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Среда, 20 Января 2010 г. 23:52 + в цитатник
After three earlier unsuccessful attempts to get tickets for IMAX showing of Avatar, today I have finally got to see this movie. To begin with, I should have gone to a regular 3D weeks ago - while sound was definitely an improvement, the IMAX screen in our theater seemed to be hardly any bigger than a regular one; the only major difference I've noticed was in for some reason very uncomfortable chairs.

I am probably one of the last people of earth to see the movie, so I don't think it is necessary to tell anyone what it is about. There is no doubt that technically this film is the acme of not only its director's career, but all modern cinematic art. A product of Cameron's genius, Avatar has definitely reestablished its creator as one of the best directors of our time.

The amount of imagination that went into it is mindboggling - every plant and creature of Pandora is something incredible; the special effects are top notch; the implementation of 3D makes the whole thing twice as great. For 160 minutes the viewer emerges into a completely different world, every detail of which is so well thought and crafted that it makes you almost believe that it is all real. As far as technical aspect of film making is concerned, Avatar is undoubtedly the best movie I have ever seen.

Somewhat of a drawback was, however, the fact that Pandora and its creatures that are supposed to be a background to the story take the center stage. When watching Avatar, I often felt that the story was just an excuse for showcasing advances of modern cinematography - the dialogs were few, not very interesting, and seemed to be written by a fifth grader; the characters, especially that of "I didn't sign up for this shit" girl, were flat, somewhat cliched and uninspired. Highly unoriginal names of the planet and the mineral, unobtainium, the humans were after once again made me question whether too much of the creators' mind power went into the CGI, taking away from the story.

In conclusion, I think that Avatar was an OK, not an amazing, movie; it was, however, an amazing moviegoing EXPERIENCE. After seeing it, I'll probably never spend a dime on watching 2D film in a theater: Paying 10 bucks to see a romantic comedy on a big screen is definitely not worth it; any Sci-Fi or cartoon that is not shot in 3D, on the other hand, will be put to shame from now on.
Рубрики:  Movies and Shows


Angels and Demons


Среда, 20 Мая 2009 г. 00:37 + в цитатник

Having read many negative reviews on IMDB and rottentomatoes.com, I've been thinking for a while if I should spend money for a movie ticket or wait until "Angels and Demons" comes out on DVD. I decided to go with the former, but, after almost falling asleep several times during the movie and getting a headache from a terrible camera work, I feel that I should have done the latter.

First of all, I'd like to point out that I was expecting to like "Angels and Demons" because I remember enjoying "The Da Vinci Code". I'm also a big fan of movies that try to build suspense on combination of reality and fiction, especially those about religious cults, such as "Bless the Child", etc. As far as I know, Brown is famous for exactly this kind of stories, and "Angels and Demons" is one of them.

Despite very interesting premise, however, I found the movie to be a major disappointment. While in the movie theatre, I felt that I was not watching the film but playing a video game. Since "Harry Potter" is the only video game I have ever played, it is the only comparison I can make. So, overall, I felt that Tom Hank's character Robert Langdon was pretty much Harry Potter of the movie, who had to move from level to level in order to win the game.

There were four levels that I would have called "Save the cardinal", which is the character's mission. In each new level, Langdon is looking for clues, finds them, runs with a bunch of other people to some destination in order to try and save the bishop. On the way there, Langdon faces a few challenges set up by the villain, looses, the priest dies, and everything starts from the very beginning. The searching for clues, the running, the "fight the villain" parts repeat themselves four times, and this is pretty much what the whole thing is about.

To make matters worse, Ron Howard, the director, tried to compensate for excruciatingly boring plot by making the camera move as fast as possible. Sometimes, I seriously felt that I was sitting on the merry-go-round and was watching the world spinning in front of me. All these running, chasing, shaky camera made me extremely dizzy and made the whole experience even worse than it would have been otherwise. It was also the reason why I was hardly able to follow the plot and keep track on what was going on in the movie.

I don't know if I would have liked "Angels and Demons" better if I had read the book, but, since I haven't, the only conclusion that I can make is that this movie stinks and was worth neither 9 bucks nor 2 hours of my time.
Рубрики:  Movies and Shows


Monsters vs. Aliens


Воскресенье, 05 Апреля 2009 г. 07:32 + в цитатник
Сегодня ходила с малым в кинотеатр на Monsters vs. Aliens. Я, честно признаться, полная дерёвня, и это был первый фильм, который я смотрела в 3D. Сюжет мультяшки, разумеется, довольно незамысловат. Как всегда пришельцы выбирают именно США объектом своего главного нападения, и никто иной, как американский президент решает как спасти весь мир от сией напасти. После провала переговоров с незваными гостями из космоса, правительство решает использовать монстров, которые до этого момента держались на специальной базе. Naturally, in the end, good guys win and bad guys die...

Call me weird, but 3D experience is probably not for me...Согласна, что штука это довольно прикольная, однако после минут эдак 30-ти у меня от всей этой прелести разболелась голова и глаза, т.к. это все равно что в голограмму два часа пялиться. Отдельные моменты фильма, such as сцены в космосе, несомненно выигрывали от использования 3D, другие, such as сцены погонь, were just blurry. Лично я предпочла бы возможность время от времени снимать очки и смотреть части фильма в обычном формате....
Рубрики:  Movies and Shows


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