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Ñòàòèñòèêà LiveInternet.ru: ïîêàçàíî êîëè÷åñòâî õèòîâ è ïîñåòèòåëåé
Ñîçäàí: 07.05.2010
Çàïèñåé: 50165
Êîììåíòàðèåâ: 36908
Íàïèñàíî: 93129


Ïÿòíèöà, 17 Ìàÿ 2013 ã. 11:39 + â öèòàòíèê

16 March 13


6ch, join with ss to form ring.

Rnd 1: 12dc into ring, join with ss.

Rnd 2: 12ch, *ss in next st, 12ch; rep. from *10 times (12 petals worked). Join with ss, fasten off. Join new colour at any 12ch sp.

Rnd 3: *1dc in 12ch sp, 4ch; rep. from *in all petals, join with ss.

Rnd 4: ss in next 4ch sp, in same sp work [2tr, 4ch, 2tr] (corner made), [4ch, 1dc in next 4ch sp] twice, 4ch, *in next 4ch sp work [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] (corner made), [4ch, 1dc in next 4ch sp] twice, 4ch; rep. from *twice more, join with ss.

Rnd 5: 1ch, 1dc in next st, *in corner 4ch sp work [2dc, 2ch, 2dc], 1dc in next st, [3dc in next 4ch sp, 1dc in next st] 3 times; rep. from * around, join with ss, fasten off. Join in first colour at any corner centre st of prev. rnd.

Rnd 6: *3dc in ctr. dc of prev. rnd., 1dc in next 17sts; rep. from *around, join with ss.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

Sew 12 small beads around centre circle.

15 April 13

svarta faret tilda – 3mm hook – 9 x 9cm

18 March 13

5ch, join with ss to form ring.

Rnd 1: 12htr into ring, join with ss.

Rnd 2: 2htr in every st around, join with ss.

Rnd 3: *2htr in first st, 1htr in next st; rep. from * around, soin with ss and fasten off. Join in new colour.

Rnd 4: *[1htr, 2ch, 1htr] into first st (corner), 1htr into next 8sts; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss.

Rnd 5: ss in first corner, *[2htr, 2ch, 2htr] into corner, 1htr in each st to next corner; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss.

Rnd 6: ss in first corner, *[2htr, 2ch, 2htr] into corner, 1htr in each st to next corner; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss and fasten off. Join first colour at any corner.

Rnd 7: *3dc in corner, 1dc in each st to next corner; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

25 April 13

svarta faret tilda – 3mm hokk – 9 x 9cm

7 March 13

4ch, join with ss to form ring.

Rnd 1: 8htr into ring, join with ss. Fasten off and join new colour.

Rnd 2: *3tr, 1ch; rep. from *7 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join new colour at any ch sp of prev. rnd.

Rnd 3: *2tr, 3ch, 2tr in ch sp of prev. rnd; rep. from *7 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join first colour to any ch sp of prev. rnd.

Rnd 4: *6dc in ch sp of prev. rnd, 1dc between tr pair of prev. rnd, [2tr, 2dtr, 1ch, 2dtr, 2tr] in next ch sp, 1dc between tr pair; rep. from *3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join third colour to any corner of prev. rnd.

Rnd 5: *[2tr, 1ch, 2tr] in ch sp of corner, 1htr, 2tr, 1dtr, 1tr, 1htr, 2dc, 1htr, 1tr, 1dtr, 2tr, 2htr between corners; rep. from *3 times, join with ss.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

3 May 13

rowan cotton glace – 3mm hook – 9 x 9cm

13 March 13

4ch, join with ss to form ring

Rnd 1: 8dc into ring, join with ss.

Rnd 2: *3ch, 1dc; rep. from * 8 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join new colour to any dc.

Rnd 3: 5ch, 1tr in same place as yarn was joined, *1ch, 1dc, 1ch, [1tr, 2ch, 1tr] in next st; rep. from *twice, 1ch, 1dc, 1ch, join with ss.

Rnd 4: *[2tr, 2ch, 2tr] in 2ch sp, 1tr in next two 1-ch spaces; rep. from *3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join first colour to any corner sp.

Rnd 5: *[2tr, 2ch, 2tr] in corner sp, 1ch, 1tr in next 3 spaces between tr’s, 1ch; rep. from *3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join second colour to any corner sp.

Rnd 6: *[3tr, 1ch, 3tr] in corner sp, 1ch, 2tr in 1-ch sp, 1tr in next 2 spaces between tr’s, 2tr in 1-ch sp, 1ch; rep. from *3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join first colour to any corner sp.

Rnd 7: *2dc in corner sp, 1dc in next 13sts; rep. from *3 times, join with ss.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

10 May 13

rowan cotton glace – 3mm hook – 10 x 10cm

6 March 13

6ch, join with ss to form ring.

Rnd 1: *4tr, 1ch into ring; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join new colour at any 1ch sp.

Rnd 2: *[1tr, 3ch, 1tr] into corner, skip 1st, 1dc in next 3 sts; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss.

Rnd 3: *[2tr, 2dtr, 2tr] into corner, skip 1st, 1dc in next 2sts, skip 1st; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join first colour to any corner.

Rnd 4: *2tr into corner, 2tr in next st, 1tr in next st, 1ch, 1tr between set of 4tr of first rnd, 1ch, 1tr in next st, 2tr in next st, 2tr into corner, 1ch; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join new colour to any corner.

Rnd 5: *[1tr, 1dtr, 1tr] into corner, 1tr in next 4sts, 2tr in ch sp before down tr of prev. rnd, 2tr in ch sp after down tr of prev. rnd, 1tr in next 4sts; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss. Fasten off and join second colour at any corner.

Rnd 6: *2dc between dtr + tr of prev. rnd, 1dc in next 12sts, 2dc between dtr + tr of prev. rnd; rep. from * 3 times, join with ss.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

28 March 13

svarta faret tilda – 3mm hook – 9.5 x 9.5cm

8 March 139 March 13YarnVesselCircleColour round 2Almost finishedFinished 4 http://madewithloops.co.uk/?paged=4


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