
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612


( vr )

, 01 2018 . 14:59 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to be - , , to live - , , , to dwell - , , , , to exist - , , , , , to arise - , , , , , . being - , hause - , , houm - , , world - , life - .

VRtta → VaRtati ¹²³ / => *Va_tati / > Bh_[*t_]ati => Bhavati → Bha_va > Bh_u
- (_) | : -h | : [t] > [v > u] | - «*»
- bhava - bhu ( - ) - vrtta ( ). - vartati ( - ). √ - VR, - Bh_.
*VoR(ot) ( ) > VaRa, VaRtula, VRtta (. circle ) → VaRtati -te (. to turn¹, to move², to turn round; to pass away [time]; to be, to live, to stay, to exist, to abide; to become, to proceed; to act; etc. ), VaRtayati -te (. verb.cause. to cause to turn or revolve, to whirl, to wave; to cause to pass, to pass, to live; etc. ) [ VoRtare, VeRtare (. , , ; ; , ) | VoRotat’ (. , ) ] / => *Vatati, *Vavati (. , , ) > / [ = Bytt’, Byvat’ (. , ) | Vivare (. , ) ] > Bhati (. to be³, to exist ), Bhavati (. to live, to exist, to stay, to abide, to happen, to occur, to arise, to be found, to come into ) Bhava (. world, being, existence, life; birth, production, origin ), Bhāva (. world, being ), Bhavaka (. being, existence ), Bhavana (. house, home, palace, dwelling place, place of adobe, adobe, coming into existensing; dwelling ), Bhavakṣiti (. the place of birdth ), Bhāvitra (. universe ), Bhavitra (. earth or the world ), Bhavya (. future time ), Bhāvitā (. futurity, state of being or becoming ), Bhavyatā (. futurity; excellence, beauty; suitableness ), Bhāvyatva (. futurity, state of being about to happen ), Bhāvin, Bhāvinkāla (. future ), Bhavin (. living being; man ), Bhaviṣyatkāla (. future time ), Bhaviṣyattva (. futurity ), Bhāviṣyat (. future, future time ) → Bhāviṣyati (. to it will be ), Bhāva (. spirit; emotion; intuition; manner )
Bhāva (. world ) => Bhuvana (. world, earth, place of being, being, causing to exist, house; man ), Bhuvanapati (. lord of beings or of the world ) | => Bhū (. world, universe, the place of being, space, earth [ : innerschool.org ] ), Bhūta (. world, being; any living being [divine, human, animal, vegetable], person; ghost ), Bhūya (. being, becoming ), Bhūman (. world, earth, territory, country ), Bhūmi (. earth, land, ground, place ), Bhūmika (. earth ), Bhūmipa (. king, prince ), Bhūrij, Bhūti (. earth, existence ), aBhū (. unborn )
Bhavati (. to live, to exist, to stay, etc. ) > aBhavati (. to exist, to begin to exist, to continue one's existence, to be produced, to to be present or near at hand ) → aBhūti (. want of power ), āBhūti (. want of power ) | > abhiBhavati (. to overcome, to overpower, to overspread, to attack, to surpass, to humiliate, to conquer, to approach, to come near to ) → abhiBhava (. humiliation ), abhiBhavana (. overpowering ), abhiBhūti (. humiliation; superior power, overpowering ) | > anuBhavati (. to undestand, to learn, to grasp, to enjoy, to help, to experience, etc. ) → anuBhava (. cognition; result, custom, to experience ), anuBhūti (. sensation, experience, dignity, perception ) | > atiBhavati (. to surpass, to exel ) → atiBhūmi (. excess, superiority ) | > paraBhavati (. to overcome, etc. ), paraBhavayati (. to destroy, to overthrow ) → paraBhava (. humiliation, destruction, ruin, overthrow ), paraBhūti (. humiliation, overthrow ) | > praBhavati (. to arise from to originate from, to happen, to occur; to come forth; to have power over, to be powerful, to be use to; to become visible; etc. ) → praBhava (. source, origin, production; birthplace; might, power ), praBhavana (. origin, source ), praBhutva (. power, might, lordship ), praBhūti (. origin, source; ruler, lord ), praBhu (. word; king, ruler ) | > samBhavati (. to be, to become, to be or become anything, to exist, to arise, to happen, to occur, to befund, to born or produced from, etc. ) → samBhava (. being or coming together, origin, source, production; existence ), samBhūti (. birth, origin, production; great or superhumen power ) | > samudBhavati (. to arise, to exist; to be produced ) → samudBhava (. origin, production; existence ) | > udBhavati (. to exist, to arise; to come forth, to come up to, to shoot forth; to be produced; etc. ) → udBhava (. generation, origin, production, birth; existence ), udBhūti (. coming forth, existence ) | > viBhavati (. to exist, to arise; etc. ) → viBhava (. power, greatness; wealth, riches might ), viBhū (. space, being, evrywhere; time; soul; lord, ruler; wealth ), viBhūti (. greatness )
Bhavati (. to live, to exist, to stay, etc. ) => Balati (. to live, to breath )
VaRtati (. to turn, to move, to turn round; to be, to live, to stay, to exist, to abide; etc. ) → VaRa (. space, room, circumference ), VāRa (. anything enclosed or circumscribed in space or time ), VaRas, VaRiman (. space, room, width ), VaRivas (. space, room, width, free scope ) | > praVaRtate (. to be, to exist, to come forth, to issue, to originate, to arise, to be produced, to result, to occur, to happen, to take place, to set in motion, to be set in motion or going, to begin to, to start, to proceed, to continue, to set about, to conduce to, to behave or conduct one's self
towards, to roll or go onwards ) → praVRtti (. move, action, moving onwards, coming forth, process, giving or devoting one's self to, practice, cognition, function, rise, source, origin, destiny, progress, proceeding, conduct, use, currency, continuance, predilection, cognition, advance, behaviour ) | > samVaRtate (. to be, to exist; to begin ) | > sampariVaRtate (. to revolve, to return, to exist )
VR > VR[t] > Bh/V_[t > _] > [v > l]
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[] ( / sanskrit )

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