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: 13.10.2009
: 612



, 11 2010 . 01:51 +

 Yield effects of genetically modified crops in developing countries


Matin Qaim ( ) 1, 2 *  David Zilberman ( )2
bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) , , , . , , . , , , - . , bt- . 

[1,2]. , , ? , 99% - [3]. , , . bt- , , 10% [4-6]. - , , - [7-9]. [4-6,9], , - , [10].


, - , . bt- , , - , , , , .


Bt- Cry1Ac, (Helicoverpa armigera), (Earias vittella) (Pectinophora gossypiella) , - . "Monsanto" , "Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company" (Mahyco). 1997 bt- . - . 2002 bt- , [11].


2001 395 . Mahyco . , , . 646 ² : bt-; , Bt (-Bt ); ( - ). .


, , 157 . 157 [12]. 25 , : - , - . , 1 .


, bt- , -bt (. . 1). ( - ) , , , Cry1Ac, 100% H. armigera, [13, 14]. , (Aphis gossypii), (Amrasca bigutulla) (Bemisia tabaci). Bt . Bt- 70%, , . , , , , I II . , 30$ .


1. - bt- . , n - . . 2001 .

(n = 157)
(n = 157)

(n = 157)
- . 0.62* (1.28) 3.68 (1.98) 3.63 (1.98)
- . 3.57 (1.70) 3.51 (1.66) 3.45 (1.62)
(/), 3.57 (1.86) 5.56 (3.15) 5.43 (3.07)
... :
0.64* (1.10) 1.98 (1.78) 1.94 (1.78)
II 1.07* (1.27) 3.55 (2.66) 3.46 (2.60)
III 0.03 (0.08) 0.03 (0.08) 0.03 (0.08)
(/) 0.48* (0.55) 1.55 (0.96) 1.52 (0.95)
(/) 1501* (857) 833 (572) 802 (571)
 * -bt 5% .

. bt- -bt 80 87% [15]. . 1 , . -bt , . Bt. 2001 . , , , , . 4- 1998 2001 , bt- 60% [16].


, , , , , , [17,18]. , (. 2). , , 60% ( -bt) 2001 . , , , , 50-60% [19]. - - 12 15% . , bt- .


, , - , . , , [21]. , , - [22,23]. , . , bt- (. 2).


. 1.  bt- .   , , 157 . 2001 . 


. 2. bt- . - , damage-control . 2001 .




, , . , , bt- . bt- . , bt-, , , .


- - . , , , . . , , , - . , , 50% [20].


[17, 18], 2 - . - , . - , , . , . , , . , , . - , , .


2. - .  [20]  .
. . - -

, - , . [24, 25]. - , . Bt-, bt- bt-, , . Bt- , , [26, 27]. , , -, , .


, , () , - [28]. , . -. , , , .


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  29. Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project; Annual Report 2001-02 (ICAR, Coimbatore, India, 2002), p.97.
  30. The authors thank researchers of Mahyco for making the field-trial records available.The financial support of the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) is gratefully. D.Z. is a member of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.



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