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: 20.04.2008
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, (West, Benjamin) , (10.10.1738, , – 11.03.1820, )

, .- , .


 (West)  (1738-1820.  SelfPortrait (502x600, 97Kb)

(West) (1738-1820) .


  Treaty_of_Penn_with_Indians (700x487, 132Kb)

« » (1771—1772). ,


 10 1738 , . ,  , . -, , «Square Tavern», .   (John Galt), «The Life and Studies of Benjamin West» (1816, 1820), , , , . .

    Self-Portrait 1756 ,    (455x600, 80Kb) 

    1756 ,


  Dr. Samuel Boude 1755 (504x600, 29Kb)

Dr. Samuel Boude 1755


      (334x500, 68Kb)

1746—1759 , . 1756 , « » (Death of Socrates) « » . , , « , » («the most ambitious and interesting painting produced in colonial America»)[1]. , , , . , 1756 . — , . , , — , .

west_benjamin13.jpg (49424 bytes)


,  -   . (490x600, 277Kb)

, - .

, . , .

-, . 1760—1763 , , , , , . .

1763 , III, , . , , 1768 .






1768 , . 1792 , , . 1772 .

1770 — « », 1771 .

Benjamin West The_Death_of_General_Wolfe_Engraved_Two_1770 (607x431, 86Kb)

,. 1771, ,


, " ", .  , ( , ), , , . .


west_benjamin12.jpg (37564 bytes)


west_benjamin01.jpg (71397 bytes)



west_benjamin02.jpg (52206 bytes)


west_benjamin04.jpg (52726 bytes)













III. 1772 III 1 000 ( 1801 ). 1791 . 1792 , 1805 . 1802 .

, , .... 1820. — , , -, .



west_benjamin03.jpg (38259 bytes)


west_benjamin05.jpg (52271 bytes)

west_benjamin06.jpg (42435 bytes)

west_benjamin07.jpg (36206 bytes)


west_benjamin09.jpg (22531 bytes)





     A Domestic Affliction (600x475, 65Kb)




   A Domestic Afflictio

n    Death on a Pale Horse 1796 (600x275, 48Kb)


   Death on a Pale Horse 1796





    The Fatal Wounding of Sir Philip Sidney 1805 (479x600, 48Kb)

   The Fatal Wounding of Sir Philip Sidney 1805


    View from the Terrace at Windsor 1792 (600x451, 29Kb)

   View from the Terrace at Windsor 1792



west_benjamin10.jpg (60382 bytes)



 (West)  (1738-1820. Portrait of Prince Octavius (417x600, 37Kb)

(West) (1738-1820).



       (424x600, 49Kb)     






    Elizabeth, Countess of Effingham 1797 (475x600, 40Kb)

   Elizabeth, Countess of Effingham 1797


   Bladud in Exile 1807 (600x382, 37Kb)

  Bladud in Exile 1807


   Charles Wilson Peale (484x600, 30Kb)

  Charles Wilson Peale

   Pharaoh and His Host Lost in the Red Sea (463x600, 44Kb)

  Pharaoh and His Host Lost in the Red Sea


   Pylades and Orestes Brought as Victims to Iphigenia (detail) 1766 ,   (387x600, 51Kb)

  Pylades and Orestes Brought as Victims to Iphigenia (detail) 1766 ,


   The Death of Lord Nelson in the Cockpit of the Ship  Victory (486x600, 31Kb)

  The Death of Lord Nelson in the Cockpit of the Ship  Victory


   The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise 1791 (600x397, 45Kb)

  The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise 1791




  Hagar and Ishmael   (423x600, 35Kb)

Hagar and Ishmael


  The Golden Age1776 (600x504, 41Kb)

The Golden Age1776



















   II     (700x521, 394Kb)



 (West)  (1738-1820.Pylades and Orestes Brought as Victims before Iphigenia1766 (600x468, 32Kb)



 (West)  (1738-1820. The Burghers of Calais 1789 (600x390, 46Kb)





















 (West)  (1738-1820.  His Majesty George III Resuming Power in 1789  (600x401, 52Kb)

(West) (1738-1820.  His Majesty George III Resuming Power in 1789


 (West)  (1738-1820.  Edward III Crossing the Somme 1788 (600x551, 79Kb)

(West) (1738-1820.  Edward III Crossing the Somme 1788


 (West)  (1738-1820.  Portrait of the Drummond Family (503x600, 48Kb)

(West) (1738-1820.  Portrait of the Drummond Family


 (West)  (1738-1820.  The Damsel and Orlando (450x600, 54Kb)

(West) (1738-1820.  The Damsel and Orlando


 (West)  (1738-1820.  The Last Supper 1784 (600x402, 22Kb)

(West) (1738-1820.  The Last Supper 1784


 (West)  (1738-1820.  The Woman Clothed with the Sun Fleeth from the Persecution of the Dragon (261x600, 43Kb)

(West) (1738-1820).  The Woman Clothed with the Sun Fleeth from the Persecution of the Dragon


    1788 (620x459, 38Kb)



 (West)  (1738-1820.     (600x447, 24Kb)

(West) (1738-1820).     










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12 - . XVII - XVIII ..
13 - , Frederic Edwin Church
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