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09.12.2018 19:26:45:
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08.02.2015 18:55:37:
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04.11.2014 14:06:16:
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02.05.2013 21:37:32:
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: 01.01.2011
: 46515



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- , , , ...

, 04 2019 . 13:29 +
Андре Дерен. Суббота (700x547, 333Kb)
. ( ). 181×229. 1914. : . . .
, . , , (" ..." ).
0_60d29_59a87c49_XS (20x20, 1Kb), , , , , . - , , , . .

(. André Derain; 10 1880, -- 8 1954, ), , , , .
0_6d590_8f8690d5_XS (51x49, 1Kb)
RpeIzaZ (106x33, 2Kb) (. paysage, pays-, ), - ;
Rportret (121x46, 2Kb) (. portrait, . portraire- - , . - . persona-; )- - , , (, , , , , ), ( ).
- , , , , ,


: (Henri Matisse)

, 07 2019 . 01:03 +
1234 (26x693, 22Kb)
RkartinaPdny (402x131, 14Kb)270002 (462x700, 92Kb)
. , , . . . ,
pol01 (94x9, 0Kb)

(. Henri Émile Benoît Matisse; 31 1869, --, , ( ) - 3 1954, , ) - , . .
0_60d29_59a87c49_XS (20x20, 1Kb) , , , .
pol01 (94x9, 0Kb)
. .
 (700x280, 20Kb)line04shinegold (490x49, 16Kb)
rosen-von-vargemont (100x82, 3Kb)
- , , , , ,


(Kees van Dongen) - ,

, 10 2018 . 02:54 +
Kees van Dongen (1877-1968), The Corn Poppy, 1919, oil on canvas. (113x136, 7Kb)
Dongen, Kees van (1877-1968) - 1919c. The Corn Poppy by RasMarley, via Flickr (493x700, 65Kb)
Dongen, Kees van. Le Collier de Perles

(. Kees van Dongen; . Cornelis Theodorus Maria van Dongen; 26 1877, 28 1968, -) , , , .
0_60d29_59a87c49_XS (20x20, 1Kb) - , , , , , .
86934216_appiqFFF_cs (64x64, 6Kb) 13.png  (51x49, 1Kb)
Rportret (121x46, 2Kb) (. portrait, . portraire- - , . - . persona-; )- - , , (, , , , , ), ( ).
- , , , , ,


: (. Henri Matisse)

, 15 2016 . 23:31 +
58430 (100x100, 37Kb)

Henri Matisse. Woman Before a Fish Bowl, 1922

kist (35x29, 3Kb)
rosen-von-vargemont (100x82, 3Kb)
- , , , , ,


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