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( : 6) _ ___ ruskitchen _-_ __ __
( : 2) WiseAdvice __


: 31.12.2011
: 7304



, 29 2016 . 16:21 +

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Would you mind giving me some directions?
, ?

I'm new in town. . /
I'm lost. / I lost my way. . / .

Could you tell me where the Science Museum is, please?
, , ?

It is on the corner of Seventh Street and Lincoln Road.

How do I get there from here, please?
, ?

Go down this street and turn right at the traffic light.

Walk two blocks and turn right onto Seventh Street.

Go past the department store and the flower market, and you'll see the Science Museum across the street.

Is it far from here? ?
No, it's just a ten-minute walk. 10 .

Is there a restaurant near here? / Can you tell me if there is a restaurant near here?
? / , ?

There is a restaurant around the corner, next to the toy store.
, .

Excuse me, where is the nearest pharmacy? / Excuse me, do you know where the nearest drugstore is?
, ? / , , ?

There is one next to the grocery store on King Street.

Do you see the square across from the bank? King Street starts behind the square.
? .

How long will it take to get there? ?
About ten minutes. .

Could you help me, please? I'd like to know how to get to the center from here.
, ? , .

The downtown bus stops in front of the Rose Hotel over there.

Excuse me, does this bus go to the center?
, ?

No, you need the bus going in the opposite direction. The bus stop is on the other side of the street.
, . .

What are you looking for? ?

The Central Exhibition. Do you know where it is? . , ?

The Central Exhibition? Well, it's pretty far from here. You'd better take a bus.

? , . .
Is it a long ride? / How long does it take to get there?

? / ?
About ten minutes by bus. .






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