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      Victory Day or May 9***Ribbon of Saint George


      Пятница, 04 Июня 2010 г. 07:14 + в цитатник


      The Soviet Victory Day[1] or May 9 marks the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union in the Second World War (also known as the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union and some post-Soviet states). It was first inaugurated in the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the surrender document late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (9 May by Moscow Time). It happened after the original capitulation that Germany earlier agreed to the joint Allied forces of the Western Front. The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin.[2] Though the official inauguration happened in 1945 (which means it has been celebrated since 1946), the holiday became a non-labour day only in 1965 and only in some of the countries.Читать далее

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      Defender of the Fatherland Day***23 февраля


      Вторник, 23 Февраля 2010 г. 10:49 + в цитатник


      Defender of the Fatherland Day

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      The 2008 holiday, with ceremonies being performed by the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin.Читать далее
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      Russian folk tales*Русские сказки на английском


      Суббота, 20 Февраля 2010 г. 15:26 + в цитатник


      Russian folk tales

      This page is entirely dedicated to the folk tales of Russia and Ukraine. Tales are the part of culture, traditions, customs and history of people. Many generations of Russian (and not Russian only!) children have been brought up by these glorious and magnificent tales. I hope that you and your children will enjoy them too. For quick search use a search form - enter word or combinations of words and press button "Search"-Читать далее

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      моей сестре*18 век*сказки*франция

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      Сайт*Английский просто


      Пятница, 19 Февраля 2010 г. 15:05 + в цитатник


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      Charles Perrault***Шарль Перро


      Четверг, 18 Февраля 2010 г. 08:44 + в цитатник



      Charles Perrault

      Portrait (detail) by Philippe Lallemand, 1672

      Perrault was born in Paris to a wealthy bourgeois family, son of Pierre Perrault and Paquette Le Clerc. His brother, Claude Perrault, is remembered as the architect of the severe east range of the Louvre, built between 1665 and 1680. Charles attended the best schools and studied law before embarking on a career in government service. He took part in the creation of the Academy of Sciences as well as the restoration of the Academy of Painting. When the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres was founded in 1663, Perrault was appointed its secretary and served under Jean Baptiste Colbert, finance minister to King Louis XIV.[3] He married Marie Guichon, age 19, in 1672, who died in 1678 after giving birth to a daughter. The couple also had three sons. When Colbert died in 1683, he stopped receiving the pension given to him as a writer.

      He was a major participant in the French Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns (Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes), which pitted supporters of the literature of Antiquity (the "Ancients") against supporters of the literature from the century of Louis XIV (the "Moderns"). He was on the side of the Moderns and wrote Le Siècle de Louis le Grand (The Century of Louis the Great, 1687) and Parallèle des Anciens et des Modernes (Parallel between Ancients and Moderns, 1688–1692) where he attempted to prove the superiority of the literature of his century.

      In 1695, when he was 67, he lost his post as secretary. He decided to dedicate himself to his children and published Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals (Histoires ou Contes du Temps passé) (1697), with the subtitle: Tales of Mother Goose (Les Contes de ma Mère l'Oie).[4] Its publication made him suddenly widely-known beyond his own circles and marked the beginnings of a new literary genre, the fairy tale. He had actually published it under the name of his last son (born in 1678), Pierre (Perrault) Darmancourt ("Armancourt" being the name of a property he bought for him), probably fearful of criticism from the "Ancients".[5] In the tales, he used images from around him, such as the Chateau Ussé for Sleeping Beauty and in Puss-in-Boots, the Marquis of the Château d'Oiron, and contrasted his folktale subject matter, with details and asides and subtext drawn from the world of fashion. He died in Paris in 1703 at age 75.

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      Я могу быть Вашим героем...***I can be your hero…


      Вторник, 19 Января 2010 г. 09:05 + в цитатник
      Рубрики:  romanticism***ОТНОШЕНИЯ/Natalie
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      Alexander Pushkin


      Понедельник, 04 Января 2010 г. 09:12 + в цитатник


      Alexander Pushkin

      Lyric Poems

      Translated from the Russian
      Irina Zheleznova and Avril Pyman






      To Chaadayev. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "Light wanes, in sudden haste retreating..."Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      'The flying wrack of clouds grows flimsier far..." Translated by Avril Pyman
      The Captive. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Night. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Farewell to the Sea. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      To the Fountain of Bakhchisarai. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      To * * * Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Winter Evening. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Bacchanal Song. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      The Prophet. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Wintry Road. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      To My Nanny. Translated by Avril Pyman
      "Deep in Siberia's mines, let naught..." Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Arion. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "Sing, lovely one, I beg, no more..." Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Antiar. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "Upon the hills of Georgia lies the haze of night..." Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Winter Morning. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "I loved you, and that love..." Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "Whether the streets I roam..." Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      The Caucasus. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "When in my arms your slender form..." Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "What means my name to you?..." Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Demons. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      Elegy. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      The Echo. Translated by Avril Pyman
      Autumn (An Excerpt). Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "Tis time, my friend, 'tis time! ..." Translated by Avril Pyman
      Storm-Cloud. Translated by Irina Zheleznova
      "When, lost in thought, I wander from the town..." Translated by Avril Pyman
      "A monument I've raised not built with hands..."
      Translated by Avril Pyman

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      Понедельник, 14 Декабря 2009 г. 09:32 + в цитатник



      Çufut Qale

      Çufut Qale (Tatar pronunciation: [tʃʊˈfʊt qaˈlæ] Ukrainian: Чуфут-Кале, Chufut-Kale; Russian: Чуфут-Кале, Crimean Tatar: Çufut Qale, Turkish: Çıfıt Kale, Karaim: Джуфт Къале, Juft Qale) sometimes spelled as Chufut Kale is a historic fortress in Crimea, near Bakhchisaray. Its name is Crimean Tatar and Turkish for "Jewish Fortress" (çufut/çıfıt - Jew, qale/kale - fortress). Çufut Qale was historically a center for the Crimean Karaite community. In the Middle Ages the fortress was known as Qırq Yer (Place of Forty) and as Karaites to which sect the greater part of its inhabitants belong, Sela' ha-Yehudim (The Rock of the Jews).


      There are many legends concerning the place. According to one, it was called "Qırq Yer" because the khans Meñli Giray and Tokhtamysh, the founders of the city, brought with them forty Karaite families, and in their honor called it the "Place of Forty".

      Another legend, fostered by the Karaites to show the antiquity of their sect, says that Karaites were brought there from Persia at the time of the first Exile. The early settlers of the city exercised great influence upon their neighbors, the Khazars. The ḥakam Abraham Firkovich, who was very skilful in falsifying epitaphs and manuscripts, pretended to have unearthed at the cemetery of Çufut Qale tombstones dating from the year 6 of the common era, and to have discovered the tomb of Sangari, which is still shown by the Karaites. According to Harkavy, however, no epitaph earlier than 1203 can be seen at the cemetery of Çufut Qale, called "Vale of Jehoshaphat"; and the tombs do not belong to Karaites, but to the old Rabbinite settlers called Krymchaks. Çufut Qale, however, existed as early as the seventh century. Abu al-Fida mentions it under the name "Qırq Yer".


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      The *Ottomans* became first known to the West in 1227


      Воскресенье, 13 Декабря 2009 г. 09:30 + в цитатник


      The "Ottomans" became first known to the West in 1227 when they migrated westward into the Seljuk Empire, in Anatolia. However, the Ottoman Turks would create a state in Western Anatolia under Ertugrul, the capital of which was Sögüt; near Bursa to the south of the Marmara, the body of water between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. Ertugrul established a principality, as part of the decaying Seljuk empire. His son Osman expanded the principality; and for him, both the empire and the people were named by Europeans as "Ottomans". Osman's son Orhan expanded the growing empire, taking Nicaea, present-day Iznik, and crossed the Dardanelles strait, in 1362. But the Ottoman Empire came into its own when Mehmed II captured the Byzantine Empire's capital, Constantinople (subsequently to be known as Istanbul), in 1453.

      The Ottoman Empire would come to rule much of the Balkans, the Fertile Crescent, and even Egypt, over the course of several centuries; with an advanced army and navy. The Empire lasted until the end of the First World War, when it was defeated by the Allies. It was succeeded by the modern Republic of Turkey, founded by Kemal Atatürk in 1923.

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      Пятница, 11 Декабря 2009 г. 15:03 + в цитатник




      Ruins of citadel

      Mangup (Ukrainian: Мангуп, Russian: Мангуп, Crimean Tatar: Mangup) also known as Mangup Kale is a historic fortress in Crimea, located on a plateau about 9 miles due east of Sevastopol (ancient Chersones). In medieval times it was known as Doros, later it was given the Kipchak name Mangup (kale means fortress).Читать далее

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      Севастополь*** Sevastopol, Balaclava, Inkerman


      Среда, 09 Декабря 2009 г. 18:49 + в цитатник

      BalaklavaSebastopolSebastopol north

      Sevastopol has so much to over thetourist that one trip is not enough to appreciate and understand it. It is the city of military glory (the city’s name translated from Greek means “the Majestic city”, or “the city of Glory”), a place of fishermen and shipbuilders, where despite the presence of modern technology the traditional features of antiquity can still be seen. On top of all this, it is also an excellent seaside resort.
      The city’s position at the centre of the Black Sea has attracted the strategic interests of many empires, including those of the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, British, and Russian.
      Today it is a very popular place for excursions, from both locals and foreigners alike. People as diverse as artists and judges come here for their recreation. For many the best spots are Capes Fiolent, Aya, the Laspi and Batiliman bays.
      Sevastopol heads the list of all Crimean cities for the greatest number of foreign tourists, who come first and foremost from England, France, and Italy, often to visit the heroic battlefields of the Crimean War of 1854 - 56.Читать далее


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      Среда, 09 Декабря 2009 г. 07:57 + в цитатник

      Alupka - one of the largest resorts in the Crimea. In winter warmer here than in Yalta, more sunny days a year, humidity is low; in the city and on the mountain slopes nearby many conifers.

      Alupka has 14 sanatoriums. Two hundred years here heal the most serious ills - bone tuberculosis and lung diseases, because the climate Alupki especially favorable for this. A famous palace and park ensemble - a crucial Tour Center.

      Alupka - this picturesque landscapes, mild climate, curative air. This silence, serenity, appeasement gardens, parks, spacious glade Vorontsovskogo famous park and steep, step, it is inconceivable winding streets of old cities.

      Alupka drowning in greenery, the air filled with smolistym smell the scent of pines and plant park, combined with light sea breezes, is an important factor in treatment.

      Alupka Alupka_1 Alupka_2

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      Понедельник, 07 Декабря 2009 г. 08:23 + в цитатник




      Miskhor dissolves in elite spas, Mishorskom beautiful park, mountain slopes Ai-Petri so much that the ordinary inhabitants of the town house as something even invisible. Therefore it difficult to identify not only the city but village ...

      Precipitous coast of Cape Ai-Todor gradually moving in the strip of beaches. Here begins semikilometrovoe coast. According to spread throughout the city parks.
      In white greens raises numerous health corps - about twenty them here. Above parks lies pinewood.

      By Mishoru adjacent spa towns Gaspra and Koreiz. They practically have merged to form a single resort area. In the east, above Cape Ai-Todor, is the resort village of Gaspra, next to it - Koreiz. Ahead of green hills - Alupka, and further west - Simeiz. The middle between them and located Mishor (median village ").

      Moreover, far from Mishora are Vorontsov Palace, Livadia Palace, Swallow's Nest. They can even visit itself is not a framework linking fee.

      In 1920 - years of Mishor was nothing remarkable quiet borough - just a few manors and cottages. Today's Mishor - is a modern resort, construction of which is continuing. The extremely favorable climatic and environmental conditions in Mishor attracted thousands of holidaymakers.

      Mishor Mishor_1

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      Понедельник, 07 Декабря 2009 г. 08:21 + в цитатник



      Enthusiastic experiencing feelings of everyone who visits the Yalta - surprisingly light luxurious city, conquers Rights sultry sun and evergreen parks, tender sea and cannon thunder strikes sea tides on the embankment, exquisite architecture of old mansions and narrow streets margins.

      City Yalta took extensive mountain amphitheater, the call to the sea between Cape of Ai-Todor Montedor in the west and the east.

      Yalta - a recognized capital of Crimea resorts
      The climate of Yalta seaside resort Climate climate of Yalta called Mediterranean climate science, because here, and on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, winter precipitation has dominated over the summer, summer is hot and dry Scientists identify two groups of natural factors, depend on particular climatic situations Southern coast In the air southern coast of Crimea contains substances that play an important role in the body's vital functions.

      This volatile Phytonzides, essential oils available plants. They operate on the destructive pathogens, stimulate the body, relieve fatigue.

      Landscape Chudesnye water Crimean coast causing positive emotional reactions, joyful mood, all this is a beneficial impact on the overall state of the organism, the workplace internal organs, resulting in improved appetite, sleep, metabolism.

      Thanks to Sea Sea in the air contains salt, which makes the sea shore as if in a giant natural inhalatorium.

      Sea bathing - potent therapeutic tool. They operate under different beneficial nerve diseases, rickets, catarrhal predisposition to diseases, anaemia and others in Yalta Kupalny season is 149 days a year.

      Bathing practically healthy people, according to physiologists, possibly with water temperature no lower than +17 � C (for children +20 � C) and sea less than three points. If a strong sea swim insecure, even for able to swim, much less not capable. Beaches Yalta consist mainly of gravel. All the above factors that create climate, operate on the human body is not in isolation, and comprehensively.

      Ialta Ialta_1 Ialta_2



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      Айвазовский...море..парусники*Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky


      Пятница, 25 Сентября 2009 г. 21:49 + в цитатник



      Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Ukrainian: Іва́н Костянти́нович Айвазо́вський, Russian: Иван Константинович Айвазовский, Armenian: Հովհաննես Այվազովսկի - Hovhannes Aivasovsky, originally Aivazian) July 29, 1817May 5, 1900) was a painter of Armenian descent living and working Crimea, most famous for his seascapes, which constitute more than half of his paintings.


      Aivazovsky was born in the town of Feodosiya, Crimea (Russian Empire) to a poor Armenian family. His parents family name was Aivazian. Some of artist's paintings bear a signature, in Armenian letters, "Hovhannes Aivazian" (Հովհաննես Այվազյան). His talent as an artist earned him sponsorship and entry to the Simferopol gymnasium №1 and later the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, from which he graduated with the gold medal. Earning awards for his early landscapes and seascapes, he went on to paint a series of portraits of Crimean coastal towns before traveling throughout Europe. In later life, his paintings of naval scenes earned him a longstanding commission from the Russian Navy.

      In 1845, Aivazovsky went to Constantinople upon the invitation of Sultan Abdülmecid, a city he was to travel to eight times between 1845-1890. During his long sojourn in Constantinople, Aivazovsky was commissioned for a number of paintings as a court painter by the Ottoman Sultans Abdülmecid, Abdulaziz and Abdulhamid, 30 of which are currently on display in the Ottoman Imperial Palace, the Dolmabahce Museum and many others at various other museums in Turkey.



      Размещено с помощью приложения Я - фотограф


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      Хороший сайт по английскому-много топиков-118


      Четверг, 10 Сентября 2009 г. 20:35 + в цитатник
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      На этом сайте много всякого материала по английскому
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      Путешествия, ТУРЫ , Лион-тур.лионтур..liontour

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      топики на английском


      Пятница, 04 Сентября 2009 г. 21:29 + в цитатник
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      топики на английском( 287 топиков)
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      Путешествия, ТУРЫ , Лион-тур.лионтур..liontour

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      Топики английский


      Пятница, 04 Сентября 2009 г. 21:27 + в цитатник
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      топики английский
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      Путешествия, ТУРЫ , Лион-тур.лионтур..liontour

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      Без заголовка -- Is this love or am I dreaming?


      Четверг, 27 Августа 2009 г. 06:40 + в цитатник
       (200x200, 82Kb)
      Это я НАШЛА...

       (698x324, 112Kb)

      I should have know better than to let you go alone
      It's times like these I can't make it on my own
      Wasted days and sleepless nights
      And I can't wait to see you again

      Я должен был быть умнее, чтобы не позволить тебе уйти одной.дальше

      Любовь ли это или я мечтаю?
      Это ли любовь, которую я искал?
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      Путешествия, ТУРЫ , Лион-тур.лионтур..liontour/Туры . Англия

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      Буше- это РОКОКО...по-моему да,вообще он был француз и писал портреты Помпадур...


      Суббота, 22 Августа 2009 г. 10:43 + в цитатник

      Буше-ударение на последнем слоге, а если на первом-то это по английски и будет по американски...лучше по французски..

      Francois Boucher (1703-1770), French

      French Rococo painter, engraver, and designer, who best embodies the frivolity and elegant superficiality of French court life at the middle of the 18th century. He was for a short time a pupil of François Lemoyne and in his early years was closely connected with Watteau, many of whose pictures he engraved. In 1727-31 he was in Italy, and on his return was soon busy as a versatile fashionable artist. His career was hugely successful and he received many honours, becoming Director of the Gobelins factory in 1755 and Director of the Academy and King's Painter in 1765. He was also the favourite artist of Louis XV's most famous mistress, Mme de Pompadour, to whom he gave lessons and whose portrait he painted several times (Wallace Collection, London; National Gallery, Edinburgh). Boucher mastered every branch of decorative and illustrative painting, from colossal schemes of decoration for the royal châteaux of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Marly, and Bellevue, to designs for fans and slippers. In his typical paintings he turned the traditional mythological themes into wittily indecorous scènes galantes, and he painted female flesh with a delightfully healthy sensuality, notably in the celebrated Reclining Girl (Alte Pinakothek, Munich. 1751), which probably represents Louis XV's mistress Louisa O'Murphy. Towards the end of his career, as French taste changed in the direction of Neoclassicism, Boucher was attacked, notably by Diderot, for his stereotyped colouring and artificiality; he relied on his own repertory of motifs instead of painting from the life and objected to nature on the grounds that it was 'too green and badly lit'. Certainly his work often shows the effects of superficiality and overproduction, but at its best it has irresistible charm and great brilliance of execution. qualities he passed on to his most important pupil, Fragonard.
       (535x600, 53Kb)

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      тексты на английском


      Пятница, 21 Августа 2009 г. 08:03 + в цитатник
      немножко текстов на английском
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      топики по английскому


      Среда, 19 Августа 2009 г. 11:59 + в цитатник
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      english-globe.ru- сайт для изучения английского


      Вторник, 04 Августа 2009 г. 08:02 + в цитатник
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      Almost Sorry


      Воскресенье, 19 Июля 2009 г. 17:41 + в цитатник

      http://video.yandex.ru/search.xml?text=Almost%20Sorry Almost Sorry (оригинал Сергей Лазарев (Sergey Lazarev) )

      Disrespecting me I feel it to the core
      You keep dismissing me like I am nothing more
      Than just another guy to push around
      It don't matter what I say, it's still the same
      I've been doing more
      Than you could ever survive
      Confident, I'm in control
      And it's my life

      I'm almost sorry for you
      You don't know what you're getting into
      I'm not sorry for the things I do
      But I'm almost sorry
      I'm almost sorry for you
      You don't know what you're getting into
      You won't know me till you know the truth
      And I'm almost sorry for you

      I'm so tired of everything being a fight
      If you'd listen you would see sometimes I'm right
      I hate the fact that my life's one big defense
      And it's all because of people like you, and
      I've been doing more
      Than you will ever know
      You make no effort to know me
      That's 'cause you're too busy messing with me

      I'm almost sorry for you
      You don't know what you're getting into
      I'm not sorry for the things I do
      But I'm almost sorry
      I'm almost sorry for you
      You don't know what you're getting into
      You won't know me till you know the truth
      And I'm almost sorry for you

      Despite of what you think I'm not desperate 'Cause
      I don't need you, I've still got it
      Give me some respect, you might get it
      Why don't you try some time

      Почти жаль тебя (перевод Jay Low )

      Неуважение ко мне, я чувствую это
      Ты избегаешь меня, будто я не более чем
      Очередной парень для твоих забав
      Не имеет значения, что я говорю, все одинаково
      Я делал больше
      Чем ты смогла б выдержать
      Уверен, я в порядке
      И это моя жизнь

      Мне почти жаль тебя
      Ты не понимаешь, что ты делаешь
      Я не сожалею, о том, что сделал
      Но мне немного жаль
      Мне почти жаль тебя
      Ты не понимаешь, что ты делаешь
      Ты не узнаешь меня, пока не узнаешь правду
      Мне почти жаль тебя

      Я так устал ссориться по пустякам
      Если бы слушала меня, ты бы заметила, что я прав
      Я ненавижу сам факт, что моя жизнь – это сплошная защита
      И все из-за таких людей как ты, и
      Я сделал больше
      Чем ты когда-либо знала
      Ты не сделала даже попытки узнать меня
      Вот почему ты слишком занята ссорами со мной

      Мне почти жаль тебя
      Ты не понимаешь, что ты делаешь
      Я не сожалею, о том, что сделал
      Но мне немного жаль
      Мне почти жаль тебя
      Ты не понимаешь, что ты делаешь
      Ты не узнаешь меня, пока не узнаешь правду
      Мне почти жаль тебя

      Независимо от того, что ты думаешь, я не отчаян, потому что
      Ты не нужна мне. По крайней мере, пока я чувствую именно так.
      Уважай меня хоть немного, и тогда, может, что-нибудь у тебя получится.
      Почему бы однажды тебе не попробовать вернуться?

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      топики по английскому


      Суббота, 18 Июля 2009 г. 08:58 + в цитатник
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      Суббота, 18 Июля 2009 г. 08:55 + в цитатник


       (698x324, 112Kb)

      UKRAINE [Ukraine] , Ukr. Ukraina, republic (2005 est. pop. 47,425,000), 232,046 sq mi (601,000 sq km), E Europe. It borders on Poland in the northwest; on Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova in the southwest; on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov in the south; on Russia in the east and northeast; and on Belarus in the north. Kiev is the capital and largest city. дальше
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      Суббота, 18 Июля 2009 г. 08:17 + в цитатник

       (698x324, 112Kb)


      There are more than 13 theatres in our city. дальше
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      Суббота, 18 Июля 2009 г. 07:55 + в цитатник

      Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre.дальше
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      Russia (Россия)


      Суббота, 18 Июля 2009 г. 07:12 + в цитатник
      Russia (Россия)

      Russia occupies a large territory. It stretches almost 10 000 (ten thousand) kilometers from east to west and nearly 5 000 (five thousand) kilometers from north to south. Its population is 150 000 000 (one hundred and fifty) million people.дальше
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      Суббота, 18 Июля 2009 г. 06:58 + в цитатник


       (698x324, 112Kb)

      In the thirties a certain pattern of genres was established. That is a musical, a scientific movie, a gangster film, a horror film and a thriller.дальше
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