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 - e-mail



: 29.07.2012
: 25256
: 995
: 26630


( 9793 )



, 13 2013 . 18:49 +

7 (604x332, 51Kb)


Present Perfect:

, 09 2013 . 20:47 +
1. , .
e.g. He's lost all his money and now feels utterly desperate.

e.g. I've lost my keys! (I remember putting them in my bag this morning but know they are not there now.)

3. , ( Present Perfect Continuous).
e.g. She has worked as an accountant for 10 years. She's a really experienced one now.

8 (604x473, 45Kb)


, 05 2013 . 20:09 +

1 (500x374, 57Kb)


, 05 2013 . 14:30 +
Get it? - ?
What makes you so sure? - ?
Are you nuts? - , ?
How's that? - ?
How come, (that) ...? - , ...?
What have I got to do? - ?
What's the use of? - ? / ?:
What's the use of worrying? - ?
Why worry him? - ?
What if I refuse? - , ?
Surely you can see that. - ?
Surely you saw them. - ?
What is it taking so long? - ? / ?
What is going on (here)? - () ?
Are you kidding? ?:
What makes you think (that) ...? - , ...:
What makes you think I was there? => , ?
Coming along? - ? / ( / )?:
Let's go to the bar. . Coming along, Tom? . . , ( )?
What remains to be done? - ?
Are you getting the picture?- ( / )?
Make yourself clear .
So what? - ? ?
Can you be more specific? - ? / ?
What is this all about? - ?
Who are they to judge us? - , ?
What gave you that idea? - ?
No fooling?- ? / ?
But supposing... what then? - , ,..., ?:
The question now is ...? - ...?:
So what's the hitch? - ?
What is your point? - ?
Can you manage it? - ?:
Do you think I don't know what's been going on behind my back? - , , ?
What is it to you? - - ? ?
What's the hold-up? - ?
How long did you hold office? / How long have you held office? - / ?
Why not do smth. while we are about it? - - ?:
How do you account for doing smth.? - / ?:
How do you account for being late? - ?
How can you be sure? - ?
Is that why / where / what / ...? - / / / ...?:
Is that why they didn't invite us? - .
Is that where you were? - . / ?
Why is it ...? - , ..,?:
Are you out of your mind? - ? How so? - ?



, 02 2013 . 12:27 +
Absent-minded -
Ambitious -
Appealing -
Assertive -
Attractive -
Audacious -
Awkward -
Behaviour -
Blockhead -
Boastful -
Bore -
Bright - ,
Calm -
Charitable -
Chatter-box -
Cheerful -
Clever -
Clumsy -
Communicative -
Compelling -
Conceited -
Conscientious -
Consistent -
Coward -
Cruel -
Cultural -
Cunning -
Dawdler -
Decent -
Diligent -
Docile -
Double-faced -
Earnest -
Eloquent -
Envious -
Fair -
Faithful -
Fearful -
Frank -
Generous -
Gentle -
Good-natured -
Greedy -
Haughty -
Honest -
Hot-tempered -
Humour - ,
Ill-mannered -
Impudent -
Industrious -
Irritable -
Jealous -
Just -
Lazy -
Lazy-bones -
Liar -
Light-minded -
Loyal -
Mean -
Modest -
Mood -
Naughty -
Neat -
Neat -
Noble -
Obedient -
Obstinate -
Opinion -
Outstanding -
Persistent -
Persuasive -
Polite -
Punctual -
Reasonable -
Relaxed -
Reputation -
Reserved -
Resolute -
Respectful -
Rude -
Self-assured -
Self-starter -
Selfish -
Sentimental -
Shy -
Slacker -
Sleepyhead -
Slippery -
Sloven -
Sluggish -
Sly - ,
Smart -
Sophisticated -
Steady -
Stingy -
Strong-willed -
Sweet-tooth -
Tactful -
Temper - ,
Touchy -
Trait -
Trusting -
Unobtrusive -
Versatile -
Weak-willed -
Well-bred -
Wise -
Witty -


, 01 2013 . 19:45 +

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
: , ?

She sells sea shells at the sea shore, the shells she sells are the sea-shore shells, Im sure.
: ; , ,

Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss witch-bitches, wish to watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?
: -, , . -, , ?

William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter. Victor, however, will never wear woolen underwear even in the Wild Wild West.
. , , .

Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie?
: , ?

Good blood, bad blood.
: , . ( , .)

Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisier noise annoys an oyster most.
: , .

She stood on the balcony inexplicably mimicking him hiccupping, and amicably welcoming him home.
: , .

We'll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not."
: , , .

4 (300x300, 16Kb)


, 01 2013 . 19:42 +

3 (604x453, 44Kb)



, 28 2012 . 11:59 +
Wannabee (want-to-be) , , - . , , ..

Elvis Presley wannabees gathered yesterday at the annual Elviss fest.



gotta have to, . :

You know what they say, youve gotta spend money to make money!

, , , !

, . , gotta have to, had to.


dont know.

I dunno.

Yep Nope

Yep n , , . yes n. , yep , n .

- Are you going to sit here all day?

- Yep.

- You did it?

- Nope.

, .
, . . : bout, about, cause because, k ok ..

How bout tomorrow? Ill give you a call tomorrow afternoon, k?

? , ?

aint , not: is not, are not am not. :

You aint going to the club until youve done the dishes.


It aint necessary to do so. It isnt necessary to do so.


I won the first prize. Aint that cool! I won the first prize. Isnt that cool!

. , !

, aint , . . , .



want to. :

But I wanna go! Clare shouted.

!, .

I wanna go home.


I wanna be a king.



gonna , , going to .

Hey, Im gonna hit the sack but Ill call you tomorrow, ok babe?

, , , ?

Look at this guy. Hes gonna jump off the train!

. .

I am gonna enter a college this year.


3 (604x341, 22Kb)


, 28 2012 . 11:55 +
Get it? - ?
What makes you so sure? - ?
Are you nuts? - , ?
How's that? - ?
How come, (that) ...? - , ...?
What have I got to do? - ?
What's the use of? - ? / ?:
What's the use of worrying? - ?
Why worry him? - ?
What if I refuse? - , ?
Surely you can see that. - ?
Surely you saw them. - ?
What is it taking so long? - ? / ?
What is going on (here)? - () ?
Are you kidding? ?:
What makes you think (that) ...? - , ...:
What makes you think I was there? => , ?
Coming along? - ? / ( / )?:
Let's go to the bar. . Coming along, Tom? . . , ( )?
What remains to be done? - ?
Are you getting the picture?- ( / )?
Make yourself clear .
So what? - ? ?
Can you be more specific? - ? / ?
What is this all about? - ?
Who are they to judge us? - , ?
What gave you that idea? - ?
No fooling?- ? / ?
But supposing... what then? - , ,..., ?:
The question now is ...? - ...?:
So what's the hitch? - ?
What is your point? - ?
Can you manage it? - ?:
Do you think I don't know what's been going on behind my back? - , , ?
What is it to you? - - ? ?
What's the hold-up? - ?
How long did you hold office? / How long have you held office? - / ?
Why not do smth. while we are about it? - - ?:
How do you account for doing smth.? - / ?:
How do you account for being late? - ?
How can you be sure? - ?
Is that why / where / what / ...? - / / / ...?:
Is that why they didn't invite us? - .
Is that where you were? - . / ?
Why is it ...? - , ..,?:
Are you out of your mind? - ? How so? - ?

2 (604x453, 70Kb)


, 28 2012 . 11:53 +
At-(= )
In front of-(=)
Onto-( on " ", onto " ")
Into-(( onto), in " ", into " ")
Out of-
Past-( " ")
Next to/By/Beside- ,
Over-(." ")

1 (604x501, 61Kb)



, 24 2012 . 21:32 +
above all -
after all -
and all -
and so on / and so forth -
as a matter of fact -
as things stand now -
as things turned out -
as to / as for -
at a glance -
at any rate -
at first - -
at least -
believe it or not - ,
by the way -
deep down - ( )
first of all -
for all / for all that -
for example / for instance / for one thing - ,
for one thing -
for one's part / on one's part -
for the most part -
I dare say - ,
I wonder -
if I remember rightly -
if I'm not mistaken -
in a nutshell -
in all probability / in all likelihood -
in any case -
in any event -
in fact -
in my opinion -
In other words - ,
in short / in brief / in a word -
in the long run -
it turned out that - ,
just for the record - ,
lay it on the line -
let alone -
look here -
needless to say -
not to mention -
on the contrary -
one way of another -
or what? - ?
or whatever - -
something tells me - - ,
that is to say -
that's flat - ! ( )
that's the way things are going. - .
to one's mind - -
to say nothing of -
to say the truth -
to sum up -
what's more -

6 (300x333, 25Kb)



, 15 2012 . 14:53 +
Lordi-06 [ + !]

25 , .
1. some any.
, , : Have you got some drugs? ( - ?) , any. : Do you have any drugs?
 (313x313, 16Kb)

- - , ?

2. if () .
If you will . , : If you keep fucking our neighbour Trofim, I'll start sleeping with his wife Olga.
 (313x313, 17Kb)

- , .


, 15 2012 . 14:52 +
WildHeaven [ + !]

. , , . Intermediate .

English as a Second Language (ESL) podcast - , , ! - , , ( )

Listen to English , . , .

British Coucil podcast - , ( ).

Fun English Lessons ! , very funny!

, , , . , "Out of the frying pan and into the fire" " ".

- , , . , Download Podcast=)

Intermediate. , , ))

, - Radio Lingua Network podcasts. , , . , . , , , ))


( !). !

, - ! , =))
Good luck!


, 13 2012 . 15:32 +

xhKRkOR_BQg (462x357, 51Kb)


- (Computer)

, 07 2012 . 23:24 +
ability - ,
accurate -
(to) affect -
amount of date -
approximately -
(to) attain -
available -
broadband connection -
(to) browse -
browser - ,
(to) carry out -
computer desk -
computer mouse -
(photo)copier -
(to) count - ,
(to) crack -
dangerous -
data (datum) - , ,
defense - ,
(to) deploy - ,
(to) design - , ,
(to) determine -
dial up -
digital -
display -
(to) download - , ( )
drive -
electronic device -
electronic mail -
email accounts -
(to) enable - -
(to) enhance - ,
essential -
except - ,
facsimile message -
fast modem -
(to) finding -
flash drive (card) - -
floppy disk -
(to) handle - ,
hard drive -
informational server -
(to) intercept - ( ..)
interface - ,
keyboard -
laptop -
(to) last -
layman - , ,
(to) log in - ,
(to) math - ,
message -
monitor -
(the) net - ,
network -
notwithstanding - , ,
obsolete -
operating system -
overload -
(to) perform - ,
player -
printer -
processing unit -
(to) provide - , ;
provider - ,
query - ,
(to) receive - ,
reliable -
(to) respond - ,
scale -
(to) scan -
scanner -
search-program - -
security -
(to) send -
set of instructions - ( )
significant - , ,
site -
society -
(to) solve - , ;
source -
speakers -
storage -
(to) surf -
system unit -
tool - ,
(to) type - ,
(to) update -
user -
virtual reality -
voice message -
voltage -
window -


. , . .

, 02 2012 . 20:25 +

VPZs_WyVA70 (604x395, 64Kb)



, 27 2012 . 22:29 +
: , .

a. (The Positive Degree) - , .

b. (The Comparative Degree) , . than - .

c. (The Superlative Degree) , .

21 (593x604, 91Kb)

22 (574x386, 40Kb)

355dQpkxfaI (604x339, 52Kb)


 : 6 5 4 3 2 [1]