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Alexey Antropov(1716-1795) |
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Antropov Alexey (1716-1795) - brief biography
Alexey Antropov was born on the 17th March in 1716.
A.Antropov was the main painter of the Holy Synod, academician of The Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, disciple of Andrey Matveev (Kobylin), teacher of the famous painter D.Levitskiy (1735-1822).
Antropov began to lean how to paint from different masters since he was 15 years old. He was accepted as a student to the chancellery of constructions in 1939. In 1752 he was sent to Kiev to paint the church of Andrey Pervozdanny which was being constructed according to the project of the count Rastrelli. After 1756 he painted two plafonds in the Golovinskiy palace where the Russian Queen was living then. He was considered the skilled painter after this work.
A.Antropov was the excellent painter. He got good name after he painted the portrait of the Georgian tsar Teimuraz Nikolaevich when the tsar was visiting Saint Petersburg. He was very popular and had many orders for the portraits from the elite after that.
A.Antropov was mainly creating the portraits of the Russian Queen Ekaterina the Second and of the elite. He was also the good teacher and taught followers till his death.
He died on the 23d June of 1795
Рубрики: | Маккензи*Что я знаю о Мекензи Ф.Ф. ( Макензи *Tho/18 век Маккензи*Thomas Mасkenzie 1740*18 th centurhttp://www.liontour.com.ua/ua/18 th century history, Russia*1787г Путешествие Ек http://www.liontour.com.ua/ua/ |
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