrabble. For a limited time only, whoever is lucky (or greedy, or intelligent) enough to do some service for Krishna during this special month gets a uniquely huge return on their investment. The ultimate return: *one becomes more Krishna conscious.*





, 04 2017 . 11:34 +

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, 03 2017 . 11:40 +

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, 02 2017 . 13:09 +

Absolute reality is cosmic spirit Brahman (impersonal God) .It is omnipresent and present within each atom as pure divine consciousness. It is one with this entire Universe but stays unmixed with the material and mental elements of universe. It is indivisible and its properties remains same everywhere. Its properties remains same even though we compare the properties of Brahman’s existence within hundred cubic meters and its existence within area of microscopic level. It is present in each living as soul. Individual soul is not different from each other. The sense of different identities is created due to different material bodies. Bhagavad Gita 13.31  (When a sensible man ceases to see different identities due to different material bodies and he sees how beings are expanded everywhere, he attains to the Brahman conception.)This Brahman/Atman (soul) is all pervading.



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