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. . 1423
Gentile da Fabriano. Adoration of the Magi. 1423
The Uffizi

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The Journey of the Magi. Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni) (Italian, Siena or Cortona ca. 1400-1450 Siena). It is a fragment from a small altarpiece showing the Adoration of the Magi. Ca. 1433-1435. Tempera and gold on wood. 21.6 x 29.8 cm. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 625. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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1475 . . / The Adoration of the Magi. Hieronymus Bosch (Netherlandish, s Hertogenbosch ca. 1450-1516 s Hertogenbosch). Ca. 1475. Oil and gold on oak. 71.1 x 56.5cm. Accession Number: 13.26. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 641. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

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XII - XIII . . , . / Châsse de lAdoration des mages. Lieu de production : Limoges. Périodes : 4e quart du XIIe siècle; 1er quart du XIIIe siècle. 20,7 x 19,7 x 8,5 cm. N Inventaire : Cl. 23822. Musée de Cluny

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1300-1325. / Leaf from a Diptych with the Adoration of the Magi. Ca. 1300-1325. Made in Paris, France. Ivory, traces of paint & gilding with metal mounts. 13 x 8.7 x 1.1 cm. Accession Number: 32.100.205. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

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1400 . / Marien-Teppich. Tapestry with three scenes from the life of the virgin Mary. About 1400

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1600 / Gold-enamelled pendant. 1600 (circa). Pendant jewel; gold; centre: Adoration of the Magi, Virgin seated holding the Child under large star of diamonds; Joseph to right; two kings to left, one kneeling (third missing); obelisk either side set with rubies, above a round arch; scroll base with pendant pearls; back plate pierced and enamelled with design in semi-architectural character, in style of Daniel Mignot. Style of: Daniel Mignot (French, active Augsburg, fl. 15931616). Made in: Dresden (?), Munich (?). 10 cm (max) Length: 7.1 cm (excl. pendant pearl and suspension loop). Width: 6.9 cm (inc. 2 projecting fexed pearls (max.)) Depth: 1.3 cm. Weight: 71.81 grammes. Museum number WB.148. British Museum

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1348 . . . . . , / Jacques de Voragine, Légende dorée. 1348. Manuscrit. Langue Français. Parchemin. - 450 x 310 mm. Contient : 1 La Legende des Sains [de Jacques de Voragine], traduction de Frere Jehan de Vignay, Hospitalier de l'ordre de Haut Pas ; 2 L'Epistre saint Beneoit à Remon, arcevesque de Coulongne : Du Martire des Machabées . Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Français 241, f. 17r

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1348 . . . . . / Jacques de Voragine, Légende dorée. 1348. Langue Français. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Français 241, f. 34v

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1180 . / Leaves from a Beatus Manuscript: Bifolium with part of the Genealogy of Christ and the Adoration of the Magi. Ca. 1180. Spanish. Tempera, gold, and ink on parchment. Overall (folio): 44.4 x 30 cm. Manuscript. These leaves trace the ancestry of Christ back through time to the beginning of the world. The diagram culminates in a depiction of the Magi adoring the Christ child, who is held by the enthroned Virgin. Accession Number: 1991.232.2a-d. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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XIII , / Psalterium. Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe, Psalter, Deutschland (Oberrhein ?), 1. Hälfte 13. Jahrhundert. Umfang 178 Bl.; 24 x 16,5 cm. Handschrift auf Pergament. St. Peter perg. 122, fol. 8r. Badische Landesbibliothek

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1310-1320 . . / Adoration of the Magi. Detail of a miniature of the Adoration of the Magi, flanked by female saints in niches, preceding Psalm 26. Psalter ('The Queen Mary Psalter'). Origin: England (London/Westminster or East Anglia?). Between 1310 and 1320. Language: Latin, with French image captions. Script Gothic (Textualis prescissa (calendar and Psalter) and Textualis rotunda (prefatory cycle captions)). Artist Queen Mary Master. Parchment codex. 275 x 175 (175 x 115) mm. Royal 2 B VII, f. 112v. British Library.

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1320. . / The Adoration of the Magi. Giotto di Bondone (Italian, Florentine, 1266/761337). Date: possibly ca. 1320. Tempera on wood, gold ground. 45.1 x 43.8 cm. Accession Number: 11.126.1. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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1340-1343. / The Adoration of the Magi. Artist: Italian, Neapolitan Follower of Giotto (active second third of the 14th century). Date: ca. 1340-1343. Tempera on wood, gold ground. Overall, with engaged frame 66.4 x 46.7 cm; painted surface, including tooled border 54.3 x 38.1 cm. Accession Number:1975.1.9. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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1390 . . / The Adoration of the Magi. Bartolo di Fredi (Italian, active by 1353died 1410 Siena). Ca. 1390. Tempera and gold on wood. 148.6 x 89.2 cm. Bartolo di Fredi was the most important painter in Siena in the second half of the fourteenth century. Accession Number: 1975.1.16. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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. . XIV . , , BM MS. 22, f. 040v / Adoration des Mages. Jacobus de Varagine. Legenda aurea. Datation 14e s. Beaune, BM, ms. 0022, f. 040v. IRHT (CNRS) / Bibliothèque municipale de Beaune / MCC

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XIV . . / Matfré Ermengau. Breviari d'amor et Lettre à sa soeur; Chansonnier occitan, dit [chansonnier α]. Ermengaud, Matfre. Auteur du texte. Date d'édition 1301-1400. Manuscrit. Latin, Provençal ancien. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Français 857, f. 156v.

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1410-1420 / Adoration of the Magi. Artist: Workshop of the Master of the Morgan Infancy Cycle. In this scene the Virgin and Child are shown in a house with wattled sides. A kneeling king offers a gold cup full of coins with which the child is playing. The other two kings, with gold cups, stand behind. Image taken from a Book of Hours, originally produced in North Netherlands [Utrecht], c. 1410-1420. Add. 50005, f.45v. Add. 50005, f.45v. British Library

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XV . . . . / Légende dorée. Jacques de Voragine (1228?-1298). Date d'édition : 1401-1500. Langue Français. Manuscrit. Parchemin. - 410x300 mm. Contient : 1 Legende dorée [de Jacques de Voragine], traduction de Jehan du Vignay. ; 2 Les Festes nouvelles, selon l'usage de Paris, translatées de latin en françois par un maistre en theologie de l'ordre de Nostre Dame du Carme, l'an mil quatre cens et deux. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Français 242, f. 28v

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1420-1430 / Erscheinung des Herrn; umgeben von Szenen mit den drei Königen und Herodes, Stundenbuch (lat., franz.), Paris (Meister des Herzogs von Bedford), um 1420-1430 Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

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XV , / Christmas scene in a 15th century manuscript page. Book of hours from (eastern?) France. France. First half of the 15th century. Parchment. 191 ff.. 15 x 11 cm. Language: Latin. Trogen, Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden, CM Ms. 5, f. 59r

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1460. . / The Adoration of the Magi. Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia) (Italian, Siena 13981482 Siena). Ca. 1460. Tempera and gold on wood. 27 x 23.2 cm. Accession Number: 1982.60.4. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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1465. . / The Adoration of the Magi. Justus of Ghent (Joos van Wassenhove) (Netherlandish, active by 1460 - died ca. 1480). Ca. 1465. Distemper on canvas. 109.2 x 160 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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1470. . / The Adoration of the Magi. Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio) (Italian, Siena 14051481 Siena). Ca. 1470. Tempera and gold on wood. 30.2 x 47.6 cm. Accession Number: 58.189.2. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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1480-1485. / The Adoration of the Magi. Katherine Hours. Jean Bourdichon, illuminator (French, 1457 - 1521, active Tours, France, early 1480s - 1521). About 1480 - 1485. Tempera colors, gold, and ink on parchment. Leaf: 16.4 x 11.6 cm. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Ms. 6, fol. 59

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1506 . (?1484/1485-1545). . / Das ist ein Bild von Hans Baldung. Ca. 1506. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Foto Jörg P. Anders-das altarbild von hans baldung entstand um 1506-1507

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1520. / The Adoration of the Magi. Netherlandish (Antwerp Mannerist) Painter (ca. 1520). Oil on wood. 68.9 x 54.6 cm. Accession Number: 21.132.2. Not on view. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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1526. . / The Adoration of the Magi. Quentin Metsys (Netherlandish, Leuven 14661530 Kiel). Date: 1526. Oil on wood. 102.9 x 80 cm. Accession Number: 11.143. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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1536-1537 / Erscheinung des Herrn. Die Anbetung der Könige im Vorder: sowie die Königin von Saba bei Salomo im Hintergrund. Gebetbuch für Kardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg (dt.). Nürnberg (Gabriel Glockendon). 1536-1537. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

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XVI / A Sixteenth-Century Illuminated Manuscript on Vellum in French and Latin. Book of Hours. Artois [St.-Omer] France. [n.d., ca. sixteenth-century]. Small quarto. Approximately 8.5 x 5.75 inches. Heritage Auctions.

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1310-1320 . / Three Magi. Miniature of the Three Magi asleep, with an angel appearing to them to warn them, with an historiated initial 'D'(ixi) of David pointing to his eyes, and a bas-de-page scene of two knights jousting. Psalter ('The Queen Mary Psalter'). Origin: England (London/Westminster or East Anglia?). Between 1310 and 1320. BL Royal 2 B VII, f. 131v.

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. . 1423. / Gentile da Fabriano (Fabriano, 1370 c. Roma 1427). Adoration of the Magi. 1423. Provenance: Chapel of Strozzi family in the church of Santa Trinita. Tempera on wood. 300 x 282 cm. Inscriptions: OPUS GENTILIS DE FABRIANO MCCCXXIII MENSIS MAII. The Uffizi.

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