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 - e-mail



( : 3) _ _ _
( : 3) __ pozdrav_ru __


: 14.06.2012
: 1937
: 106
: 2191


", ":
1 - "40 ". .
2 - Folklore_eisig, ,
3 - Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments 2013
4 - Cross Stitcher 274 2014
5 - "Cross Stitch CARD SHOP". .
6 - "Cross Stitch & Needlework". .
7 - "RICO - Frottier Stickereien". .
8 - "401 Plastic Canvas Itty Bitties". .
9 - "Beautiful Bead Stitching". .
10 - "Cross Stitch - Gifts with Style". .
11 - .

, .

: (63), (154), , (79), (35), (39)

: (1000), (112), (4), (0), (10), (15), (127), (16), (127), (1), (28), (136), (68), (21), (82), (107), (9), (0), . (12), (16), (240), (199)

"40 ". .

, 16 2013 . 10:38 +
_ [ + !]

"40 ". .

"40 ". .

?   , - ! - -  .......

1 (700x508, 287Kb)



Folklore_eisig, ,

, 11 2013 . 10:14 +
73 [ + !]

Folklore_eisig, ,



Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments 2013

, 18 2013 . 22:51 +
gelexxx [ + !]

Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments 2013

image host


Cross Stitcher 274 2014

, 18 2013 . 23:10 +
- [ + !]

Cross Stitcher 274 2014

image host



"Cross Stitch CARD SHOP". .

, 19 2014 . 09:17 +
_ [ + !]

"Cross Stitch CARD SHOP". .

"Cross Stitch CARD SHOP". .

, , - , , , , .

01 (496x700, 379Kb)



"Cross Stitch & Needlework". .

, 17 2014 . 09:07 +
_ [ + !]

"Cross Stitch & Needlework". .

"Cross Stitch & Needlework". .

, .

00001 (541x700, 399Kb)



"RICO - Frottier Stickereien". .

, 19 2014 . 09:00 +
_ [ + !]

"RICO - Frottier Stickereien". .

"RICO - Frottier Stickereien". .

, , .

01 Portada Rico 10 (486x700, 278Kb)



"401 Plastic Canvas Itty Bitties". .

, 20 2014 . 13:12 +
_ [ + !]

"401 Plastic Canvas Itty Bitties". . 2.

"401 Plastic Canvas Itty Bitties". . 2.

, , , .

TNS -401 Itty Bitties pc -074 (517x700, 337Kb)



"Beautiful Bead Stitching". .

, 24 2014 . 09:13 +
_ [ + !]

"Beautiful Bead Stitching". .

"Beautiful Bead Stitching". .

- , 3D, , ,   , , ? , - .

0 (201x280, 85Kb)



"Cross Stitch - Gifts with Style". .

, 04 2014 . 11:38 +
_ [ + !]

"Cross Stitch - Gifts with Style". .

"Cross Stitch - Gifts with Style". .

- , , , , ., .

00 (490x700, 348Kb)




, 21 2014 . 19:49 +
orhideya6868 [ + !]


1 (622x700, 344Kb)



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