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: 12.03.2013
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, (16991779)

, 28 2016 . 20:32 +




5229398_7008894_Moris_Kventin_de_La_Tur_Portret_ZHana_Batista_Simeona_SHardena_1761Luvr (538x700, 165Kb)


— XVIII . , . 18 .

5229398_i8flxaXxkoY (561x700, 52Kb)


  , . , , , 9 !!!

5229398_7008660_ZHan_Batist_Simeon_SHarden_Avtoportret_1780_Luvr (550x699, 65Kb)


  1699 . , ---. (1676-1754) (1690-1734). « » 1728 , . , « , ». , , . . , , , . , .

5229398_molitva_pered_obedom (700x540, 93Kb)

« » (1744, )

1728 . 1737 . 1743 , 1750 . 1765 , . 6 1779 . . , -.

5229398_0_5f147_2aa68783_M (300x31, 3Kb)

efcc0a5ef21f891def9adacc8fd_prev (579x700, 118Kb)

. 1775 . , . ,

. : , , , .

, , . , , .

chardin_02 (584x700, 249Kb)

Portrait of Fran?oise Marguerite Pouget (1

0_13f329_244560ef_orig (581x700, 238Kb)

Portrait of a child

0aefe7c4 (527x635, 128Kb)

Portrait of a Young Girl (1777)

Jean-Simeon-Chardin-Portrait-de-Charles-Godefroy-dit-Le-Jeune-Homme-au-violon (700x632, 316Kb)

/Young Man with a Violin (Portrait of Charles Theodose Godefroy) (c.1735)

5229398_default (700x654, 121Kb)

The-Young-Draughtsman-2 (559x700, 272Kb)

. , . 0,680,76. ,

1457585250_kartochnyy-dom-ii (570x700, 232Kb)


5229398_default_1_ (700x565, 113Kb)

chardin_03 (577x700, 257Kb)

0_13f33d_84230c08_XXL (608x700, 232Kb)

0_13f330_c2f63316_XXL (557x700, 297Kb)

0_13f331_c41ed7ec_XXL (700x618, 333Kb)

0_13f338_ac52f622_XXL (700x594, 302Kb)

, (1737)

0fd44cdcba2f1a77d4cda275fba62e3e (687x700, 389Kb)

000008_disp (552x700, 275Kb)

76a7bc8c4200f44d9db21cce655c0084 (556x700, 306Kb)


62158004_7 (633x699, 252Kb)


1457585201_raznoschica (554x700, 135Kb)

. 1739 . , . ,

1457585215_mylnye-puzyri (700x646, 168Kb)

1457585225_guvernantka (481x600, 116Kb)


1457585232_rachitelnaya-sluzhanka (560x700, 128Kb)

1457585278_uchitelnica (700x641, 194Kb)

, .

d26c466ad91c45d074808b5be1b6070d (606x700, 352Kb)

The Embroiderer (1736)

Jean-baptiste-simeon-Chardin-A-Lady-Taking-Tea (700x554, 270Kb)


Jean-baptiste-simeon-Chardin-The-Attributes-of-Art (700x551, 245Kb)

. 1766 . , . 112140,5.

Jean-BaptisteSimeonChardin-stilllife(2) (700x336, 192Kb)

5229398_41643 (700x426, 40Kb)

121016192220 (700x573, 313Kb)

Still life with porcelain teapot (1763)

0_12e4e3_785504ac_XXL (700x529, 227Kb)

0_13f1e1_dabe897f_XXL (572x700, 244Kb)

0_a6985_ca9928ad_XXL (700x566, 266Kb)

96ba2045cc44623bba33e7128d1 (700x542, 283Kb)

000019 (700x498, 265Kb)

Still Life with Jar of Olives (1760)

52 (700x564, 323Kb)

122 (700x569, 255Kb)

869c7bfcb4dd2b17c557cbd9e4757d33 (700x564, 316Kb)
A Lean Diet with Cooking Utensils (1731)

1959-2 (700x575, 303Kb)

La Brioche- Cake

0_13f1d7_9bd80402_XXL (700x562, 233Kb)

64704 (700x452, 241Kb)

The Butler s Table (1756)

334063 (700x471, 262Kb)

The Attributes of the Sciences (1731)

334078 (551x700, 304Kb)

1457585234_serebryanyy-kubok (600x537, 213Kb)

The Silver Goblet (c.1728)

121016182907 (700x519, 302Kb)

Still Life with Pipe an Jug (c.1737)

Chardin__Jean_Baptiste_Simeon_A_Silver_Glass_fine_art_print_b (700x569, 261Kb)


Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin-892266 (621x700, 222Kb)

Jar of Apricots (1758)

Jean-Baptiste-Simeon-Chardin-005 (700x577, 322Kb)

Strawberry Basket Canasta de fresas (c.1760)

Jean-baptiste-simeon-Chardin-Pestle-and-Mortar-Bowl-Two-Onions-Copper-Pot-and-Kettle (700x577, 308Kb)

Still Life with Pestle, Bowl, Copper Cauldron, Onions and a Knife

Jean-baptiste-simeon-Chardin-White-Teapot-with-White-and-Red-Grapes-Apple-Chestnuts-Knife-and-Bottle (700x536, 257Kb)

, (1779)

5229398_334172 (700x548, 49Kb)

Basket of Plums (c.1759)

still_life_with_carafe,_silver_goblet_and_fruit-large (607x700, 331Kb)

still-life-fast-day-menu-1731 (700x569, 338Kb)

Still life: Fast Day Menu (1731)

still-life-with-herrings (700x544, 273Kb)

Still Life with Herrings (c.1731)

zszmreiemr (700x561, 223Kb)

5229398_334048 (502x700, 258Kb)

Game Still Life with Hunting Dog (c.1730)

1457585257_serebryanaya-supnica (700x501, 154Kb)


chardin_07 (595x700, 272Kb)

Still Life with Cat and Fish (1728)

Jean-Baptiste_Siméon_Chardin_027 (700x535, 277Kb)

A Green Neck Duck with a Seville Orange

mkfg076_catpage (700x552, 297Kb)

The ray, 1728 Oil on canvas, 115 x 146 cm Musee d

still-life-with-cat-and-rayfish (556x700, 315Kb)

Still Life with Cat and Rayfish (c.1728)

Jean-Simeon-Chardin-A-Vase-of-Flowers (564x700, 166Kb)


5229398_130241212_3503277_0_7c2c0_9227b109_L (298x69, 6Kb)


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