
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612


( kr )

, 17 2018 . 06:13 +

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: to draw - , , , , to drag - , -, -, to pull - , , to plough - . tractor - .

▪ *KoR(ot) () → *KRtati () > KaRati → KaRitra
: [t] | - «*»
karṣitra - *kor ( ), *kartati - ( ). - KR, - KR.
*KoR ( ) → *KaRtati (. ) > KaRṣati (. to draw, to draw oneself, to pull, to to drag, to drag away, to tear; to lead or conduct [as an army]; to bend [bow]; to draw or make furrows; to draw into one's power; to take away anything from any one ), KRṣati (. to plough, to draw or make furrows; to obtain by ploughing; to travel over ), KaRṣayati (. to drag, to draw; to pull to and fro, to torture, to torment, to cause pain; to draw or tear out; to plough ) → KaRṣayāna, KaRṣitra (. tractor ), KaRṣin (. ploughman, husbandman, peasant ), KRṣāku (. ploughman ), KRṣana, KRṣikara (. ploughman, farmer ), KRṣaka (. farmer, ploughman, plowman, husbandman; ox; ploughshare; tenant ), KaRṣaka (. farmer; cultivator | adj. ploughing, one who ploughs or lives by tillage, dragging, pulling to and fro, vexing ), KRṣika (. farmer, husbandman; cultivator of the soil; ploughshare ), KRṣivala (. farmer, peasant, husbandman; cultivator, cultivator of the soil ), KRṣyakāra (. ploughman, husbandman ), KRṣa (. ploughshare, ploughing, husbandry, agriculture ), KaRṣu (. furrow [agr.], cannal, agriculture, trench ), KāRṣman (. furrow [agr.] ) | > aKaRṣati (. to draw toward, to drag, to pull, to draw out of, to draw towards one's self, to draw away with one's self, to withdraw, to draw [a sword], to borrow from, to attract, to dredge, to take off [as a garment], to bend [a bow], to take away, to influence, to excavate, to scoop; deprive of ), aKaRṣayati (. to draw near to one's self ) → aKaRṣa (. spasm, drawing towards one's self, dragging [as of a stone], attraction; shovel; play-board; magnet; bending [of a bow]; organ of sense ), aKaRṣana (. drawing near, tearing by, attraction, attracting, appeal, pulling; bending ), aKaRṣaka (. magnet ) | > abhiKaRṣati (. to overpower ) | > anuKaRṣati (. to drag or draw after, to attract, to lag behind [in performing duty, etc.] ), anuKaRṣayati (. to cause to attract or drag after ) → anuKaRṣa (. attraction ), anuKaRṣana (. drinkink vessel ) | > apaKaRṣati (. to tear, to remove, to scrape off; to draw away, to pull, to drag, to drag down or away, to carry away, to put away, to draw back or off or aside, to turn away or off, to extract; to take away, to distract, to disparage, to dishonour, to diminish, to debase, to abrade, to bend [as a bow], to omit, to avert ), apaKaRṣayati (. to diminish, to remove, to detract ) → apaKaRṣa (. drawing off, drawing or dragging off or down, decay, diminution, detraction, decline, deterioration, destruction, depression, nullification, lowering, reduction, anticipation, anticipation of a word occurring later ), apaKaRṣana (. drawing down, anticipation, distraction, abolishing, denying; depriving of ) | > avaKaRṣati (. to draw off or away, to drag down, to remove, to turn off, to take off, to allure ) → avaKaRṣana (. taking off ) | > niKaRṣati (. to draw or drag down ) → niKaRṣa (. loss of weight, reducing, lowering, decreasing ), niKaRṣana (. court at the entrance of a house, open place in or near town, neighbourhood ) | > niṣKaRṣati (. to draw out, to extract ), niṣKaRṣayati (. to tear in pieces, to destroy ) → niṣKaRṣa (. drawing out, measuring, extract, extract or essence of anything, extracting ), niṣKaRṣa (.extracting, drawing out, taking off ) | > paraKaRṣati (. to draw away or down ) | > pariKaRṣati -te (. to plough, draw or drag about, to draw or make furrows, to draw a circle, to afflict; to lead; to rule, to harass, to govern, to ponder, to reflect constantly upon, to be master of ), pariKaRṣayati (. to drag to and fro, to carry, to torment, to trouble, to harass, to vex ) → pariKaRṣa (. dragging about ), pariKaRṣana (. circle ) | > praKaRṣati (. to draw or stretch forth, to drag along or away, to disturb, to push off, to trouble, to distract, to remove from, to draw or bend, to head or lead [mil.] ), praKaRṣayati (. verb.caus. to cause to be ploughed ) → praKaRṣana (. one who distracts or troubles; ploughing, drawing away, drawing furrows, duration, pushing forth, act of harassing or disquieting, advancing, extension; bridle or whip; excellence, superiority ), praKaRṣa (. intensity, in a high degree, greatness, definitiveness, excess, thoroughly, absoluteness, excellence ), praKaRṣaka (. harasser, disquieter ) | saṅKaRṣati -te (. to draw together or away; to carry off, to drag along, to contract, to tighten ) → saṅKaRṣana (. ploughing, drawing out, drawing together, extraction, making rows; contracting; means of joining or uniting ) | samaKaRṣati (. to draw towards or together, to draw away or out, to take out, to attract, to extract ), samaKaRṣayati (. to draw away, to carry off ) | *... → samniKaRṣana (. drawing together, approximation, close contact with, drag along with ) | > sampraKaRṣati (. to drag along with ) | > sampraKaRṣati (. to drag along with ) | > samupaKaRṣati (. to draw towards at one time or together, to draw near ) | > samutKaRṣati (. to draw or raise well up, to draw tight, to elevate ) → samutKaRṣa (. setting one's self up, laying aside; excellence ) | > samupaKaRṣati (. to draw or drag away, to draw with one's self, to draw towards or near one's self, to remove, to give up ) | > upaKaRṣati (. to draw or drag away, to draw with one's self, to draw towards or near one's self, to remove, to give up ) → upaKaRṣa (. act of drawing or dragging near ) | > utKaRṣati -te (. to draw or drag or pull up, to tear asunder, to draw or take out, to pull or put off, to extract, to bend, to raise, to delay, to gnaw ) → utKaRṣa (. drawing, putting off or upwards, pulling, attractive, improvement, delaying, omitting, boasting, excess, elevation, excepting, eminence; excellence ), utKaRṣana (. act of drawing upwards taking off, pulling off ) | > viKaRṣati (. to plough, to tear to pieces, to destroy, to withdraw, to draw, to draw a furrow, to draw apart or asunder, to pull out, to bend, to keep back, to draw along or after, to extend, to lead; to widen, to deprive ) → viKaRṣa (. drawing, parting or dragging or drawing asunder, withdrawal, draft; arrow; distance ), viKaRṣana (. act of drawing or dragging asunder, cross-throw, putting apart, putting off eating, distributing; distractor ) | > vipraKaRṣati (. to lead away or home, to drag or draw apart, to remove from ) | > vyaKaRṣati (. to drag apart, remove, to separate, to alienate ) → vyaKaRṣana (. drawing to one's self, attracting, alluring ) | > vyapaKaRṣati (. to lead astray, to drag or draw away or off, to tear off, to take away or off, to put off, to remove, to abandon, to undress, to seduce, to give up ) → vyapaKaRṣati (. exception ) | > vyavaKaRṣati (. to draw or tear away, to alienate )
KR > > KR[t > ṣ]
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[] ( / sanskrit )

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