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, 10 2022 . 09:13 +
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, 04 2021 . 04:41 +
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, 20 2021 . 13:35 +
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, 09 2021 . 14:35 +
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, 01 2021 . 16:53 +
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III 2020 1 |

! ! ☝ ? , ! , ! III , : https://ffm.to/kanteleon​ (iTunes, Spotify...)

💽 CD MP3 ( , , ) ☛ http://shop.kanteleon.com​ (: KANTELEON10 )

☝ ☛ @ / ​

✔️ MP3: https://ffm.to/freetrack​
✔️ , ( 49): ☛ https://ffm.to/sponsor​

◈ , : ()
◈ , : 2020
, !

(25 29 ) , , , , cavale, frule, , .

00:01​ / Slavonic Heroes
05:58​ / Intrepid Warriors of Sun
10:18​ / Mighty of Brave Heroes
13:00​ / The Sons of Perun
16:04​ / Ancient Town Defenders
18:53​ / Guardians of Arkona
22:12​ / Visit To The Sun
27:21​ / Slavic Runes
33:14​ / Epic Feast
36:46​ / Golden Swords
40:11​ / Slavonic Legends
44:12​ / The Three Bogatyrs
48:08​ / Skomorokh Folk Dance
51:23​ / Into Overseas Land
55:13​ / Kologod Svarog
58:51​ / Ilya Murometz

✔️ , , WhatsApp, !

✔️ ? ! . : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwoy4...​

☝ : 📀 MP3 (300 ) - ( , , ). CD 💽 (500 ) ☛ http://shop.kanteleon.com​

, , : 📞✆ WhatsApp, Viber +7 (915) 017-42-46 ✉ E-MAIL: kanteleon@yandex.ru

, :
: https://t.me/kanteleon​
- https://vk.com/kanteleon​
Facebook - http://facebook.com/kanteleon​
Instagram - http://instagram.com/kirillbogomilov​
- https://zen.yandex.ru/kanteleon​
: http://kanteleon.com​

-, : http://youtube.com/kanteleon?sub_conf...​

*, :
1. 6 : ☛ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...​
2. 📀 2016 . " " ☛ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYC31...​
3. 📀 2019 . " " ☛ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mevbN...​
4. 🌿 45 : ☛ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCGvv...​
5. 🌙 1 : ☛ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcV_j...​
6. 1 : ☛ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7LdK...​

Spotify ➤ https://spoti.fi/30Ar0LL​

2020 , !

: , -. - "". - , , . " ".

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: .
: Kanteleon Music 2019 http://kanteleon.com​

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- 💵 : 5469 3800 6721 7553 ( )
- ( 49): ☛ https://bit.ly/spkanteleon


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, 20 2020 . 04:17 +
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, 10 2019 . 18:00 +
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, 11 2019 . 05:16 +
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, 08 2019 . 13:14 +
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