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, 32 . -. 180 . .. Licentia stupri ( ). I , 1158 . , . . 1254 . , , . , .

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Satire: a sailor returned to land seated at a table with a purse full of gold coins, raising his glass with a full punch-bowl and pipe, and three letters he has addressed to courtesans on the table. c.1790s

- , , , . , , " , ".
Thomas Coryat XVII , , .

The Young Courtesan, 1821
Alexandre Francois Xavier Sigalon

----------------- ---------------------

XV , , , . , , "Meretrices honestae". : , , . .
, , , .

Portrait of a Young Woman (Laura)
Oil on canvas mounted on panel, 41 x 34 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

. "" - cortigiane "oneste". , , , . "" , . , ,
, Cortegiana, "" . , , .

TIZIANO Vecellio
Violante (La Bella Gatta)
c. 1514
Oil on canvas, 65 x 51 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

, , . , , , , , . ., . , , . , . , — meretrices — courtisanae honestae.

, . . , , , , . " , — , .

Caravaggio (1571-1610)
Portrait of a Courtesan
Oil on canvas, c.1598

. , .
, , , — - , , , — , la grande Cocotte, la grande Puttana, , , , , .

Portrait of a Courtesan 1665
Girolamo Forabosco

-------------- ---------------------

Two Venetian Ladies
c. 1510
Oil on wood, 94 x 64 cm
Museo Correr, Venice
, , , . XVI . , , , . , , .

Veronica Franco, famous Venetian poet and courtesan. Portrait by Paolo Veronese.
' .

, , . : " , , ".
, .

«» — ’
Alessandro Moretto (1498−1554)

, "" XV , , , , . , , "" .
, , , . .

Venice, The Republic of Venice 1600-??
Giacomo Franco, Undated: Courtesan

Venice, The Republic of Venice 1600-??
Giacomo Franco, Undated: Courtesan

Venice, The Republic of Venice
Domenico Robusti, c1600(?): Portrait of a Courtesan

XV XVI , , , , , , , . , , XV-XVI ., , , .
, ( ), , .

Venice, The Republic of Venice
Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Lodwijck Toeput), c late 1570s:
A Musical Evening (Detail

Venice, The Republic of Venice
Ludovico Pozzoserrato (Lodwijck Toeput), c late 1570s:
A Musical Evening (Detail

"" , , . , , . 1546 Cosimo I ( ) , . 1562 .

- . - - , , "" :

The Family of Darius before Alexander (detail)
Oil on canvas
National Gallery, London

, , , . , , . , - , , , , , , . , . . (50 .), , , . , .

Venetian Province of Treviso, Republic of Venice
Paolo Caliari (Veronese), 1561: Detail from fresco


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Courtisane en 1780, d'après une gravure de Wille Fils, (le petit Waux-Hall). XVIIIe siècle, costumes civils, femmes, Fra... (1780)
Delâtre, Auguste
Jacquemin, Raphaël

16 . , . , . , - . , , .

A courtesan seated on a curiously shaped wooden seat placed against a wall at right angles to the door of a house.
Published by Carington Bowles 1785

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: , , , . , , , , , .

Satire: two finely dressed prostitutes in the grounds of the pleasure garden with a fountain playing in the background. c.1776
Hand-coloured mezzotint

Four prostitutes of different types in a group in open country with trees; proof before all letters. c.1775/6
Print made by John Raphael Smith
After Marcellus Laroon II

XVIII , - . , .

, . , , . , , ; , , , .

" , , . , .

Satire: a country man seated at a table with a prostitute who reaches to his chin with one hand while passing his purse to an accomplice with the other.
Hand-coloured mezzotint 1793-1800

", , , .
, , , . , , , , . , , ."

Satire: an elderly fop peers through a lorgnette at a prostitute with a Madam who lures him into a house labelled 'Kind and Tender Usage'. 24 March 1773
Hand-coloured mezzotint
Print made by John Raphael Smith

: " , — , — (), — , — , ".
, . , , , , : " , . , .

A St Giles's Beautysatirical print; print; Carington Bowles (Published by); (For description see other impression). 1784

A St James's Beauty
satirical print; print; Carington Bowles (Published by); (For description see other impression). 1784

- - (maison de tolerance) - , , . :
1) (maison de passe);
2) (de rendez - vous) , , , , ;
3) , - bordel, , . - , , ;
4) "" - , , . , : , , , ..
5) , , , , , , .. . , , ..

Published by Carington Bowles (biographical details | all objects)
After John Collet (biographical details | all objects)
Interior of a bedroom. 1779. 1781
Hand-coloured mezzotint

A party of sailors, just landed at Chatham, with prostitutes. 1791
Published by Carington Bowles
After Robert Dighton

An Evenings Invitation; with a Wink from the Bagnio
Street scene. A fashionably dressed man walks (right to left) between two prostitutes, who have seized him by the shoulders and arm. 1773

" ": -. , - ---, , . : , , -.

: , , , , ( , ).

Published by Carington Bowles

A courtesan stands at a wash-tub, washing her last shift. She wears a cap over ringlets in curl-papers and a tattered petticoat, a shawl covers her naked shoulders. The room is squalid, with plaster falling from the bricks. c.1792

, , , , , . . — .

Published by Carington Bowles
After Robert Dighton

" . , -. . 1780 30 000 10 000 ." : , . : , ; . ; , .

Two Privateers attacking a Man of War
Published by Carington Bowles

Two Bloods of Humour, returning from the Bagnio, after having Kept it up. I say keep it up - Keep it up - 'Tis life my boy - So let's keep it up.

, ", , , ". , "" , "" . . , , : " ", , ; , , "-".

A Dutchman (left), smoking a short pipe, hands in his pockets, is being chucked under the chin by a gaily dressed courtesan (right), her left hand on her hip. He wears the round hat and baggy breeches of the Dutchman in caricature. Both stand full-face, each looks towards the other.
After Robert Dighton


Print made by Pieter Schenk
After Jacob Toorenvliet

, , . : «, , ! !»

, – , . ( -, 1420 , .)
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Satire: a prostitute weighs a defective gold coin which her client, a young man, has just passed off on her. c.1773/4
Hand-coloured mezzotint
Published by Carington Bowles

, , . - .

Social satire: a prostitute weighs a coin paid her by a military officer and finds it below weight. 17 August 1774

, , , . , , , . - , - , .


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William Hogarth
(b. 1697, London, d. 1764, London
A dilapidated room with Moll's friends, mostly prostitutes, gathered around her open coffin; to left, a clergyman gropes beneath a woman's skirt, to right, the undertaker pays court to another who picks a handkerchief from his pocket; in the foreground sits Moll's small son playing with a spinning top. 1732


A Harlot's Progress / A Harlot's Progress

Print made by William Hogarth
A Harlot's Progress, Plate 2

A scene outside the Bell Inn; a country girl, Moll Hackabout, just arrived on the York Wagon, meets an extravagantly dressed bawd (Mother Needham); a clergyman on horseback fails to notice the encounter, but a lecherous old gentleman (Colonel Charteris) eyes the girl with anticipation . 1732

A Harlot's Progress
A squalid room where Moll Hackabout, wrapped in a sheet, is dying while two doctors (Richard Rock and Jean Misaubin) argue over their remedies; her serving-woman calls for attention for the invalid, another woman rifles through a trunk, and a small boy turns a joint of meat roasting in front of the fire. 1732

A Harlot's Progress, Plate 3
A shabby room in Drury Lane; Moll is rising late, attended by a serving-woman who has lost part of her nose to syphilis; in the background, the magistrate, John Gonson, enters quietly with officers to arrest her; pinned to the window frame are prints of Captain Mackheath (the hero of "The Beggar's Opera") and Dr Sacheverell (the High Anglican clergyman impeached in 1710), the hat-box of James Dalton, highwayman, rests above the bed, and one of several beer tankards on the floor carries the name of a local tavern . 1732

Print made by William Hogarth
A room at the Rose Tavern, Drury Lane (after the painting at Sir John Soane's Museum); to left., Tom, surrounded by prostitutes and clearly drunk, sprawls on a chair with his foot on the table; one young woman embraces him and steals his watch, another spits a stream of gin across the table to the amusement of a young black woman standing in the background

The progress of a rake, exemplified in the Adventures of Ramble Gripe Esq son of Sir Positive Gripe / He revels with common whores at a tavern in Drury Lane.

A dilapidated room with Moll's friends, mostly prostitutes, gathered around her open coffin; to left, a clergyman gropes beneath a woman's skirt, to right, the undertaker pays court to another who picks a handkerchief from his pocket; in the foreground sits Moll's small son playing with a spinning top; a reversed copy after Hogarth. c.1732

satirical print; print; Charles Mosley (Print made by); Satire on the Penlez riots of July 1749 when a number of brothels in the Strand area were wrecked by sailors; a street scene with prostitutes and their clients escaping from a building; a man is throwing objects from an upper window, including condoms, a birch, boxes of pills and patches and cosmetic aids; in the foreground, a prostitute and a sailor tussle for a bedsheet; to right, a bonfire of the brothel's fashionable furniture, an execution broadside and a number pamphlets; on the wall to left, an advertisement for Dr Rock's remedy for venereal disease. 1749


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Social satire: a group of prostitutes repulse the entry of four night-watchmen into the brothel where they ar entertaining three men. 12 July 1774
Etching and engraving Published by Sayer & Bennett

Three young men, fashionably dressed in regimentals, wearing epaulettes and cocked hats, accept the attentions of three courtesans. Two are seated, the third stands, chucking a girl under the chin. The Panelled walls with pilasters indicate a room in a fashionable tavern or bagnio. 29 June 1786
Published by Robert Sayer

Street scene with a butcher offering with his fists to fight a Frenchman who turns away with his hands in the air; behind two prostitutes laugh and one pulls his pig-tail. 10 November 1770
Print made by Charles White

Divine love 1777

Two courtesans sit on the knees of two men c. 1786?


After Thomas Rowlandson

A brothel scene. The fat bawd (left) leans back in an arm-chair in a drunken sleep; the contents of a glass in her right hand pour over a dog; a bottle on the ground at her feet spills its contents.1784

A smiling and buxom young prostitute is seated, full-face, one arm across the back of her chair, the other leaning on a small table on which are a bottle, a glass, and bread.
Published by Carington Bowles

An elderly man, bent to deformity, thin and shambling, in profile to the left, follows two flamboyant prostitutes who walk arm-in-arm, looking behind them. He supports himself on a walking-stick; from his pocket protrudes a book: 'Modest Prints'. The women's dresses trail on the pavement, but one lifts her skirt to display her legs.
Print made by James Gillray

- .
A sun flower and a blue belle.
Two women, seemingly courtesans, stand together by an arcade of the Piazza, Covent Garden, a place notorious for brothels. One stands full face her features, hair, and the hat which frames her hair like a halo are intended to suggest a sunflower. She holds up a small parasol with a hinged stick. 1801

Point de Convention ("Absolutely no agreement"), a painting by Louis-Léopold Boilly showing some of the transient and ephemeral extremes that accompanied the adoption of strongly neo-classically influenced styles in Paris during the second half of the 1790s (ca. 1797). The woman has been interpreted as a prostitute (who is disdaining the inadequate coin proferred by the fashionable gentleman getting his shoes shined at left), so her outfit obviously not should not be taken as typical of trendy Parisian women's attire of the time.

Print made by Francesco Bartolozzi
After Francisco Vieira 'Portuense'
A young woman standing, her right breast bare, receiving coins with her right hand from a man who stands on the left, passing a small sack with her left to an old woman who puts her index finger in front of her mouth on the right; after Vieira; published state. 1799

A young courtesan steps complacently between her two elderly admirers, who clench their fists and appear anxious to fight, and pushes them back. She wears a high-crowned hat and is fashionably dressed; the men are dressed in an old-fashioned manner, one (left) is very thin, wearing spectacles and a tie-wig, the other (right) has swathed gouty legs, and is supported on crutches. May 1790

Satire: three English soldiers sit round a table with three prostitutes, while the Madame holds a bag of coins at the door. March 1815
Hand-coloured etching

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Satire; a bashful young Russian officer is presented by a more knowing comrade to two prostitutes in front of the arcade of the Palais Royal, while his horrified servant tries to pull him away. September 1814
Print made by Adrien Godefroy

, , . , , , 1649 ., , « ».

1736 . 1743 . II. 20 1763 . , , .

XVIII : « ... ... , , ». « » « , , ». I 1800 « , , ».

. « » (1871) , . «, , ... , ... ... ... , ... , ... …».

I , , , , . 1844 . , .

Satire: a young courtesan sits in the garden of the Palais Royal with two empty chairs beside her while two men standing nearby looking at their watch. July 1817
Hand-coloured lithograph Printed by Charles Philibert du Saillant, Comte de Lasteyrie


A monk masturbates as a he hears the confession of a woman, perhaps a courtesan, who kneels at his side with an expression of affected piety; she wears patches on her face, pearl earrings and a hood..
Mezzotint 1679-1681 (circa)

The Idle Prentice Betrayed by a Prostitute plate IX of Industry and Idleness
William Hogarth
(b. 1697, London, d. 1764, London)

The Idle Prentice Returned from Sea and in a Garret with a Prostitute
William Hogarth
(b. 1697, London, d. 1764, London


Two prostitutes sit weeping on a bank (left); two heavily shackled convicts stand beside them (right). May 1794

Print made by William Hanlon

Satire on prostitutes; on the left prostitutes having their hair shorn under the supervision of a magistrate, in the centre the hair is collected in a barrow, and on the right a group of shorn women is carried off in a tumbril. 1778

Satire on the difficulties of prostitutes while the gentry were away from London; group of young women queuing in front of a pawnbroker's shop at left; man in crutches receiving money from another woman at left. 21 September 1791
Hand-coloured etching
Print made by Richard Newton

Le Cochon et ses deux petits, -or-rich pickings for a noble appetite
Print made by James Gillray 1792
Two enormously fat courtesans sit side by side on a settee which they completely fill; between them and on the knees of both sits the Duke of Norfolk, a wine-glass in his left hand, in his right he holds the hand of one of the women at whom he gazes with a smile. Both women look amorously at him

A Scene at Mother Olivers.Print made by James Gillray
coarse bedroom scene, Sir F. Standish with a courtesan. On the wall is a framed picture of a horse, 'Eagle', inscribed 'Damme there's the Horse that trimm'd these West India Fellows'. 1800 [So dated in pencil.]

Life in Paris / Dick Wildfire and Jenkins enjoying a frolic in the Café d'Enfer, or Infernal Cellar.

Divertissement des Anglais en Belgique, ou le soupé chez Mamour
Satire: three English soldiers sit round a table with three prostitutes, while the Madame holds a bag of coins at the door. March 1815
Hand-coloured etching

Beaus and Belles or a promenade scene at Brighton
Two grotesquely ugly men, dressed in a travesty of the fashion, ogle two prostitutes (right) who turn their heads with a fixed and encouraging stare. They say: "Youthful as Hebe bewicthing [sic] as Venus", and "Fine Girls by Gad Bob". They walk on the pavement of the Steine; behind are the Dome and (left) a small brick house.
April 5 1810 Print made by William Heath

A handsome well-dressed young courtesan leads the way out of a room, her left hand on the door-handle, her right held behind her to take the guineas which an aged and decrepit old rake gives her with a leer.
Print made by Thomas Rowlandson

Quayside with a sailor leaning on a bollard talking to two prostitutes, one black, one white; in the background two sailing ships and a rowing boat. 1815
Hand-coloured etching
Print made by Thomas Rowlandson

Col Cotton in ambush at Hampton Court. ( [ca.1825])
Wilson, Harriette

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38 - , .
39 - Francesco Hayez (1791-1882)
40 - Vittorio (Vittore) Crivelli ( , 1440-1502, Italian painter

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