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, 04 2010 . 11:49 +
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Giuseppe Cades Alexander the Great in the Workshop of Apelles.

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres The Death of Leonardi da Vinci 1818 .

Jean-Baptiste Madou Study.

Henri Leys Artist.

Horace Vernet Raphael and Pope Leo X.

Toby Edward Rosenthal Portrait of Cardinal

Thomas Rowlandson Life Class.

Thomas Rowlandson Sculptor Shop.

Alphonse de Labroue In the artists studio.

Da Fattori a Previati Nello studio del pittore.

Robert Henri Sketchers in the Woods 1918 .

Henry F. Farney Painting Post 1880 .

Teniers David II Painter in his Studio.

Jean Beraud In the studio.

Paul Klee The artist at the window 1909 .

Anders Zorn Wallpaper Factory 1884 .

Orna Ben-Shoshan Head Art.

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