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  •     - - . : Internet Explorer 6, Fire Fox 1.5, Opera 9.5, Safari 3.1.1 JavaScript.
  •    - "Empire" - "Empire" Goodgame Empire. , .
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19:12 17.06.2015
: 138
19:09 17.06.2015
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21:49 26.10.2008
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: 17.02.2005
: 53452
: 228891
: 328481


. 1,4-

, 12 2012 . 23:59 +
galkapogonina . 1,4- ( )

http://ipg.geospace.ru/20120712-flux.html -
. . ""

, 7 , . 1.4, 16.52 UT, . , , .

http://www.solarham.net/pictures/archive/jul12_2012_x1.4.jpg .
X1.4- 16:52 UTC .
X1.4 - 1520 - 19:37:00 - 20:49:00 - 21:30:00

X1.4 Solar Flare + CME (7/12/2012)
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation from the blast site:

The UV and X-ray pulse from the flare will have partially ionized Earth's upper atmosphere on the dayside of our planet, disturbing the normal propagation of radio signals. Watch the Realtime Space Weather Gallery for possible reports of sudden ionospheric disturbances and other effects
11 2012 12 2012 GOES-15

1520 - 48 Fkc - 1320 - Beta-Gamma-Delta
1521 - 15 Eso - 0150 - Beta-Gamma

Sunspot 1520 has a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares.


SWMF (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere) Real-time run

: 1

_   , 13 2012 . 00:13 ()
Mila111111   , 13 2012 . 13:19 ()
_, ...
: [1] []


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