
  • ܨ (1886)
  •     (352)
  •     2016 (179)
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  •     (100)
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  •     (69)
  •     2016 (58)
  •    , , .. (49)
  •     (49)
  •     2016 (44)
  •     2 (31)
  •     (31)
  •     (29)
  •     2016 (20)
  •    , , ..2016 (16)
  •     (16)
  •     2016 (12)
  •     2016 (10)
  •     2016 (8)
  •     (6)
  •     (4)
  •     (3)
  •     (2)
  •     2016 (1)
  • (1178)
  •    , , , (343)
  •    , , (112)
  •     (104)
  •    , (104)
  •     (102)
  •     / (87)
  •    , , (86)
  •     (80)
  •     (62)
  •     (44)
  •     (29)
  •     (23)
  •     (16)
  •     (9)
  •     (9)
  •    , , 2016 (6)
  • / (666)
  •     (1)
  • (324)
  •     2016 (28)
  • (155)
  •     (89)
  •     (64)
  • HEND-MADE (146)
  • (87)
  • (36)
  • (30)
  • (29)
  • (27)
  •     2016 (12)
  • (26)
  • (24)
  • 2017 (22)
  •     (2)
  •     (2)
  •     (1)
  • (14)
  • (10)
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  • (5)
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  • (4)
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  • (2)
  • 2017 (1)
  •     (1)
  • 2017 (1)
  • (1)
  • 2017 (0)
  • (0)



 - e-mail



: 02.01.2014
: 4680
: 34
: 4781



: (26), ܨ(1886), (4), (24), (29), (30), (155), 2017(1), 2017(22), / (666), (6), 2017(0), 2017(1), (4), (36), (5), (10), (1), (14), (2), (1178), (27), (2), (324), HEND-MADE(146), (0)

, 07 2015 . 23:39 +
LVN [ + !]

at1. (, , , )
2. ( )
She is at school. She is sitting at my table.
Let us meet at 5 p.m.!
in1. ( )
2. ( , )
3. -
He is in the study. The book is in my table. Summer begins in June. It took place in 2002.
This article is written in English
1. ( )
2. -, (, )
3. ( )
The book is on my table. The picture is on the wall.This is an article on history.
I was born on the 5th of November,
from1. (, )
2. (, )
The train is coming from Moscow. Take the pencil from the table.Ill be busy from 10 a.m.
to1. (, )
2. ( - )
We came to Moscow. They went to the theatre.Ill be busy from 10 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Give this book to me.
since (, - )Ill have a rest since July till August.
till (, - )Till Friday Ill be very busy.
into ()Put the book into the bag.
onto (, -)Put the pen from the drawer onto the table.
before (, )The accident took place before our era.
after ()
I went there after the stopped.
about1. ()
2. (, , )
3. (, )
Please, tell me about him.
Come about 2 p.m.It was about noon, when she came home.
for1. ( ( , ) )
2. ()
4. () to leave
I have lived there for 2 years.
I went for a walk.
That is a present for you.
We left for St. Petersburg at 10 p.m.
during ( , )I was in the countryside during my weekend.
of1. (?, ?)
2. ()
All the students of this group passed the exams perfectly. You must never think of him badly.
with1. (?)
2. ,
3. (, )
We write with pens.
He went to the station with her.
His face was pale with fear.
by1. (?)
2. (, )
3. ( - )
This poem was written by Pushkin.
He was standing by the window.
He had already come by 3 p.m.
between ( 2- )The father divided the apples between his 2 sons.
among ( )The farther divided the apples among all his children.
except (for) ( , )Everybody likes it except me.
besides (, )There were 5 boys in the room besides me.
over1. ,
3. , , ( )
A flight over the lake .
Over the last five years .
below, Below zero .
out, , My crossbow is already out. .
behind, , The sun is behind a cloud. .



, 24 2015 . 16:36 +
Gegoma [ + !]


Attach - ,  
Armhole -  
Back -  
Band - ,  
Baste - ( ),  
Machine-baste - ,  
Beanie -  
Belt - ,  
Belt loop -  
Bias binding -  
Bias tape -  
Binder attachment -  
Binding -  
Binding strip - , ( ),  
Bodice - , () 
Bolt -  
Bottom-leg -  
Button - ,  
Button band -  
Buttonhole -  
Casing -  



- ENGLISH : 939

, 23 2015 . 00:27 +
Nik2003 [ + !]

- English : 939

* - English : 939 *

* - English : 939 *


1. ;
2. , ( ) , ;
3. "",
"Go to page" , ( 105 ), .




, 23 2015 . 23:58 +
justvitek [ + !]

amber -
anise -
apricot -
aqua -
aquamarine -
ash - -
azure -

 beige -
berry -
black -
blue -
blue violet - -
bottle green -
bronze -
brown -
buff - -
burgundy -
burgundy - ( )
burly wood -
burnt -
buttercup yellow - -

 cadet blue - -
cambridge blue - -
camel -
cerise - -
charcoal -
chartreuse - -
chartreuse - -
chlorine - -
chocolate -
claret -
clay -
clay-colored - -
cocoa -
copper -
coral -
cornflower -
cornsilk -
cream -
cream -
cyan - -

 dark blue - -
dark cyan -
dark gray - -
dark green - -
dark magenta -
dark red - -
dark yellow - -
deep blue -
deep-brown - -
deep-green - -
denim blue -
dim gray - -
dull -
dusty -

 ecru -
emerald -

 fallow - -
firebrick -
forest -
forest green -
forest green -
fuchsia -

 garnet - -
ghostwhite - -
ginger brown - -
gold -
golden -
goldenrod -
gray -
green -
green yellow - -
grey; gray -

 honeydew -
hot pink -
hunter green -

 indigo -
ivory -
jade - -

 khaki -

 lavender - -
lavender -
avender blush -

 lawn green -
lemon -
lemon chiffon -
light blue -
light coral -
light cyan -
light goldenrod - -
light goldenrod yellow - -
light gray - -
light pink - -
light salmon -
light seagreen - ,
light sky blue - -
light slate blue - -
light slate gray - -
light steel blue -
light yellow - -
light-green -
lilac -
lime -
lime green - -
liver-coloured - -
livery - -

 magenta -
magenta -
maroon - -
mastic - -,
mauve - -
mazarine - -
medium gray -
medium green - -
midnight blue - -
mint -
misty rose - -
mole -
mouse grey -
murrey - -

 navajo white - -
navy - - ( )
navy blue - -
navy, dark blue - -
nutmeg -

 off-white - -
olive -
olive green -
orange -
orange red - -
orangey - -
oyster white - -

 pale goldenrod - -
pale green - -
pale pink - -
pale turquoise - -
pale violet red - -
pale yellow - -
peach -
peachpuff -
pearl -
petunia - -
pewter -
photo magenta - -
pink -
pistachio - ,
plum -
plum - -
powder blue -
primrose -
pumpkin -
purple -
purple -

 raspberry -
red -
rose -
rosy -
rosy brown - -
royal blue - (, )
rust -

 saddle brown - -
salmon -
sand -
seafoam -
seagreen -
seashell -
siennasilver -
silvery -
sky blue - -
slate - -
slate blue - -
slate gray - -
smoke blue - -
snow -
spice orange -
spring green - -
steel blue -
steel gray -

 tan - -
tan - -
tanned -
taupe - -
taupe - -
tawny - -
terra cotta -
turquoise -

 vinous -
violet - , -
violet red - -

 wheat -
white -

 yellow -
yellow green - -

4208855_565777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 (700x393, 43Kb)


, 12 2015 . 07:42 +
Nonochka2 [ + !]

take (514x417, 204Kb)

came (518x417, 210Kb)

get (492x388, 208Kb)

go (604x492, 276Kb)

make (253x199, 69Kb)

look (604x483, 273Kb)

have (604x512, 270Kb)


, 12 2015 . 07:36 +
48 [ + !]

: 19 2014 .

""?   : http://happyhope.ru




image (518x417, 195Kb)



, 06 2015 . 10:06 +
_ [ + !]

, , . , . Upper-Intermediate. !




, 06 2015 . 10:01 +
belorys_kh [ + !]


"-" , ,              "EnJ

  -       .        ,       . ,      .





, 06 2015 . 09:44 +
_ [ + !]


. 5000 . . .

, 31 2015 . 17:18 +
_ [ + !]

. 5000 . . .

0001 (512x700, 109Kb)


. 5000 . . . .

, 31 2015 . 17:08 +
_ [ + !]

. 5000 . . . .


aa_0001 (538x700, 238Kb)



, 31 2015 . 17:05 +
_ [ + !]



, 23 2015 . 20:01 +
MissKcu [ + !]

: !ingestion -

- "", . , . , . 
: . , .

ingestion -

, , .

buffet / bufei / –  
cafe / kæfei/ –  
coffee shop / ˈkɒfi ʃɒp / – , , ,
drive-through / ˈdraɪv.θruː/ – , ,  
hotdog stand /ˈhɒt.dɒɡ stænd/ –  
bagel / beɪk(ə)n / – ( )
bun / roll / bʌn / rəʊl/ –  
cornflakes / kɔːnfleɪks / –
cereals /siəriəls/ - , , .. 
graham / greiəm / –  
hash browns / hæʃ braʊn s/–  
eggs over easy / eɡz ˈəʊvə(r) ˈiːzi /– -,
rib eye (steak) / rɪb aɪ / –  
strip (steak) / strɪp /–  
buffalo wings/ ˈbʌf.ə.ləʊ wɪŋz/ –  
French fries / frentʃ fraɪz / –  
coleslaw / ˈkəʊl.slɔː / – ()

, , . , , . , ,

in apple-pie order –  
"Her house was in apple-pie order, with nothing out of place.". – , . 

a piece of cake –  
This program is a piece of cake to use. – . 

sell like hot cakes – , « » 
"His book was sold like hot cakes." – . 

be your bread and butter –  
"Although they run a taxi service, car sales are their bread and butter." – , . 

use your noodle –
“You're going to have to really use your noodle on this crossword puzzle. It's an extra difficult one”.  , .  


- . , , , , . , ( ), , ( , ). , , .

Present Simple

Present Simple . , , , , , . ., . . Present Simple , , . , , . Present Simple , do ( does 3 . . .)

Do you like rock? 
? – ?

I do not like black coffee. 

? ? :

Two people who work together are on their lunch hour at a small restaurant near the office.–

GEOGE: Hmmm, there’s not much on the menu here. The beef-kabob sounds good, though. 
- , . «-» .

BECKY: Yes, it does, but I think I’m just going to have a sandwich today. Maybe even half of one. 
- , . .

WAITRESS: Are you ready to order? 
- ?

GEOGE: Yes, I think so. 
- .

WAITRESS: Do you want that on separate checks? 
- ?

GEOGE: Oh, no, one’ll be fine. It’s on me today, Becky. 
- . , .

BECKY: Well – thanks, George. I’ll treat you next time. Uh, I’ll take half a French dip sandwich – go easy on the mayo – and I’ll have a cup of coffee with cream. 
- , . . - - .

GEOGE: And I’ll have the beef-kabob. 
- -.

WAITRESS: Okay. Anything to drink? 
- ?

GEOGE: What kind of beer do you have? 
- ?

WAITRESS: We have Schlitz on tap, and Lowenbrau, Budweiser, and Michelob in bottles. 
- , ˸, .

GEOGE: A glass of Schlitz, please. 
- , .

WAITRESS: Okay, and what kind of dressing would you like on your salad, ma’am? We have French, Thousand Island and blue cheese. 
, ? , .

BECKY: Blue cheese’ll be fine. 
- .

WAITRESS: Okay, thank you. 
- , ..





, 23 2015 . 19:15 +
Veh07 [ + !]



c1a5f3c0fe18ffc8389b38aae4dbaf35 (160x123, 34Kb)



, 23 2015 . 19:13 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


1 the [ðə:]
2 and [ænd]
3 a [ə]
4 to [tu:] ,
5 was [wɔz]
6 I [ʌi]
7 is [iz] 3- . . . . . . to be
8 of [ɔv] , , ,
9 that [ðæt]
10 you [ju:] ,
11 he [hi:]
12 it [it] ;
13 in [in]
14 his [hiz]
15 had [hæd] ,
16 do [du:]
17 with [wið] ,
18 not [nɔt] , ;
19 her [h:]
20 for [fɔ:] , ,
21 on [ɔn]
22 at [æt] , ; ,
23 but [bʌt]
24 she [ʃi:]
25 him [him]
26 as [æz]
27 are [a:(r)] . . . . . to be
28 said [sed] ,
29 they [ðei]
30 we [wi:]

: http://www.en365.ru/top500.htm

mza_2471511380679455646 (282x282, 39Kb)



, 23 2015 . 19:12 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


10341413_534784306630442_8293805643043828527_n (700x590, 72Kb)


15 Things You Dont Owe Anyone At All (15 , )

, 23 2015 . 19:09 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

15 Things You Dont Owe Anyone At All (15 , )

Many choices we make in liferanging from what we do, to how we conduct ourselves, and who we interact withare subject to prying questions and commentary from those around us. Family members, friends, and even total strangers, it often seems like everyone has an opinion on the things we do, no matter how small or insignificant those things might seem to us.

Sometimes people go so far as to ask you to explain yourself for the decisions or choices you make in your own life. You might feel obliged to respond, but some things are really no one elses business and you dont owe anyone an explanation at all for the following 15 thingsthough you think you do.

. , - , , , . , . , , 15 .
image20 (300x300, 21Kb)


80 /(Opposites)

, 23 2015 . 18:40 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

80 /(Opposites)

good - bad - -
happy - sad - -
excited - bored - -
beautiful - ugly - -
dry - wet - -
naughty - well-behaved - -
noisy - quiet - -
strong - weak - -
horrible - nice - -
narrow - wide - -
great - minor - -
late - early - -
tired - enegretic - -
rich - poor - -
painless - painful - -
dark - bright - -
careful - careless - -
expensive - cheap - -
helpfull - helpless - -
useful - useless - -
difficult - easy - -
healthy - sick - -
dirty - clean - -
new - old - -
hot - cold - -
thin - fat - -
tiny - enormous - -
small - large - -
sour - sweet - -
old - young - -
empty - full - -
married - single - -
dangerous - safe - -
polite - rude - -
high - low - -
rough - smooth - -
shy - outgoing - -
hard - soft - -
short - tall - -
light - heavy - -
opposites_--_light_&_heavy (306x169, 30Kb)



, 22 2015 . 10:44 +
_ [ + !]


1. accidentally [ˌæksɪ'dent(ə)lɪ] -
2. anxiously ['æŋ(k)ʃəslɪ] -
3. angrily ['æŋgrɪlɪ] - ,
4. awkwardly [ɔːkwədlɪ] -
5. badly ['bædlɪ] - ; \
6. blindly ['blaɪndlɪ] -
7. beautifully ['bjuːtɪflɪ] -
8. boldly ['bəuldlɪ] -
9. brightly ['braɪtlɪ] -
10. bravely ['breɪvlɪ] -
11. busily ['bɪzɪlɪ] - ,
12. calmly ['kɑːmlɪ] -
13. carelessly ['keələslɪ] - ,
14. carefully ['keəf(ə)lɪ] - ,
15. cautiously ['kɔːʃəslɪ] - ,
16. cheerfully ['ʧɪəf(ə)lɪ] - ,
17. closely ['kləuslɪ] - ,
18. clearly ['klɪəlɪ] - ,
19. correctly [kə'rektlɪ] -
20. cruelly ['kruːəlɪ] - ,
21. courageously [kə'reɪʤəslɪ] - ,
22. daringly ['deərɪŋlɪ] - ,
23. doubtfully ['daʊtfʊlɪ] -
24. deliberately [dɪ'lɪb(ə)rɪtlɪ] -
25. eagerly ['iːgəlɪ] - ,
26. easily ['iːzɪlɪ] -
27. elegantly ['elɪg(ə)ntlɪ] - ,
28. enthusiastically [ɪnˌθjuːzɪ'æstɪk(ə)lɪ] - ,
29. enormously [ɪ'nɔːməslɪ] - , , ,
30. exactly [ɪg'zæktlɪ] - , ,
31. equally ['iːkwəlɪ] - ,
32. eventually [ɪ'venʧuəlɪ] -
33. faithfully ['feɪθf(ə)lɪ] - ,
34. fast [fɑːst] - (*)
35. fiercely ['fɪəslɪ] - ,
36. fatally ['feɪt(ə)lɪ] - ,
37. fondly ['fɔndlɪ] - ,
38. fortunately ['fɔːʧ(ə)nətlɪ] -
39. frantically ['fræntɪk(ə)lɪ] - ,
40. frankly ['fræŋklɪ] -
41. generously ['ʤenərəslɪ] -
42. gently ['ʤentlɪ] - ,
43. gracefully ['greɪsf(ə)lɪ] - ,
44. gladly ['glædlɪ] -
45. greedily ['griːdɪlɪ] -
46. happily ['hæpɪlɪ] - ,
47. hard [hɑːd] - , , (*)
48. hastily ['heɪstɪlɪ] -
49. healthily ['helθɪlɪ] - ,
50. honestly ['ɔnɪstlɪ] -
51. hungrily ['hʌŋgr(ə)lɪ] - ,
52. hurriedly ['hʌrɪdlɪ] - ,
53. innocently ['ɪnəs(ə)ntlɪ] -
54. inquisitively[ɪn'kwɪzətɪvlɪ] - ,
55. justly ['ʤʌstlɪ] - ,
56. kindly ['kaɪndlɪ] - ,
57. lazily [leɪzɪlɪ] -
58. loosely ['luːslɪ] - ,
59. loudly ['laudlɪ] -
60. madly ['mædlɪ] - ,
61. mortally ['mɔːt(ə)lɪ] - , ,
62. nervously ['nɜː.və] -
63. neatly ['niːtlɪ] - ,
64. noisily ['nɔɪzɪlɪ] -
65. obediently [ə'biːdɪəntlɪ] - ,
66. openly ['əup(ə)nlɪ] - ,
67. painfully ['peɪnf(ə)lɪ] - ,
68. perfectly ['pɜːfɪktlɪ] - , ,
69. poorly [ˈpuəlɪ] - ,
70. politely [pə'laɪtlɪ] - ,
71. powerfully ['pauəf(ə)lɪ] - , ,
72. punctually ['pʌŋkʧuəlɪ] - , ,
73. promptly ['prɔmptlɪ] - , ,
74. quickly ['kwɪklɪ] - , ,
75. quietly ['kwaɪətlɪ] - ,
76. rarely ['reəlɪ] -
77. rapidly ['ræpɪdlɪ] -
78. really ['rɪəlɪ] - , , ,
79. recklessly [rek-lis] - ,
80. regularly ['regjələlɪ] - ,
81. reluctantly [rɪ'lʌkt(ə)ntlɪ] -
82. roughly ['rʌflɪ] - , ,
83. repeatedly [rɪ'piːtɪdlɪ] - , ,
84. rudely ['ruːdlɪ] - , ,
85. sadly ['sædlɪ] - , ,
86. safely ['seɪflɪ] - ,
87. selfishly ['selfɪʃlɪ] - ,
88. seriously ['sɪərɪəslɪ] - ,
89. sensibly ['sen(t)sɪblɪ] - ,
90. sharply ['ʃɑːplɪ] - , ,
91. sleepily ['sliːpɪlɪ] - ,
92. slowly ['sləulɪ] -
93. smoothly ['smuːðlɪ] - , , ,
94. softly ['sɔftlɪ] - ,
95. speedily ['spiːd(ə)lɪ] - , ,
96. stealthily ['stelθɪlɪ] - ,
97. straight [streɪt] - , ,
98. suddenly ['sʌd(ə)nlɪ] -
99. successfully [sək'sesf(ə)lɪ] -
100. suspiciously [sə'spɪʃəslɪ] -
101. swiftly ['swɪftlɪ] - ,
102. tensely ['ten(t)slɪ] -
103. tenderly ['tend(ə)lɪ] - ,
104. thoughtfully [θɔːtf(ə)lɪ] - ,
105. tightly [ʹtaıtlı] -
106. truthfully ['truːθf(ə)lɪ] - ,
107. violently ['vaɪəl(ə)ntlɪ] - ,
108. victoriously [vɪk'tɔːrɪəslɪ] -
109. warmly ['wɔːmlɪ] - , ,
110. wearily ['wɪər(ə)lɪ] - ,
111. weakly ['wiːklɪ] -

5222098_tumblr_kycx0t4Adp1qad2kk (347x390, 25Kb)

- 4 ,  yahoo


, 22 2015 . 10:43 +
_ [ + !]

in advance [əd\'vɑːns] -
They paid him in advance. - .

in class [klɑːs], in school, in college - , ,
They do some exercises in class. Her son is five; he is not in school yet. They met in college. - . ; . .

in debt [det]-
She is in debt. - .

in detail [\'diːteɪl] -
Describe the house in detail. - .

in fact - ,
In fact, he is in charge of the whole company. - , .

in general - ,
In general, I like to read detective stories. - , .

in prison -
He is in prison now. - .

in reality - ,
He looks strict, but in reality he is a kind man.
, .

in trouble - ,
If you do it, you\'ll be in trouble. - , .

Keep in touch. - . / .

on board -
There were about a hundred passengers on board the plane. - .

on credit -
I bought it on credit. - .

on duty -
Who is on duty today? - ?

on foot -
We had to go there on foot. - .

on guard - , , :
He is always on his guard. He is always on guard. - .

off guard -
Her words caught him off his guard. Her words caught him off guard. - .

on hand: I don\'t have a calculator on hand.
: .

on page 3 - 3
It is on page 5. Open your book at page 7. Go to page 10. / Turn to page 10.
5. 7. 10.

on purpose: He did it on purpose.
, : .

on sale -
I bought this coat on sale. - .

on time - ,
I came to the meeting on time. - .

on TV -
I saw this film on TV. - .

out of town: He is out of town.
: . / .

play football, play tennis, play chess: Do you play chess?
, , : ?

Take care! - !



, 22 2015 . 10:42 +
_ [ + !]


ancient [ˈeɪːnʃənt]  
architecture [ˈɑːkɪtɛktʃə]  
arrive [ə`raɪv]  
art gallery [ˈɑːt `gæləri]  
attraction [ətrˈækʃən]  
breathtaking [brˈeθtɛɪːkɪŋ]  
business district [bˈɪznəs dˈɪstrɪkt]  

castle [kˈɑːsl]  
church [tʃˈɜːtʃ]  
custom [kˈʌstəm]  
customary [kˈʌstəməri]  
dangerous [dˈeɪːndʒərəs]  
depart [dɪpˈɑːt]  
en route [ˈɒŋ rˈuːt]  

enjoy [ɪndʒˈɔɪː]  
enormous [ɪnˈɔːməs]  
entertainment district [ɛntətˈeɪːnmənt dˈɪstrɪkt]  
event [ɪvˈent]  
exhibition [ɛksɪbˈɪʃən]  
expect [ɪkspˈekt]  
fascinating [fˈæsɪnɛɪːtɪŋ]  
gorgeous [gˈɔːdʒəs]  
locals [louklz]  

location [ləʊːkˈeɪːʃən]  
lovely [lˈʌvli]  
magnificent [mægnˈɪfɪsn̩t]  
market [mˈɑːkɪt]  
monument [mˈɒnjʊmənt]  
museum [mjuzˈɪəːm]  
necessities [nɪsˈesɪtiz]
reconstructed [rikənstrˈʌktɪd]  
relax [rɪlˈæks]  
request [rɪkwˈest]  
restaurant district [rˈestrɒnt dˈɪstrɪkt]  
restored [rɪstˈɔːd]  
scenery [sˈiːnəri]  
shopping district [ʃˈɒpɪŋ dˈɪstrɪkt]  

sit back [sɪt bæk] ,  
supermarket [sˈuːpəmɑːkɪt]  
surroundings [sərˈaʊːndɪŋz]  
thrilling [θrˈɪlɪŋ]  
unbelievable [ʌnbɪlˈiːvəbl]  
view [vjˈuː]

5222098_10447666_10155815054760297_6716020843287818400_n (512x400, 89Kb)





, 22 2015 . 10:42 +
_ [ + !]

, – , :

( ) — Please

( "") — You are welcome

( . ) — Frontier

( ) — Border

(, ) — Shade

( ) — Shadow

( ) — Place

( ) — Room — Is there some more room in the bag?

() — Seat — Are there free seats in the bus?

() — Paint

() — Dye

() (. .) — Hung

() (. .) — Hanged

() — Tear — Tear a coat on a nail

() — Tear up — Tear up the letter

( ) — Made of — Tables are made of wood

( ) — Made from — Bread is made from wheat

(), — Do

(), — Make

() — Win

() — Beat

() — To be drowned

( ) — To sink

( ) — Wounded

( ) — Injured

( -) — Convince

( ) — Persuade

(, ) — Bring

(, ) — Fetch

( ) — Learn — He learns well

() — Study — He studies physics

— Teach

() — Last

( ) — Latest — Latest news

— Good — The news is not so good

— Well — I feel well

( ) — Tall

( ) — High

( ) — Clean

— Clear — Clear water

( ) () — Like — You do not look like your brother

( , ) — As — You do not play the game as I do

( ) — Except — There was nobody there except me

( ) — Besides — I have other cars besides this one.

— Lie

— Lay

— Grow

— Grow up

— Steal

— Rob

— Rise

— Raise

() — Hire

() — Rent

(, ) — Appropriate, — Your dress in not appropriate for the occasion

(, ) — Relevant

( ) — Corresponding — Each coat hangs on the corresponding peg

( ) — Take an exam

— Pass an exam

— Fail an exam

( ) — Common — They have a common goal

( ) — General — In general, this is how it works...

( ) — Shared

5222098_IopZNkAHQPc (500x375, 76Kb)


"" - )


1 - 2

, 05 2015 . 16:58 +
_ [ + !]

1 - 2

6-9 , 1-2 .

aa_0001 (529x700, 225Kb)



, 05 2015 . 16:54 +
last_Alive [ + !]

. Learning English. (The Numerals)

(The Numerals)

0 12

zero -
n -
two -
three -
four -
five -
six -
seven -
eight -
nin -
ten -
eleven -
twelve -



, 05 2015 . 16:52 +
last_Alive [ + !]

. Learning English ( )

: . ( 98%) , . (. ).



, 05 2015 . 16:49 +
last_Alive [ + !]

. Learning English. (The Adjective. The Adverb)

ADJECTIVE [ (14x11, 0Kb) (13x15, 0Kb)'iktiv] -
ADVERB [' (14x11, 0Kb)dv (9x11, 0Kb):b] -

. , :

an n door - ;
these n doors - .



, 05 2015 . 16:43 +
last_Alive [ + !]

. Learning English. (The Pronoun)

(The Pronoun)

- , , , :

we - , who - , that - , some - .
This is a book. is a doctor.

, .

Jane studies the Russian language. She likes it - . .
She has some books in Russian - .

9 . , .

(Personal Pronouns)


1- I [ai] we [wi:]
2- you [ju:] you [ju:]
3- he [hi:]
[it] , , ( )
they [ðei]



, 05 2015 . 16:42 +
last_Alive [ + !]

. Learning English. (The Noun)

NOUN [naun] -

( ) : , . ( , , ) - . it, ", a, ".

-s . . -s [z] [s] , :
bll [b (9x11, 0Kb):l] - balls [b (9x11, 0Kb):lz] ;
desk [desk] - desks [desks] .

. -s, -ss, -, -sh, -h , -s, [iz], :

class [kla:s] - classes ['kla:siz] , ;
lens [lenz] - lenses [lenziz] ;
b [b (9x11, 0Kb)ks] - bs ['b (9x11, 0Kb)ksiz] ;
potato - potatoes [-z] .

. -f, . -f -v -es, :

leaf [li:f] - leaves [li:vz] ;
shelf [ (7x15, 0Kb)elf] - shelves [ (7x15, 0Kb)elvz] ;
half () halves ();
wolf () wolves ();
wife () wives ().
: roof roofs, safe safes.

- ( ), - -i 6 -s, :

herr - hrriz [-z] .
: b [b (9x11, 0Kb)i] - bs [b (9x11, 0Kb)iz] ;
day days. .. y .

. . :

man [m (14x11, 0Kb)n] , - mn [mn] , ;
woman ['wum (9x11, 0Kb)n] - women ['wimin] ;
child [ (10x15, 0Kb)aild] - children [' (10x15, 0Kb)ildren] ;
foot [fut] - feet [fi:t] ;
tooth [tu: (8x14, 0Kb)] - teeth [ti: (8x14, 0Kb)] ;
goose () - geese ();
mouse () - mice ();
sheep () - sheep ();
deer () - deer ();
datum () - data ();
phenomenon () - phenomena ().

, (, , , , ).


- . , , , :



, 05 2015 . 15:06 +
Papa_Spike [ + !]

- ))))

25      (8 )

25      (8 )

25      (8 )

25      (8 )

25      (8 )

25      (8 )

25      (8 )

25      (8 )



, 05 2015 . 15:04 +
elenbar [ + !]


"". , , .

http://www.laem.ru - , ,

http://learnsongs.ru -

http://archives.maillist.ru/72983 -

http://transcriptions.narod.ru/the-all-english-tenses.htm - ( )

http://englishcd.ru/ - " ",

http://at-english.ru/ - " "

http://at-english.ru - , ()

http://englishinfo.ru/forum/32 - !!! !!!

http://ideolect.ru -

http://www.yanglish.ru - , ( )

http://www.5english.com - ,  ()

http://www.situationalenglish.blogspot.com -

http://www.langues.ru/beta -

http://zapominalki.ru -

http://spyschool.ru/magicseminar - , ()

http://ss77.ru/kurs_yes/PHONTM.ZIP - zip "YES"

http://subscribe.ru/catalog/job/lang - !!! , ( , !!! !!! :-))

http://subscribe.ru/blog/job.lang.engprov/post -   , , ( )

, MailList.ru  Mail.ru, ( , , - , :-)))))))))




? 1

, 05 2015 . 14:58 +
_ [ + !]

? 1

. . , . . , , - , .

, , , -, , . .

, - : , , ! ( ) . , : , , , , .

: , - , , . , , - .

, , . , , - - . !

buy-bought-bought ()
pay-paid-paid, ()
lay-laid-laid ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Smell-smelt-smelt ! ()

put-put-put ()
begin-began-begun ()
cut-cut-cut, ()
shut-shut-shut, ()
light-lit-lit, ()
hit-hit-hit. ()
ring-rang-rung ()
, , run-ran-run. ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Dig-dug-dug , ()
Come-came-come . ()
: Go-went-gone, (, )

fight-fought-fought, (, )
catch-caught-caught. (, )
bring-brought-brought, ()
get-got-got. ()

bite-bit-bitten, ()
eat-ate-eaten, ()
learn-learnt-learnt ()
burn-burnt-burnt. ()

meet-met-met, ()
keep-kept-kept. ()
, lose-lost-lost, ()
cost-cost-cost. ()

fly-flew-flown. ()
grow-grew-grown. ()
, blow-blew-blown, ()
know-knew-known. ()

find-found-found ()

become-became-become. ()
Give-gave-given ()

feed-fed-fed ()
- !

let-let-let. ()

lead-led-led: ()
dwell-dwelt-dwelt , ()
lie-lay-lain, ()

break-broke-broken ()
draw-drew-drawn, ()
Build-built-built . ()

Show-showed-shown ! ()
Shine-shone-shone, . ()
See-saw-seen . ()
Say-said-said : ()
Swim-swam-swum , ()
Spring-sprang-sprung ()

Read-read-read ()
Tell-told-told sing-sang-sung () ()


. 2

, 05 2015 . 14:55 +

. 2



, . .

, 05 2015 . 14:48 +
_ [ + !]

, . .

001 (700x498, 123Kb)


( )

, 05 2015 . 14:47 +
galinaras [ + !]

( )


, 05 2015 . 14:41 +
_ [ + !]

" ", " ", " " . : , " 25 ", , , - , , , .

? :



1 - 2

, 05 2015 . 14:36 +
_ [ + !]

1 - 2

6-9 , 1-2 .

aa_0001 (529x700, 225Kb)


, 05 2015 . 14:25 +
sdor [ + !]



, 05 2015 . 14:22 +
_ [ + !]




, 05 2015 . 14:21 +
_ [ + !]


: ! !

, 05 2015 . 14:19 +
MissKcu [ + !]

: ! !

- !

. , . , . ? , , . , , - : - , - - ...

: . , - . , , . , , .


in the office. ( . ). computer on the desk. ( , - table, ?) a letter and an offer ( ). A cable () and a telex () , (E-MAIL)! , - a pen. , ( , ?). a pencil (), telex, ... Yes! ! ! (12) , . ( ):

office ['] -
computer ['] -
desk ['] -
table ['] - ()
letter ['] -
offer ['] - ()
cable ['] -
telex ['] -
e-mail [ '] - (electronical mail)
pen ['] -
pencil ['] -
yes ['] -

- .

to be

Is it a good office? - Yes, it is a good office.
[' - ]
? - , .

I am a good manager.
[ ']

It is my offer.
[ ]
() .

I know them. They are drivers.
[ . ']
. .

Which of them is our driver?
[ ']

, .

Ben: Hello, Ted. This is Dick Smith. [' ] , . .

Ted: Hello. Glad to meet you. My name Ted Brown. [' ] . . . (brown - )

Dick: Glad to meet you too. It's a nice day today, isn't it? [ ' ] . , ?

Ben: Yes, it is. [ ] (, ).



: "" .

, 05 2015 . 14:18 +
[ + !]

: "" .

: , , ! , ! , , : , ! - , 10 ! , , 100 .


1 - .
2 - , .
3 - . " ":
4 - : "" .
5 -
6 - : " " +
18 -
19 -
20 - : " , !"


. -.

, 05 2015 . 14:08 +
_ [ + !]


3 30 - 2

, 05 2015 . 14:04 +
MissKcu [ + !]

3 30 - 2

 : [2] 1