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Воскресенье, 09 Сентября 2012 г. 13:00 + в цитатник

A real man faithful. He does not have time for other,
- Because he is too busy - looking for new ways to captivate - his woman.
The guy leads the girl jealous with other girls -
Man - causing the other girls envy - only with his girlfriend
everyone has someone - with whom he could - very happy to come back.
Рубрики:  Рамки/demotive

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Вторник, 31 Января 2012 г. 20:45 + в цитатник
Pagavo ufonautai amerikoną, japoną ir rusą. Na, vienu žodžiu - biologiniams tyrimams. Aišku kaip visada sako, kad gali vieną paleisti, jeigu jis pasakys skaičių, kurio ufonautai nežino. Amerikonas sako:
- Trilijonas!
Ufos pasijuokė, tipo pas juos vaikų darželyje jau su tokios eilės skaičiais vaikai pratimus atlikinėja!
Japonas tada sako:
- Sekstilijonas!
- Žinom!! univere visi ufos skaičiuoja.
Tada rusas ir sako:
- D-a-c-h-u-j-a!
Ufos apšalę žiūri, pirmą kart tokį skaičių girdi. Davai čiuvakas paaiškink kas čia per skaičius ir kur jis naudojamas. Nu žmogelis sako čia vienas mano draugas profesorius galėtų paaiškinti. Ufos su rusu į savo skraidančią lėkštę ir davai tipo pas tą profesorių. Priskrenda prie kaimo geležinkelio stoties iš kurios išeina toks prapoica, savaitę gėręs ir jau beveik su baltais arkliais kalbantis sargas. Nu ruselis sako:
- Andriucha, anuka paaiškink šitiems urodams kiek yra DACHUJA!
Sargas taip ramiai pasisuka į bėgius ir sako:
- Žiūrėkit! Matot bėgius? Matot balkius tarp bėgių? Dabar eikit ir skaičiuokit balkius! Kada prieisit iki skaičiaus “Nu ir n-a-c-h-u-i-j”, tai bus kaip tik per vidurį iki Dachuja!!!
Рубрики:  Рамки/demotive

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Четверг, 27 Октября 2011 г. 16:31 + в цитатник

On your life is the door..
with the words ... one side-door "In myself" on the reverse side door reads "from yourself"

Heart is like a window ..
it can not be destroyed , when it is open...

Most important Your life's work -
You are to do only with love...

Sometimes dreams come true is not as you want -
but ,even better

Why do we close our eyes when we dream? When we cry? When we cry? When we imagine? When we kiss? Because the most beautiful things in this world are unseen.
Aksi !!!

Рубрики:  Рамки/demotive

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Пятница, 30 Сентября 2011 г. 21:25 + в цитатник
The only way
find a friend - be it ...
Aksi ~ Wild cat

 (538x596, 84Kb)

A chance meeting
- The most non-random thing in the world ....

All our life - the game ?!...
You do not play in life ... you live, playing! :)

People may forget what you tell them
said, but never forget that they feel with you.

... how many smiles seen
our monitor when we write we dear people ....

Call the past and say that
miss .. hang up and go kiss the currently!

Рубрики:  Рамки/demotive

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Пятница, 30 Сентября 2011 г. 16:35 + в цитатник
I wish a nice day ..
for You my friends...
Aksi ~ Wild cat

Gather happiness,
Gather minute a love & you will see world in all a color ...

Behave as if you already, happy & You really will be more happy ...

Go on to grow, even if
No one can appreciate your's beauty.....

Do not cause is pain to another, wanting to
know the answer! Listen to heart ... & no more secrets!

One story is over, by preparing you for another!

Only a real man can
make a woman truly happy!

Рубрики:  Рамки/demotive

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Суббота, 13 Августа 2011 г. 11:04 + в цитатник

 (538x596, 84Kb)

Road to nowhere
has no end...

i ♥ you so much!!!!
~ Aksi ~

~ Happiness - YES!~

~ Be original..!... ~

~Sometimes love is born of friendship ! ~

~ Wife friend - not a woman ....If she is beautiful .... it is not my friend ....~

Рубрики:  Рамки/demotive

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Суббота, 13 Августа 2011 г. 09:51 + в цитатник

 (538x596, 84Kb)

Look at the world through the eyes of a child
and the world smiles to you...

i ♥ you so much!!!!
~ Aksi ~


~ Miracle here ... Believe on the Miracle... AND HOW MORE BELIEVE... more often miracle come true... ~

~ Life like game !... get pleasure out of life ! ~

~ Good morning ! let it be a joyous day !...~

Рубрики:  Рамки/demotive

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