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Viviana_Farfalla   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 00:53 (ссылка)
haha i agree with you on that it wasn't the greatest movie of all time.. idk why everyone is obssed about it. that's kind of annoying.
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Iron-Orchid   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 01:48 (ссылка)
MiaGellar, right after I saw it I was impressed by the scenery and technology and all that. Then, I realized that the whole idea of idolizing the tribal people who were "honest and right," didn't work for me. If they were people, they'd have the same worries and downfalls, like we do. It's the nature of human. It seemed as though living simple, running in the woods, mating with one partner for life was the only best way to live and I can't agree with that. Partially because it's not the kind of living I'd be happy with and also because it's unrealistic. Why make tribal people look wise and honorable, while thrashing our civilization, making us look selfish and blood thirsty? There's no balance in that argument! It doesn't have to be either naked in the woods or malicious on the helicopters... Life is not black and white. I can argue that not all blue people are angels. I was also disappointed that they were ALL tall and skinny and perfect. What is that?

So, it just seems like one of those movies that only very rich and too creative for their own good people would make. Cameron thinks living in the woods is right thing, figuratively speaking? No one is holding him back, but I think he'd soon find out that people are the SAME every where and their downfalls don't change just because of the color of their skin.
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self-made   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 02:47 (ссылка)
MiaGellar, I've made the same conclusion for myself: I will never go to see a regular movie again, only IMAX 3D. Not that I went often before, we would always wait for the DVDs to come out and watch them on our big screen, but I thought that movie theater age is over for me, since I can have something very similar in the comfort of my home. But now that I have discovered 3D (for the first time), I am willing to watch many movies in it, even if I would never watch them in regular 2D (like Alice in Wonderland - it looked so cool in 3D!) :)
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self-made   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 02:54 (ссылка)
Iron-Orchid, it's a fairy tale :) A fantasy :) But I do agree with the director that people are "selfish and blood thirsty", well, at least very greedy when it comes to money. I mean look even at the recent economic collapse! What was the underlying reason for it? Greed! Lot's of it. And then more money into the same pockets - bail-outs. And what about wars? Here, on Earth. Wars are the best way to make big money, that is the only reason they continue. So people, humanity in general, is very selfish and cannot think far ahead. I agree that it is true.
As to the tribes... Well, I never lived in a tribe before, but I lived in very small towns and very small communities and I can tell you that the smaller the community is - the close and friendlier people are to each other. The further you are from civilization - into the woods, Alaska, up North etc - the simpler and the "warmer" the life is. And in big cities people are strangers to each other. Honestly, I don't even know my neighbors and I don't really care. So, the bottom line is, community living at a simple level might work much better than you think, although no one is perfect, of course.
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CrimeanGurl   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 03:12 (ссылка)
Iron-Orchid, the whole bad people vs. good aliens thing gave me a strange vibe when I was watching the movie, I couldn't tell why though. I think that my problem with Avatar, which I have briefly talked about in the post, has to do a lot with yours: The audience is presented a three dimensional movie with a one dimensional storyline; hence, such a strong line between bad humans and good aliens, and a one-sided look at the whole situation.
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CrimeanGurl   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 03:16 (ссылка)
self-made, Absolutely! When I watched "Alice in Wonderland" preview some time ago in 2D, my first thought was, "I definitely won't be wasting my time and money on this." Having seen the preview in 3D today, I found it very intriguing and made a mental note to check it out
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CrimeanGurl   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 03:28 (ссылка)
Viviana_Farfalla, it might have been the greatest 3D movie out there (I've seen only 3 of them, so I can't be a good judge of that), but I'd save title of best movie of all times for films that, in addition to nice special effects, can boast a strong plot, writing, and acting. If one considers all things that are integral to a great movie, I'd say that Cameron's own Titanic is a level above.
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telegraph_ave   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 03:37 (ссылка)
you are not the last-- I haven't seen it yet :) Besides, I think that I will not go to watch it at all. But I really love 3D screen too -- we've watched Ice Age3, Christmas Carol and Princess&The Frog (all are the kids movies, lol:)) in 3D and the difference is quite impressive.
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CrimeanGurl   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 03:48 (ссылка)
telegraph_ave, All 3D movies I've watched before were also cartoons. None of Avatar's CGI looks cartoonist, however, no matter how unrealistic the object is. In addition, seeing people and real life objects in three dimensions is a whole new -- and a great one -- experience! Despite all of the weaknesses of Avatar's plot, I think that it is definitely worth seeing if you get a chance!
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Iron-Orchid   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 04:05 (ссылка)
self-made, I'd put the idea that it's "just a fantasy" to rest. Movies are mediums, message carriers and Avatar's message is deceptively simplified. If Cameron and you think that living in a small communities is better, it doesn't mean that life in megapolis is worse. It's about HOW one lives in either place. I've met plenty of scumbags in small towns and tons of incredible people in big cities. Everyone chooses for himself. You are saying that you don't care about your neighbors, so I don't think you'd be perfect for a small communities where everyone knows everyone's business. Think it would change once you'd move to a small village? Fat chance :) People are the same everywhere. It's the same thing on a different scale. And by the way, you are not moving anywhere, are you? If you wanted to live in a small town, you'd make a move long time ago.

I think that people have choices and it's the best way. I think the way the world is IS the way. Some try be better people, others don't care. It's a reality and it's the only way we know it. Do you get what I mean? The fact that our world might not be perfect in our eyes means that it is perfect, because it's the only world we ever had. The whole idea of heaven with blue angel-like creatures is utopia.

Исходное сообщение MiaGellar
... The audience is presented a three dimensional movie with a one dimensional storyline...
this is brilliant, I love it!
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Iron-Orchid   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 04:10 (ссылка)
MiaGellar, I'm gonna go see it 3D now, if you're saying it's so awesome :)
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self-made   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 04:41 (ссылка)
Iron-Orchid, no, I am not talking about particular people and how they choose to live. What I am talking about is the idea of community and its positive effects on personalities. You know that every person has a lot of good and bad in them, but certain circumstances, certain surroundings and certain people bring up the best in us and certain - bring the worst. So, it is actually not true that because I do not know my neighbors here I would not want to know them in a smaller place. As I said, I lived in smaller town before and I spent a lot of vacation time in different small communities and when I get into those kinds of environments, when I see how welcoming and open people are to me, I become the same way. It brings out the best in me. I am not saying that 100% of people in small communities are great or that 100% of people in big cities are bad. But it is a proven fact that big cities tend to alienate people from each other. So when I am in a big city, I am always inside my protective shell keeping all the good inside (yes, I behave nice and polite, but not open, because there are strangers around me, they don't care about me, I don't care about them). But small communities and simple life and simple people often amaze me. Have you tried to live in a small town? It's a totally different world...
I am not moving anywhere just yet, but once I am closer to retirement - damn sure. Or maybe even before that. I like big cities, because they provide variety as well as better job opportunities. I would want to live near a big city for a change, to be able to go when I want to, but I am definitely seriously considering moving to a smaller town one day... Back to what I consider real.
You are saying "The fact that our world might not be perfect in our eyes means that it is perfect, because it's the only world we ever had." Ok, we are far from perfect, all of us are. But does that mean we should just leave it that way and not even try to be better? What about self-improvement?
Anyways, back to the aliens and it being a fairy tale. Yes, the message is there, sure. But still it is a fairy tale. So it is fine that it is idealistic and perfect. That's what fairy tales are like.
As to the storyline, I honestly do not think it is that important in this kind of movie. The visual impact was the main thing for me. The movie is not even a movie, but like a reality game of a sort. It's about what you see and experience. The story line, in my opinion, was only designed with one purpose: to connect the dots and hold this all together.
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CrimeanGurl   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 04:41 (ссылка)
Iron-Orchid, I didn't know you watched a regular one! it is really worth viewing it in 3D, the way Cameron intended. A very significant part of the movie is devoted to the main character exploring the world of Pandora, which is twice as impressive with glasses on. In fact, I think that this exploration is such a major part of the movie that if not for how beautiful this world was, I might have falling asleep a few times :)
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Iron-Orchid   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 05:14 (ссылка)
self-made, I get it about small communities and picturesque little towns, but I don't want to go there :) Overall people might be nicer there, but it all comes with a price, number one, and number two, there is still lot of shit happening in small places, we just don't know about. People are the same everywhere. The scale is different.

Maybe when I'm closer to my 100th anniversary or if I just generally become a different person. You know, oh, leave this big and loud place, go to the mountains... I like the city and even though one might lie on the sidewalk with a heart attack with pedestrians stepping over him so to not stain their shoes... Well, it comes with a package. There are plenty of wonderful things I like enough to stay. I don't want to run in the woods. Even with all that fancy jelly fish :))))
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elit-model   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 15:32 (ссылка)
честно, говоря, у меня за 2 с хвостиком часа устали глаза от очков и я их снял потом! as for me , фильм на один раз, все красиво, но чего-то не хватает, и сюжет растянут!ничего, что я тут по-русски пишу?:))
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self-made   обратиться по имени Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 20:52 (ссылка)
Исходное сообщение Iron-Orchid
... I don't want to run in the woods. Even with all that fancy jelly fish :))))

And I am not saying you should :) Of course all of us are different. I tried living in places from 1.5 mln population to 5000 and a few in between. And I often visit places from 8 mln population to 500 people :) I used to want to live in NYC. It used to be my dream. But as I got older, I realized it was just a childish dream and I do not want that anymore. I want to visit, sure, but not live. As you said, everything is a trade-off. It's true. You have to find a balance. Ideally, I think, I would like to live in a house surrounded by nature - woods and mountains in a small town, but work in downtown of a bigger city with sky-scrapers and night life, so I can get a bit of both: the serenity of nature and warmth of the small community and business drive and night life and variety of a bigger city. So, that is my plan for the next 5-10 years ;)
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CrimeanGurl   обратиться по имени Пятница, 22 Января 2010 г. 05:07 (ссылка)
elit-model, у меня тоже! моя главная и единственная проблема с 3D заключается именно в том, что буквально через 30 минут у меня очень сильно устают глаза, что делает просмотр фильма менее приятным.
з.ы. конечно ничего :) это я скорее должна беспокоиться о насильной кормежке своих русскоязычных ПЧ столь большим количеством записей на английском
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Love_Irynka   обратиться по имени Пятница, 29 Января 2010 г. 06:56 (ссылка)
You know, everyone has been talking about the movie, and that is exactly why I did NOT want to go see it. Especially when I heard how much money the movie was banking in... So my bf and I went to see the chipmunks, but it was really boring and avatar was starting in the room next to us. So we went to see:)) So we have not exactly contributed to the global obsession, lol. I liked the movie more than I expected to (shed a couple of tears), but agree, it's not all that original. The story reminds me of Pocahontas.
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CrimeanGurl   обратиться по имени Пятница, 29 Января 2010 г. 23:07 (ссылка)
Love_Irynka, the concept is a lot like Pocahontas, indeed...taking into consideration that the film was 10 years in the making, I would think Cameron could come up with a slightly more original idea.
P.S. moving freely between movies and sometimes even watching two for the price of one is one of the best features of US theaters :)
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Love_Irynka   обратиться по имени Воскресенье, 31 Января 2010 г. 00:12 (ссылка)
Исходное сообщение MiaGellar
Love_Irynka , the concept is a lot like Pocahontas, indeed...taking into consideration that the film was 10 years in the making, I would think Cameron could come up with a slightly more original idea.
P.S. moving freely between movies and sometimes even watching two for the price of one is one of the best features of US theaters :)

I used to be so scared to hop the theaters, cause I always thought we were gonna get caught))) But now Im like, nuh, they make enough money in pop corn and snack sales;)))
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