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Dosso Dossi (1490-1542)

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Catholic clergy revelling; clerics and prostitutes drinking and playing games at a table, a flying devil holding the papal tiara above a priest on l.

Print made by Matthias Gerung
1544-1558 (circa)

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The Old Man and the Courtesan; an old man fondles a nude woman on a bench in front of a bed at centre; to the left a fool gestures toward the couple; the woman lifts money out of the old man's purse with her right hand and hands it back to a man waiting at right behind bedpost at r; a skeleton holding an hourglass leans through the window at upper right
Manner/Style of Lucas van Leyden c.1494 - 1533)

. , , , , , , . . III 1198 , , . . - , «» .

St Nicholas saving three young woman, kneeling before him, from prostitution by giving a dowry to their father, standing next to him. 1779
Etching, printed on blue paper in album
Print made by Joseph Fratrel

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("Cours de miracles"), , , . , , , , .

ll-matched love; five whole-length figures in an interior; an old man carressing a young woman who is stealing coins from his purse to pass them on to a young man at right; at far left a fool, in background an old woman.1500-1520

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The balcony; a young man is surrounded by three courtesans and a jester
Engraving Print made by Mair von Landshut
1499 (c.)

Print made by Jan Cornelisz. Vermeyen
A Spanish feast; on the left a courtesan is embracing a man and at the same time robbing his purse; on the right, at the end of the table, a man pokes fingers into his inflated cheeks with a youth looking up at him between his legs; an old man, seated between two women, sticks his tongue out; behind two women dance. 1545

"borde" , - , , . "hordes" , .

XII . " , - , - , - , . ".

The Prodigal Son wasting his fortune; seated at a stone table in a fenced-in garden with two male companions and three courtesans; from a series of four engravings. 1540
Print made by Sebald Beham

The Kiss in the Forest; a woman at centre leans back to the right to kiss a man standing behind her; another woman with a small chest balanced on her head stands to the left; trees behind them surround the clearing
Manner/Style of Lucas van Leyden c.1494 - 1533)

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Brunswick Monogrammist - Itinerant Entertainers in a Brothel 1550s

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Lucas van Leyden - Verlobung post 1527
post 1527
the scene is unlikely showing an engagement but rather a prostitute and her customer, this image is probably a copy of a similar image of 1527 which is on display at Musée des Beaux-Arts in Strasbourg, France.

Print made by Jacob Binck
Christ and the Woman of Samaria at the Well; Christ standing at right, turned to left; the prostitute standing behind the well at left, holding a bucket.

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Allegory on the misleading pleasures of the world: the great prostitute, a goblet in her hand, sitting on the seven-headed beast and heading towards Hell, with a demon welcoming her; in the background, a huntress shooting an arrow in the air and the wind blowing. 1580
After Jean Delaune

The Parable of the Prodigal Son; Monogrammist MT (Print made by); Plate 5: The courtesans stripping the Prodigal Son of his clothes. 1543 Engraving

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The Prodigal Son eating in the company of courtesans and thieves; at left the Prodigal Son led into a bedroom by a courtesan. 1541
Print made by Monogrammist MT (

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The courtesans driving the Prodigal Son out of the house; one courtesan holding his empty purse upside down. 1541
Print made by Monogrammist MT

Print made by Heinrich Vogtherr II
1537 (circa)
Heinrich Vogtherr II (Print made by); The Procuress; standing behind a table in an interior drinking from a glass and passing something to a female figure with her left hand; at the table a richly dressed man courted by a prostitute at left; above him a window with a fool pointing towards the scene. c.1537

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XII-XIII . , , Pont Troucat 1435 16 , , , . . 1446 La Pierre , . 30 1490 , - , , .
, , , . 1311 .

Two couples at a round table serenaded by musicians and entertained by a tethered bear; one of the couples kiss; probably a brothel scene with prostitutes; roundel (the top of the print is lost)
Engraving 1500-1525

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The prodigal son dissipates his wealth in the pleasures of the table. A finely attired young man sits at a table with a large wine glass in the company of courtesans and a lute player seen from behind, a maid reaches for a bottle cooling in a cauldron of water and at right is an exotic fountain, a dog lying in foreground; after Pieter van Ryck
Engraving After Pieter Cornelisz. van Ryck
1592 (c.)

Emblem; in a well-furnished room a woman trips over a man who lies on the floor; at left, a woman with her face covered pulls on the handle to a door; an amorous couple sit together at a dining table beyond; illustration from the brothers de Bry's 'Emblemata Saecularia' (Frankfurt). 1592


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After Sebald Beham

Death and the Courtesan; deceptive copy after Sebald Beham (Pauli 1122). A naked woman kneeling on a bed in a luxurious interior. Death as an emaciated figure approaching her with an hourglass. Under the bed the dead lover, a sword in his right hand. Late impression.
Colour woodcut from two blocks, tone block in reddish brown

Print made by Marcellus Laroon II (biographical details | all objects)
A young woman sitting in a chair, one leg up on a table in front of her, and with skirt raised; two men, one holding a tall glass, the other wearing spectacles, look up her skirt; in the background, a poster on a wall.

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Satire on prostitutes; women being paraded in street sitting backwards on asses holding animals' tails, guarded by soldiers with bayonets, and observed by onlookers. 1778

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A crouching, naked women covers her face and sits on a pedestal-pyre; a group of men attempt to ignite her with candles and smoke billows from her posterior; illustration from the brothers de Bry's 'Emblemata Saecularia' (Frankfurt). 1592

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, . 1268 . , .


Bizen Nagasaki Maruyama (View of Maruyama [Pleasure Quarter] in Nagasaki, Bizen Province

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«» (1912—1913) , « ». «», , .

Camp scene, with soldiers and prostitutes; unfinished state, proof before letter. 1758
Print made by Jean Moyreau

Satire on prostitutes; soldiers burst into a bordello through a broken door, while the women escape by a window and hold back a grenadier who waves his sword. 1778
Print made by Jean Baptiste Huet
Le vice forcé dans ses retranchemens

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A Roman courtisan; whole-length figure in frontal view; wearing a veil over a plain dress; illustration to Hans Weigel's 'Habitus Praecipuorum Populorum ... das ist Trachtenbuch', 2nd ed., Ulm: Kühn for Görlin, 1639. 1577

A Foolish Virgin
Engraving, 143 x 108 mm
National Gallery of Art, Washington

Hendrick Goltzius

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HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Lais of Corinth
Limewood, 34,6 x 26,8 cm
Kunstmuseum, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle

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SCOREL, Jan van
Mary Magdalen
c. 1528

HEMESSEN, Jan Sanders van
The Prodigal Son
Oil on oak, 140 x 198 cm
Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels

Drawn by Frans van Mieris I
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La vita infelice della meretrice compartita ne dodeci mesi dell'anno
History of the life of a prostitute, from her youth dancing to her death in a hospital, divided into twelve scenes according to the twelve months of the year. 1692
Print made by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli

Print made by Jacob Matham
1600 (circa)
The consequences of alcoholism; Jacob Matham (Print made by); A woman in fine attire (a prostitute) sits on the lap of a man and they caress under

Mair von Landshut (Print made by); The balcony; a young man is surrounded by three courtesans and a jester Engraving

Scene in an inn; a man fondles the breast of a prostitute, circa 1610
Print made by Joost Cornelisz.
1610 (circa)

Banquet on a Terrace
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Published by Jaspar Isaac (biographical details | all objects)
Elegantly dressed courtesan tickling the ear of man in fool's costume from behind; circular. c.1620-40

Print made by Ludolph Büsinck
After Georges Lallemand

The Procuress; four half-length figures in an interior; a male figure seated at right with a musical score on his lap passing a flute to a young female figure standing at centre; at left the procuress receiving a sack of money from the young woman; a far left an onlooker wearing spectacles.

After Cornelis Dusart
Print made by Jacob Gole )

The Prodigal Son; interior with a group of men and women eating oysters, drinking and embracing; a male figure seated on the table at centre pouring wine into a glass; the Prodigal Son seated next to the prominent female figure in left foreground; another impression of the first state.
Print made by Jeremias Falck
After Johann Liss
1656 (circa)

Brothel scene; at left a man sleeps on a woman's lap; she picks his pocket. Another man reclines on a bed and is offered a glass of wine. A woman plays a lute; after Zyl.
Published by Abraham Blooteling
After Gerard Pietersz. van Zyl

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, 1 , "roi des ribauds" .

Print made by Jérôme David
Prodigal Son strolling among fountains in formal garden being entertained by lady, with musician to right and another couple seen beyond. 1640s

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Published by Abraham Hogenberg
A party of men and women carousing; after Augustin Braun; interior richly furnished and decorated with paintings (incl. the Prodigal Son tending Swine); in right foreground a group gathered around a table, playing cards, drinking and embracing; a couple on a bed in left background.

I , . , . " , - Sauval, - , , , ".

, , ", - Sauval, - , . , , , , , , - , ".

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The Prodigal Son with the Courtesans
Bartolome Esteban Murillo

The Prodigal Son with the Courtesans Or Interior Scene (By Pieter Pourbus)1600-??

Mezeray " " . " , - , - I, II , , IX III".

, Hamier, II, , , : " , , : . , , , , , , ". : " , , , , , , ".

The Prodigal Son with the Courtesans
(attr. to) Kessler, Stephan

A courtesan standing with closed fan in left hand and mask by her side in right, wearing a patterned shawl and tiara, with beauty spots on her face; from bound series of the Cries of London. 1688

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Sauval, , , : " , : , , , , , ".

The courtesan; half-length to front, wearing rich costume: a low necked blue dress with slashed sleeves and a mauve scarf over one shoulder, blue ostrich feathers on her head, holding up a green purse in her left hand, a wooded landscape beyond with round tower. 1691
Drawn by Willem van Mieris

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" , - Sauval, - , , , , ".

, , , , ( 1643 .) .

Portrait of Adrian Beverland, after Arie de Vois; for description see other impression.
Mezzotin After Arie de Vois (biographical details | all objects)

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COUWENBERGH, Christiaen van
Woman with a Basket of Fruit
Oil on canvas, 107,5 x 93 cm
Gemäldesammlung der Universität, Göttingen

DUCK, Jacob
A Guardroom Interior
c. 1630
Oil on panel, 25 x

Gentleman Offering a Lady a Ring in a Candlelit Bedroom
c. 1698
Oil on panel, 37 x 29 cm
Private collection

The Concert
Oil on canvas, 90 x 127 cm
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome

Unequal Couple
c. 1623
Oil on canvas, 74 x 89 cm
Private collection


HONTHORST, Gerrit van
Merry Company
Oil on canvas, 125 x 157 cm
Staatsgalerie, Schleissheim

Gelder, Aert de - Tamar and Judah - 1667.

Brunswick Monogrammist - Bordellszene
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Notes It is likely that the painting was partially over painted in the late 16th century. In the left background we now see a lansquenet standing next to the bed of a prostitute; originally, this figure was a Franciscan monk--his tonsure is still visible with the naked eye

Nicolaes Knüpfer (c. 1609, Leipzig – 1655, Utrecht)
Brothel Scene, Possibly an Episode from a Story.
Scene from the marriage of Messaline and Gaius Silius, possibly an episode from a play.[3]
The marriage of Messalina and Gaius Silius.

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antique_fashion: . . 2.

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39 - Francesco Hayez (1791-1882)
40 - Vittorio (Vittore) Crivelli ( , 1440-1502, Italian painter

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