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The Rasmus - Maxidrom 10.06.2012


Понедельник, 11 Июня 2012 г. 14:07 + в цитатник

Тема будет обновляться.
Отлично выступили вчера ребята! Читала отзывы и, конечно, было приятно, что группу хвалили и те, кто видел ребят впервые. Вообще, судя по отзывам, выступление ребят многим пришедшим на фест понравилось. Обращают внимание на отличный живой вокал.

Мне, в связи с этим вспомнился один недавний эпизод. Искала какую-то видюшку, не наших пернатиков. И тут на глаза попался ролик о выступлении российских звез на концертах (там просто фоновую музыку сделали тише голоса). Это ужасно слышать задыхающиеся никакие голоса. Читаю комменты. Кто-то в ответ на разные отрицательные высказывния пишет, что петь и двигаться на сцене одновременно впринципе невозможно. Это совсем нереально, таких певцов нет даже за рубежом. Вообщем-то, я согласна что это очень трудно. Но... меня высказывание развеселило. Послушайте Расмус! Лаури и поет вживую отлично, и прыгает, и носится по сцене. =))
1645 (482x700, 148Kb)
7Yd (700x483, 147Kb)

Фотки от фанов:
1543-2 (518x700, 227Kb)
1647-2 (507x700, 266Kb)
1646-2 (467x700, 183Kb)
568_n (580x700, 227Kb)
9347 (700x466, 142Kb)
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1648 (700x467, 163Kb)
1649 (700x467, 168Kb)
425 (700x467, 205Kb)
12 (478x700, 82Kb)
142 (480x700, 98Kb)
11 (484x700, 88Kb)
16 (585x700, 98Kb)
15 (700x437, 110Kb)
13 (700x525, 111Kb)


Новое видео от The Rasmus - Stranger.


Четверг, 07 Июня 2012 г. 19:58 + в цитатник

Итак, однажды сказочный король 17-го века вдруг просыпается в неправильном месте в совсем неправильное время. Совершенно запутанный происходящим король оказывается вовлеченным в ритм большого города. Король, не имея возможности общаться, одиноко бродит по улицам жаркого Сингапура, пока не находит выход в свое время на пляжном пати.
Для меня этот клип полностью раскрывает заданную ребятами тему странника-короля. Песня хорошо сочитается с видео, и клип смотрится с интересом!

Сам клип:

И видео - Tuborg (Finland) ранее провел лотерею, и это позволило двум победителям - поклонникам The Rasmus побывать на съемках клипа.

Фотки из Сингапура =))
а1 (468x700, 168Kb)
а2 (467x700, 131Kb)
а3 (494x700, 268Kb)
а5 (551x700, 211Kb)
а7 (550x700, 230Kb)
а6 (700x599, 223Kb)
8 (700x390, 101Kb)

Фотки из клипа:

442а (700x395, 101Kb)
842а-2 (700x395, 91Kb)
01а (700x395, 147Kb)
25а (700x395, 119Kb)
43а (700x395, 150Kb)
47а (700x395, 120Kb)
08а (700x395, 120Kb)
11а (700x395, 109Kb)
44а (700x395, 119Kb)
32а (700x395, 95Kb)
12аа (700x395, 128Kb)
58а (700x395, 152Kb)
149 (700x395, 74Kb)
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759а (700x395, 99Kb)
715а (700x395, 93Kb)
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559а (700x395, 100Kb)
33а (700x395, 132Kb)
05 (700x395, 102Kb)
43 (700x395, 96Kb)
49а (700x395, 95Kb)
28а2 (700x395, 89Kb)
45а (700x395, 118Kb)
719а (700x395, 89Kb)


Видео-запись: The Rasmus - Stranger (музыкальный клип)

Среда, 06 Июня 2012 г. 11:21 + в цитатник
Просмотреть видео
274 просмотров

Премьера клипа от The Rasmus!!! Официальное видео, снятое в Сингапуре (май 2012).

Эту тему перенесла в пост дневника. Там можно посмотреть:

1. Клип от ребят.
2. Видео - фаны и The Rasmus в Сингапуре.
3. Хорошие фото с места съемок.
4. И фотки из клипа большего размера, такие сюда не поставишь:


Как проходили съемки, можно прочитать вот здесь:

30 (606x336, 67Kb)
13 (2) (606x335, 81Kb)

Фото от ребят:
29894_o (620x700, 222Kb)


Видео-запись: The Rasmus в Польше - май 2012

Пятница, 01 Июня 2012 г. 01:13 + в цитатник
Просмотреть видео
82 просмотров

Видео о пребывании The Rasmus в Варшаве во время майского тура.

2 (518x290, 89Kb)
4 (518x292, 92Kb)
6 (518x289, 90Kb)
8 (518x293, 68Kb)
9 (518x292, 76Kb)
14 (518x292, 72Kb)
16 (518x293, 85Kb)
17 (518x293, 86Kb)
25 (518x293, 70Kb)


Интервью с Lauri и Eero.


Понедельник, 28 Мая 2012 г. 10:59 + в цитатник


Lauri Ylonen и Aki Hakala беседовали на Rock'n'Live перед их шоу в la Maroquinerie (Париж 19.05.2012).

И еще одно интервью:

1 (606x408, 142Kb)

Daniel Cairns chats with Lauri Ylonen and Eero Heinonen of the Rasmus about Disney Characters and flames on the walls.

AAAmusic: How does your new album differ to the ones you previously released?

Lauri: The mixing of it was different, previously on the last album ‘Black Roses’ we worked with an American producer Desmond Child and it was a massive American big budget production. We wanted to on the new album to keep it in the family just the four of us working on it. We went back to the old rehearsal rooms for the new album the same place we recorded ‘Dead Letters’ so ‘In the Shadows’. So we kind of of went back to our roots. We had a very intense two months writing period last summer and we put the whole package together. I think being back in the old rooms brought back memories I think no one has ever cleaned since 2001 and that also helped to bring back the atmosphere, we had painted big flames on the walls so it was cool to be in the same environment. We found things that we left their years ago like my chewing gum.

Eero: It is funny because in that room you tend to create one sort of sound, you take the guitar, the bass, the drums, the singing and that is the palate that you use. That is pretty cool songwriting wise that you have this sort of arrangement. Like when we were doing these songs we felt like actually it doesn’t need much else. Just do a couple of harmonies in the vocals and the record is going to be like that and we felt really happy with that.

Lauri: I don’t know if the sound is similar to ‘Dead Letters’ the songs are though similar to what we did in 2001 on an album called ‘Into’ the fans are saying.

AAAmusic: Your new album is called just simply ‘The Rasmus’ do you think this is a more personal album for you?

Lauri: We wanted to start again the band from scratch on the new record, To do the album in a very simple way and keep things spontaneous. So we wanted the eighth album to be self titled, because it felt like in a way being reborn.
2 (606x409, 141Kb)

AAAmusic: Lauri your solo album was very electronic, did you take any of the skills you learned to add to the sound on the new record?

Lauri: My solo album was out last year and I’m so different when I am writing my solo stuff I like put my headphones on and it is a very lonely process, I work on the laptop and this kind of music comes through loops and samples it’s impossible to play with a band afterwards. We actually tried to play a couple of thou’s songs with the Rasmus but it didn’t work out. I think what we need to do as a band is to go to the old rehearsal rooms put on the amplifiers and feel the sweat and all that.

Eero: There was one moment when we were at the rehearsal rooms that Lauri had this song that we all liked but it had this kind of synthesizer riff in it and we tried to play it with the guitar, but then we thought actually it works far better with the synthesizers. So the riff was replaced with something else and the song somehow was a similar shape and that was nice. I have to say that Lauri has some really good songs on his solo record, I like his songwriting style and I think we are also learning somehow from what he can do. He has brought something new to the band you always explore new things when you do creative stuff.

AAAmusic: Who would you most like to work on an album with and why?

Eero: Marilyn Monroe!

Lauri: We have done a lot of collaborations mostly with Finish artists, I sang a duet with Ville Valo from HIM and Apocalyptica was playing behind us. That was one of the greatest collaborations, and also Anita the Nightwish singer she was on one of the tracks on one of the albums. Actually we are thinking of having someone from England to sing that song with us onstage, Eero’s friend.

Eero: I have a friend that lives here in London, and she just recently visited Finland her names is Tanya Wells and her own songs are folky music which is just a girl and a guitar. She has a brilliant voice so I said ‘Hey Tanya come on stage and we will do one song together!’ It’s nice that you can do something special for each concert. If you play a tour for a couple of weeks it’s nice to have something different from yesterday.

AAAmusic: The first single of the new album is I’m a Mess, How did you decide what would be the first single off the new album?

Lauri: Deciding on the first single is always tricky, but this time that was the last song we wrote so we thought maybe this sums up the album in a way and it was actually finished in the studio. Half of it was written back home, and it felt like their was some drive in it.

Eero: I have a good memory of that song actually, It was the last song that we were practicing, right before we were supposed to put the stuff together. And after we finished rehearsing Lauri sent like a very sensitive acoustic demo of that song with his lyrics for that song. I was kind of impressed by the idea that you say I’m a mess or that I am not in control of my life in total, because I think that’s what life is you try to grab it but life is always moving you try to run after it but you don’t know how it is going to go, so you end up actually being a little bit of a mess and I think that is beautiful. That lyric can be like I am having a new start or let’s try and forget what happened or just to say I feel like I’m so shattered but still I feel good and I want to go forward, I think it’s a kind of nice lyric.

Lauri: The songs are mostly based on my experiences, but also I keep my eye on the news and I listen to the guys, we are actually like girls we talk a lot. Lets say we have a day when we are supposed to write songs, we might talk for hours and have breakfast first. That’s very important at least as important as the songwriting. If you want to belong somewhere, If you want to feel goo in the band and be able to open yourself up if it’s needed.

AAAmusic: When writing what are the dynamics in the band?

Lauri: It’s very difficult to say when a good idea will pop into your head, you could be doing anything when it comes. It’s nice to talk about things that our on our minds and maybe that will bring out a thoughts, first of all you want to help each other out but maybe after you can write a song about it.

Eero: I think in our case when writing songs we have the melody and harmony first and then Lauri writes the lyrics usually when the song is more of less ready. There are some exceptions like I think the song ‘Stranger’ it already had lines ready for it. So we knew that we had to fit the lines into each bit of the song. Then Lauri wrote the rest of the lyrics on top.

Lauri: We are going to Singapore the day after tomorrow to film the video for that song.

3 (606x409, 110Kb)

AAAmusic: What do you think your trademark feathers symbolize to you personally?

Lauri: A cross I have to bare, just kidding! It gives me a good feeling to have these, I feel wrong if I don’t have them on and when I have them on I step up to the next level mentally. It gives me the power when I go onstage like Dumbo in the Disney films the elephant that can fly and he has that feather and he thinks it’s because of that he can fly.

AAAmusic: How do you think your fans in the UK compare to the fans in the rest of the world?

Lauri: We have really loyal fans, like their is a couple of girls from the UK that have been at every show on this tour and one of them was holding a sign that said she had seen us at seventy shows , so that is pretty good. They have been to Finland, Japan everywhere in the world following us.

Eero: Some fans are so passionate that they learn another language your language. We have had a lot of fans that have learnt Finish cause they got to know Finland through our band, and some people move to Finland and stay for a year or six months or something, which is pretty cool. I would actually like to do something quite courageous, recently I have been living in Italy for two years and I’ve been learning some Italian language.

AAAmusic: Who is your favourite band that you have toured with?

Eero: We have been doing a lot of co-headline and support tours for a long time so some good memories, We toured with HIM a Finnish band and we opened for Red Hot Chili Peppers, Garbage, Metallica

Lauri: Rancid, Yeah we played three gigs with Metallica in South Africa. That was really good, they were nice guys they had drinks with us, they’re really like down to earth. Their fans took ok to us, it wasn’t like if it would have been here in the UK, In the UK it would have been a disaster for us, like at the Reading Festival with the bottles. In Africa people are just really grateful that someone comes over to play a show. In the UK people are very passionate about music, sometimes a little over passionate about things. I’m so much more relaxed about things if you don’t like something I won’t go listen to it. I think at the Reading Festival our slot was in the wrong place that day we were in the middle of the hardcore bands.

AAAMusic: What’s the last song you listened to on your iPod?

Eero: Can I check…

Lauri: I was listening to Rufus Wainwright (Check). I’m a lucky guy cause I get a lot of free cd’s from the record company. So I try to take stuff I wouldn’t buy and then sometimes I’m happily surprised when I find it’s good music. I’m quite into Rufus Wainwright at the moment I like the new album, actually I already liked the old one… I don’t know how many he has put out.

Eero: The cover is a bit odd…

Lauri: Yes!

Eero: He is in a pink suit or something it looks quite gay.

Lauri: I once saw him onstage he was just playing piano, Nothing else. I don’t think I would like to collaborate with him, he is in a different league. The piano with my vocals would work quite well I actually started talking to the rest of the band about me playing piano on stage or maybe in the future to have a new dimension. cause I just to play piano… actually I started playing piano when I was five. Their is piano on quite a few of our tracks, it could be cool to go there on a song live.

Eero:We might just leave the drum kit and leave the electric guitar, just piano acoustic, singing and maybe even a cello

Lauri: Tonight at the gig we are going to play a song from each album. We have been changing the setlist just to keep it interesting, fresh for every gig. Like I said their are some fans that have come to see every show. I would feel really bad if we did the same setlist every night and also we have this acoustic part of the show. In the middle of the show so it provides a bit where we can ask people to come sing with us. So we listen they might have some requests. We invited a girl onstage with us in Italy a few days ago and she was a really good singer.

Eero: She knew some of our songs quite well, she only sang one song but she was pretty good.

Daniel Cairns
Photos by Luca Viola

И фотки с концерта в Англии 21.05.2012
с2 (471x700, 173Kb)
с4 (467x700, 209Kb)
с5 (467x700, 213Kb)
с1 (700x499, 192Kb)
с3 (700x560, 241Kb)


Видео-запись: The Rasmus-Lauri and Aki in Milan 16.05.2012

Пятница, 18 Мая 2012 г. 15:18 + в цитатник
Просмотреть видео
56 просмотров

Аки с Лаури в Милане. Лаури с видеокамерой. Видимо, будет снимать улицы и здания с интересной архитектурой.

The Rasmus отвечает на вопросы:

The Rasmus для итальянских фанов:

rasm3 (600x451, 129Kb)
rasm2 (600x451, 105Kb)
rasm1 (600x451, 133Kb)


The Rasmus-Somewhere (VIDEO)


Среда, 09 Мая 2012 г. 17:05 + в цитатник

Очень классное видео от ребят!!! Основано на моментах работы над альбомом. Ничего не придумано, нет никакой фальши, здесь ребята такие, какие они есть в жизни. И это очень ценно! Красивая, трогательная песня о дружбе и настоящая дружба в жизни, которой не страшны ни года, ни расстояния!
Какие же вы молодцы, ребята!!! Огромнейшее вам спасибо за то, что вы есть!!!

15 (700x390, 98Kb)
14 (700x390, 113Kb)
22 (700x390, 142Kb)
44 (700x390, 136Kb)
58с (700x390, 137Kb)
300 (700x390, 131Kb)
18 (700x390, 122Kb)
39с (700x390, 139Kb)
450 (700x390, 99Kb)
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37 (700x390, 172Kb)
702 (700x390, 167Kb)
644 (700x390, 117Kb)
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57 (700x390, 120Kb)
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7 (700x390, 121Kb)
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015 (700x390, 136Kb)
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2 (700x390, 132Kb)
5 (700x390, 118Kb)
3с (700x390, 118Kb)
301 (700x390, 149Kb)
44 (700x390, 94Kb)


Майский тур начинаается - Швеция!


Понедельник, 07 Мая 2012 г. 10:57 + в цитатник

Следите за обновлением темки!

Дождались ведь! Сначала концерты в некоторых странах Европы, потом летние фесты, а с осени ребята планируют начать большой тур с новым альбомом по разным странам.
Больших вам удач, ребята!!!

И первое фото от Расмус:
"On our way to Stockholm! First gig of the tour!"

1 (587x700, 195Kb)
The Rasmus - Intro & Stranger

The Rasmus - Days (акустика)
В сет-листе стояла песня Ice, но Лаури сказал, что много людей попросили спеть Days. Но при этом добавил, что он забыл 3-ий куплет и попросил ему помочь.

The Rasmus - Funky Jam (акустика)

The Rasmus - Somewhere (2012)

The Rasmus-Friends Don't Do Like That (2012)

The Rasmus - Save Me Once Again

The Rasmus-First Day Of My Life

The Rasmus-No Fear

The Rasmus - Living In A World Without You

The Rasmus-Sail Away (акустика)

Thank you Reka!
07.05.2012-Lauri-The Rasmus (450x700, 83Kb)
1 (521x700, 49Kb)
2 (521x700, 53Kb)
3 (700x521, 73Kb)
4 (700x520, 55Kb)
96_n2 (700x521, 77Kb)
Фото фанов из Стокгольма.
The Rasmus- Швеция 2012 (700x522, 258Kb)
2012-05-08-3 (700x525, 218Kb)
2012-05-08-4 (547x700, 230Kb)
2 (535x700, 217Kb)
14715_n (570x571, 153Kb)
26624_n (616x616, 173Kb)
241349_n (616x606, 162Kb)
therasmus3 (700x526, 250Kb)
therasmus2 (700x526, 212Kb)


Лаури, The Rasmus и благотворительный концерт


Четверг, 03 Мая 2012 г. 17:14 + в цитатник

Не знаю, будет ли сегодня здесь новая тема (скорее всего, будет), а пока новая фотка Лаури
Lauri Ylonen 2012с (677x654, 176Kb)

Сегодня Расмус снова выступали на благотворительном концерте с песней Stranger:

26 (700x394, 103Kb)
17 (700x394, 106Kb)
20 (700x394, 127Kb)
а1 (700x394, 110Kb)
22 (700x394, 111Kb)
15 (700x394, 142Kb)
5 (700x394, 109Kb)
8 (700x394, 117Kb)
12 (700x394, 134Kb)
13 (700x394, 117Kb)


The Rasmus in Soundi 2012


Понедельник, 30 Апреля 2012 г. 13:35 + в цитатник

Это интервью опубликовал финский журнал Soundi. Здесь подробно рассказывается, как работали ребята над альбомом, что происходило с ними...

The Rasmus – after the crazy years

by Reka.
Thank you, Reka!

No more compromises. No more orders from outsiders. No more forced rock songs. Maybe not even more last minute flights to Las Vegas. The Rasmus have grown mature, but the band have also finally found the final balance.

We go back to last year, to a sunny October evening. In the studio in Stockholm we live in a high tension atmosphere. The Rasmus have returned after a few previous recording sessions to the good old city (we came by ferry and we ate shrimps, just like in the old days), and the band intends to start the recordings for their 8th studio album, still on that evening. About the recordings cares the old friend Martin Hansen, but the band has their own free will to realize themselves as they want. No record deal. No comments from anyone.

How did the million albums sold, and giant gigs playing band ended up in a situation like this? The search of the answer takes us even more backwards.

The popularity of The Rasmus culminated in working together with worldwide known producer, Desmond Child, almost four years ago with the album Black Roses. The album then presented a similar sound to Hide from the sun, although it was the band dark music trademark completely off of Black Roses. This came as a surprise, because Desmond have been working with names like Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Alice Cooper and Kiss rock bands.

-Hide from the sun is the follower of international breakthrough album, Dead Letters. Back then we had such a feeling that also Hide from the sun has to be rock, although the heart of the band was more into popish songs. Halfly forced working makes its disservice, because the composing has to be fully sincere and free, Ylönen tells in the backstage of the studio.

-In the case of Black Roses we gave the bridles in the hands of Desmond, and it was in a lot of ways extreme thing to do. When the authority is enough hard, then the own opinion can be blurred. He wanted to compose with us, and surely the work with a worldwide known producer sounded very much like interesting. Desmond influenced very much the songs on Black Roses, pretty much how the purpose was too, but the working process opened our eyes in the same time. We realized only then, that we know already very well these things.

After the Black Roses tour, hands of The Rasmus were not finally locked. The relaxing moments came in handy to the band that has been working for years without a break. After the relaxing period, the working again lead to an observation that the new material does not sound at all like The Rasmus (in the songs of a rock band it’s good to have also guitar, so the band does not have to go to dance lessons). Then Lauri had the idea to release a solo album – and so it happened, that New World soloalbum worked also as an inspiration source for the reborn of The Rasmus.

-I went to studio, made the solo material, and went to ask if there’s anyone who wants to release it. A freedom like this in the making process felt extremely good. In the same time I realized that The Rasmus also has to work the same way. In other words, we make everything including the promo videos and album cover, and if anyone wants to invest money in it, for example in marketing, then it’s surely pretty okay, Lauri describes.

-We’re not doing anymore that way that there are all kind of people in the studio telling their opinions about it. When we made album about 15 years ago, all the guys from the record label were 30something years old. Now we are those guys at same age, and we know how the things work. Studiowork is anyways a lot more free and relaxing when we’re not there to waste someone’s money. We have come back to ‘practice’ music, and it feels great. There is no anger, no musts when we do things without compromises.

Someone should anyways have the last word.

-Pauli has just been laughing about that Lauri has started to dominate more. It can be that way! But it’s great that we don’t have to tell okay to anyone’s work –besides of course the band members, but we all have pretty much like the same taste. And if it comes to fighting, then I’d rather fight with the others from the band than with some guy from the record label. And if I have to give up on my own ideas, then it’s seemingly better than subordinating myself to someone, the singer emphasizes.

-But it’s great we didn’t have to fight. I was really blissful to write and record, when no one sticked their nose in and said ‘you can’t sing like that, people don’t like that at all’. About those comments comes a feeling like, go to hell now I will sing just as I want and like; and now I just don’t want to sing about a dangerous cat woman in the Los Angeles night.

The works for the 8th The Rasmus album have actually started during summer 2011. The working name for the album was Kissa ja Hiiri (Cat and Mouse) and also Four Cocks.

-There was no planning on the schedule of the studio session, and either about anything else. The guys just came to Finland, Pauli from Singapore and Eero from Italy. We had really nice conversations and tried old riffs, but the whole thing was like open. There was also a double or nothing feeling. But if anything has been born out of this? And if there wouldn’t have been born anything out of this then we would have tried again in a year or in five years again, Ylönen tells.

-We have looked through the cards, and went to Helsinki’s Nosturi training camp everyday for a couple of months. We bought food and drink from the gas station next to it, and threw long work days among the cables. We have wrote the material for Into album the same way, and remember songs like F-f-f-falling still with a good mood. It has not taken long until the pieces started to fall into one piece. There have been born interesting songs – and really songs that worked only on acoustic guitar. We haven’t really went into a sound world deep, like it happens today usually.

-There was nothing else to do in the end than to start to plan the making of the album. I called to Martin to Stockholm and asked what kind of schedule he has in the next months. It turned out that his previous studio session ended at the beginning of october. Okay, things clear, let’s make an album!

Just a few months later, in April 2012 everything is ready. The Rasmus entitled album last touches has been long finished, and the band has focused on other pririties concerning the release of the album. The band have for example been in Tokyo to make a new video for the single I’m a Mess. Lauri Ylönen sitting in a cafe in Helsinki, he has all the right reasons for smiling widely: the preliminary plans for The Rasmus have finally started to come true.

-We made everything ourselves – and then we got marketing support of Universal. This went just like in the old times. Then we also said in an interview „the band makes what it wants and the guys from the record laber give the money”. Back then we had Warner Music’s Pekka Ruuskaa, who has been laughing about this, Lauri remembers.

I’m a mess has been playing on the radios for weeks long at the moment of the interview. And not without impressions.

-A lot of people have noticed that I’m a Mess sounds more like my solo material. Same time it come to my mind what a rude hustle the chose of the debut single is, especially these days. The first ‚taste’ has an incredible weight. And still some song has to be given the top rate, the singer shakes his head.

-It’s surely clear that I hear our music in a very different way face to our fans. In my opinion I’m a Mess sounds like The Rasmus should, and i wouldn’t put the song to my solo album by any chance. The song opens with an A-dur, and it’s like…ordinary. It won’t bring the Moon from the sky. After my solodebut i have been continuously writing songs in two different ways, one for The Rasmus and once for my solo album. It was interesting to realize that the more i compose, the more new ideas are born.

It’s anyhow safe to say that these days The Rasmus is more pop than rock – almost seven years after Hide from the Sun.

-Really like that. Also in the studio there were comments like Aki close that hihat so that the song won’t be too rock. We didn’t wanted to make at all a new Hide from the Sun. For example in Friend’s don’t do like that it could have gone really wrong. And also previously we have gone wrong. Now the songs are based more on melancholic positivism, and encourage the sadness. Let’s take for example It’s your night –song –there can be found melodies that remind of J. Karjalainen.

We go back a little to I’m a Mess, and to it’s lyrics. The themes of a remorse are strongly present in it, and the question of ‚how personal the lyrics are’ can not be avoided! Same question can be presented also in case of a lot of other songs.

-Surely in the lyrics there are a lot of personal remarks, but there are not at all diary entries. There are also experiences of other people close or less close to me, Lauri describes.

-Surely the ritous rock life is fun in its time, but sometimes should also remember to break and take a pause. Luckily I haven’t got to oblige myself in anything. I have never had such feeling, that now i should close everything behind and end the great parties. Because of the family and also other important things, being sober in the past years have felt natural and senseful.

Aren’t you missing those crazy times?

-As i said, partying back then back cool. A fitting ‚drunkness’ brought also to the gigs a bit weird and over-energized mood. Nowadays it feels just great to being able to achieve the same feelings without anything added. Also on the tour is always hazy mood and tired feelings, even if we’re not partying all night long. And if we add to that the drunkness and the hangover…well, of that can think a lot. Like, does life goes til end like this?

Sometimes during 2003 – 04, when The Rasmus have been severely touring, the speed was the same during the tour and also while being at home, having a small break.

-We came home from the tour for a few days, but of the relaxing and fitting into the normal life, nothing happened. Wasn’t even able to sleep in own bed. All the time was a feeling like so bored, what should invent to do, Ylönen remembers.

-Happened then when left with friends to a roadtrip. One of them lasted for 6 days and that included a lot of interesting happenings. Like we went to the yard of churches to listen to Slayer’s South of Heaven while worshipping satan. I mean in quotation marks. And when we went to the shop, we went in with commando hats on our heads. At least the cashier didn’t ask for papers!

Maybe Finland has not offered hard challenges to these brave roadtrippers.

-We sometimes invented that we go for a drink to Las Vegas. And we left. Really.

Bassist Eero Heinonen have done movie in India – The hard disk of the camera does not work in heights of over 3km

Bassis Eero Heinonen has not been relaxing too much while The Rasmus was silent around. Before The Making of Black Roses documentary maker, has now spent a few months in India to make a new movie. Still in progess movie’s title is Walker / Kävelijä.
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-I have been thinking about making a fictive movie, during the past few years. The final decision has been born when i read the book of Tero Tähtinen about walking. I work in the project as director and producer, but I sometimes appear also in front of the camera. In the main role, there is again my friend Leo Honkonen. Walker is made for television, but presentation in the cinema is not impossible either.

What happens in the movie?

-Getting out of the squirrel wheel and from the aimlessness, a Finnish youngster goes to Himalaya and India to search for the truth and options. On the road the main character detects, that he has to be brave and give in to life. Walking on the mountain is a main act in the movie.

How was to work in India?

-All kind of things happen there. We could not for example prepare for the fact that the hard drive of the camera stops working higher than 3300m. Sometimes also lot of people came along with us – felt like we would have been on the stage performing. For sure also the diarrheal diseases belonged to the journey. I threw up in the yard of a monastery right ahead when I told to the actor ‘please’.

-Generally impact have the burning bodies of the saint city of Varanasi and the Ganges river. And Ganapatipulen beach and the ocean. And of course Indian trains. We have traveled with those at least 25 times.

Does music have a big role in Walker?

-Themes are handled a lot with music and moods, less with talking. Lauri Porra composes the main score of the movie, and the music of the movie will also be released on a separate disc, on which worked among others James Black and Nicky Wells. I might be also fit the voice tracks and the effects, but for sure I will not compose.

What is the schedule of the movie?

-The movie will be ready latest in December. It would be great to show a few minutes long trailer for example at Flow-festival.
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