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: 18.11.2011
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. .

, 20 2013 . 19:40 +

1 (300x180, 15Kb)   , ! , . -- . "" , - 3 . ! , markgrigorian londonhikes


Image026 (700x525, 340Kb)

Yesterday it snowed.
That was my love.
Not too cold
The road didn’t cover by the snow.
Meanwhile the sunlight was yellow,
The little snowflakes looks like gold
Feeling how the wind blew.
And watching how the cloud floated,
Just like they were saying, “hello”.
Seeing the snowflakes melt.
Then cover a hole.
That was the most happiest day in the world..
nokia 002 (525x700, 323Kb)

- /


: -

, 23 2013 . 21:12 +

, 30 . , , ,   : , , , « », « », , , . 3-

8cd (700x466, 223Kb)

, , , , ,    - , , Business Insider !

0gryffindor-bedroom (700x452, 257Kb) .

, . - , ,  http://londonhikes.livejournal.com   , ? ( , - Li_Day, ...)

01 (680x440, 185Kb) .


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, 25 2013 . 03:49 +

2 (488x542, 118Kb) « », - .

« ?» - . - « - !»


, . , .
, , , , . - .

_d742b56c_orig (700x403, 270Kb) .

XV . . . XIX . – , – . , , . . http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/milendia_solomarina/post279742064/.

_c4c8834d_orig (700x510, 329Kb) .




, 06 2013 . 03:45 +

( Oxon – "Oxonia") – - , , , , ,

oxfordshire_county_coa_n3964 (200x185, 19Kb)  2 (533x400, 66Kb) 

  , . , XIII - - . , . 1096 , . XIII ,

5 (700x366, 232Kb) .

1912 " ",

oxon_XL (700x466, 154Kb) .
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 (700x469, 71Kb) .
  (Blenheim Palace) — . 1707-22 . . .



. - (Burghley House)

, 10 2013 . 00:45 +

- ( Burghley House) , I. , - . - , .

1555 1587 . - , , . , . - – . 




-: ( ) .1.

, 22 2013 . 21:12 +


( ) , , - ,     ,   , ( 12 !!!!)

IMG_1097 (690x700, 349Kb)

, !!!




-: . . .2.

, 22 2013 . 23:01 +


- , . . , , : , (Tinside Lido) - - , , - ,   -, « »

, (!) ! -, – , , , -:-)

45 (334x500, 106Kb) .

, , 9 1573   .!!!




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, 24 2013 . 21:54 +
Decus_Et_Tutamen [ + !]

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4818761_66 (700x525, 196Kb) .

, , , . . , :)
4818761_5 (700x525, 170Kb)


(St Pauls Cathedral)

, 27 2013 . 17:11 +


 St Paul's by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd 

Wren_St_Paul's_Cathedral (564x700, 403Kb)
( , ) , , . 300 , 1700


1 (700x467, 237Kb)

- http://www.sphericalimages.com/virtual-tours/st-pauls-cathedral#content.

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- (Wollaton Hall) (Longleat)

, 06 2013 . 17:29 +

— — « - ». XVI . , 1580


  , , . « - » , ,

- .

— ,



(Luton Hoo)

, 07 2013 . 04:51 +

- . ­ , .

  , . 1961 , , - ­ , , , , . 

2.jpeg (560x373, 184Kb)

Luton Hoo - , , , Harpenden. "" - , ,

4 (600x399, 273Kb)

, , , .   - .

77562758_7057156_EypO0 (406x500, 60Kb)



. . .2

, 03 2013 . 18:43 +
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IMG_2162 (700x525, 508Kb)

IMG_2163 (700x525, 461Kb)

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. .3

, 03 2013 . 18:49 +
, - ", ?" - ", -?" , , , ...
London 2013 milendia .

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- .4:

, 12 2013 . 21:00 +

, , !

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, hat, tree, shoes and outdoor

9 : , !


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