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[ ]

(1619 1676)

, 18 2021 . 19:32 +
(1619 1676) .

(.  Jan Victors, 13 1619, — 1676, -) — .  XVIII . . , . 

4000579_Jan_Victors__engraving (469x700, 509Kb)
Jacob Adriaensz. Backer (1608–1651). Jan Victors (ca. 1620-na 1676), painter. (1642)

1619 , . 10 , (?1640 – 1705), , , ( 1638). 1642 Jannetje Bellers, . Jannetje 1661 .  

, , 1630- (1606 – 1669). 

4000579_WOA_IMAGE_1 (700x523, 325Kb)
(?); , (?) Jan Victors (1619–1676) Studio of Rembrandt (1606–1669) : ( 1630- - 1640- ., , .-)

4000579_1b7d5393a4d49d2b7ef3e4fad76a8407a8fbee08a198aa94bfd5d55c74112d49 (527x650, 22Kb)
follower of Rembrandt or possibly Jan Victors. Portrait of a woman (jaren 1640, New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

, - , 1640- . . (, ) , .

4000579_Jan_Victors__Jong_meisje_aan_het_venster (582x700, 355Kb)
Jan Victors. Young woman at a window (1640, Musée du Louvre, Paris)

, , . , , , , , , , , ( , ). , , . 

4000579_WOA_IMAGE_1_3 (700x622, 257Kb)
Jan Victors.  ( 1645, , .-)

, , . , , . - - . , , , ‘ , ’. , , . , ,– (1615 – 1660), (1616 – 1680) (1621 – 1674).

, 1646 1655 . , , , , .

, , . , ( 1610 – 1668), (1623/4 – 1672) ( 1609 – 1670). 

, .

1650- , ziekentrooster (‘ ’) - . , .

1672 ( ) . 1676 . , , , .

, ( 1653), , . , 1696 – 1697 ziekentrooster, - . 

, (, - ).

, , -, , . 

, , . , , . , . , , , ‘ , ’.

́ — , , , .
, , , ( 21:1-21).
, , , ( ) ( ). , , .

4000579_Jan_Victors_001 (700x582, 335Kb)
Die Vertreibung Hagars (circa 1635, Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest))

4000579_jan_victors_dismissal_hagar (700x532, 114Kb)
The dismissal of Hagar (1642, Formerly Richard L. Feigen, New York)

4000579_ACNMW_ACNMW_DA006365 (700x560, 309Kb)
The Dismissal of Hagar (c. 1645-48, National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff)

4000579_283454_600 (400x343, 36Kb)/4000579_6900 (700x546, 81Kb)/4000579_028ea2da959f45362dc8bbb6d2653ab677a209b5ab770dcee355c1c01f8261db (650x568, 52Kb)
The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael (c.1644)The banishment of Hagar (Genesis 21:16-21), (ca. 1644
London (England), art dealer Johnny Van Haeften)

4000579_15535 (607x700, 91Kb)
The Banishment of Hagar (Hermitage, Saint Petersburg)

4000579_5885 (700x557, 97Kb)
The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael (1650, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem) 

4000579_jan_victors_laban_jacob (700x525, 120Kb)
Moses' Abschied von Jethro (circa 1635, Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest))
, , (). , . (. 2:22; . 18:3) .
« , , , : , , , , ? : » (.4:18).


4000579_5284 (678x700, 179Kb)
Jakob segnet die Söhne Joseph. (circa 1635, Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest) 
                  ,                   -      ,                    . 
,    ,          ,        .             20      (41:40,50).
,        ,        ,          :            .

4000579_Victors_Jacob_blessing (600x433, 249Kb)
Jacob blessing the Sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim.   () (), (. 48:5; . . 14:4), 13 (Genesis 48:13-20),. (circa 1650, National Museum in Warsaw)


4000579_Jan_Victors__Esther_en_Haman_voor_Ahasverus (700x520, 70Kb)
Esther accuses Haman before Ahasveros. (1635-1640, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, Germany)
, , 7. , , , , :
1 .
2 : , ? ; ? , .
3 : , , , , , , !
4 , , , . , , .
5 : , , ?
6 : — ! .

4000579_Jan_Victors__The_Banquet_of_Esther_and_Ahasuerus__WGA25059 (700x506, 56Kb)/4000579_esther_a (700x506, 56Kb)
The Banquet of Esther and Ahasuerus (1640s, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Kassel)

4000579_jan_victors_banquet_esther (700x622, 175Kb)
The banquet of Esther (Bob Jones University, Collection of Sacred Art, Greenville, S.C.)

4000579_c6b41f457d4d849a4bbf599ce652c8642ebf5a50393a5c272bf86113ddc5eed4 (624x650, 80Kb)
The feast of Esther 

4000579_jan_victors_haman_esther (597x700, 120Kb)
Haman begging Queen Esther for merc. (1642, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig)

4000579_15620 (700x611, 118Kb)
The Magnanimity of Scipio (1640, Hermitage, Saint Petersburg)
, , , . , , . 

4000579_Victors_Elijah_and_the_widow_of_Zarephath (700x650, 375Kb)
Elijah and the widow of Zarephath.  (1640s, Museum of John Paul II Collection (Porczyński Gallery) Warsaw)
, ( , , ) — , . , , : , , — .

4000579_Abraham_and_Isaac_before_the_Sacrifice_Jan_Victors_1642 (670x700, 333Kb)
Abraham and Isaac Before the Sacrifice. (1642, Tel Aviv Museum of Art)

4000579_7402 (655x700, 130Kb)
Abraham and Isaac Before the Sacrifice (Private collection)

4000579_11955 (700x483, 85Kb)
The Capture of Samson. (c. 1642-45, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig)

4000579_7851 (700x582, 109Kb)
The Capture of Samson (Private collection)

4000579_13110 (700x542, 113Kb)
David's Dying Charge to Salomon (1642, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)
, . 

4000579_Jan_victors_anna_madre_di_samuele_prega_nel_tempio_1643 (624x700, 293Kb)
Hannah, Mother of Samuel, Praying in the Temple. , ,  (1643, Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht)
« -, , , — . — : , ; , ». , , , , , . . , , , , . «, , — , — ». «, », — .
. , « ». , , , : « , . ». . .

4000579_Hannah_VICTORS_Jan (700x637, 62Kb)
Hannah Giving Her Son Samuel to the Priest. (1645, Staatliche Museen, Berlin) 


4000579_jan_victors_laban_rahel (700x658, 142Kb)
Laban and Rahel. .
́ — , , , . 
, , , , , , [ ,] , , . , , . , , ... .
, , , [ ,] . , , . , . ; ... .

4000579_jan_victors_jacob (700x665, 146Kb)
Jacob (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)

4000579_painting1_3 (640x528, 64Kb)
Eliezer at the House of Rebecca.
, , , . , , .  « » (), , , . .

4000579_jan_victors_samuel_david (700x623, 142Kb)
Samuel annointing David.  .
́ — , (XI . .).
, . , , . 

4000579_11561 (700x534, 83Kb)
The Levite and his Concubine. (1644, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto)

4000579_19225 (700x526, 92Kb)
The Levite and his concubine at Gibeah.  (The National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin)
. . . .
( ), . « , », .
, . , , , , , , , .
, « , , » ( ).
- . . , , , . , .
, . « , .» , , .  , 12 ,

4000579_jan_victors_angel_tobias_family (700x555, 140Kb)
The Angel Taking Leave of Tobit and His Family. (1649, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles)

, , , . . , . . . . , . , . .
- . , . - , . . . , , .
. . , . , . , , . . , - , . , .
, - . . , . , . , . , . : " , ... . , ." , , . , , , " ".

4000579_6de4f53169944ad9e8f92af49cef57ec09c66cd3a2bfd1c808d16d2399cda9b9 (650x549, 56Kb)
Tobias healing his father's blindness, (Vroege jaren 1650, Moscow, Poesjkin Museum)


, , , : 20 . , (. 37:1-36).

4000579_Victors_Josephs_coat_brought_to_Jacob (680x583, 222Kb)
Joseph's blood-stained coat brought to Jacob. . (1649, Palace on the Water (Royal Baths Museum) Warsaw)

4000579_Jan_Victors__Jacob_Being_Shown_Josephs_Robe__WGA25063 (700x557, 55Kb)
Jacob Being Shown Joseph's Robe  (Genesis 37:32-35) (between 1651 and 1653, Private collection)

, . — . (. 40:1). , , . .

4000579_Jozef_legt_de_bakker_en_de_schenker_hun_dromen_uit_Rijksmuseum_SKA451_jpeg (700x629, 322Kb)
Jozef legt de bakker en de schenker hun dromen uit. ,  (1648, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam)

4000579_5937 (662x700, 97Kb)
Joseph Recounting His Dreams.  (1651, Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf)

, 30 (. 41:46), , , ( ) , . , , , .
(. 41:37-45), « », : « , , ». 

4000579_jan_victors_joseph_telling_dreams (700x543, 139Kb)
Joseph telling his dreams. (Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford)

4000579_H0684L94260839 (700x651, 188Kb)
Judah Giving his Ring to Tamar. . (ca. 1650, Ketterer Kunst (München))
- [en], ( ). , — . , ( ) , . , . 

4000579_H0046L03395631 (700x700, 111Kb)
David's triumphant return with the head of Goliath. (jaren 1650)

4000579_ES_BRHM_BNS_069_016A (700x356, 27Kb)
Jacob's Deception.  (c.1650, Brighton and Hove Museums and Art Galleries)
60 -. , , , , , , , . : , , . , , , .
, . , , . 12 . , . , . 180- , , “ ” .


4000579_jan_victors_boas_ruth (700x634, 126Kb)
Boas and Ruth. (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)
(. ‏מגילת רות‎‏‎‎, ) — 31- , 5- , .
« » , . « » — , , , , , , , .

4000579_jan_victors_boas_ruth2 (700x581, 134Kb)
Boas and Ruth

4000579_jan_victors_boas_elimelech (700x630, 131Kb)
Boas Assumes the Legacy of Elimelech (c. 1651-53, Städelschen Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main)
— . , . 
- : , .
( 4:7)

4000579_H0046L11523079 (600x600, 64Kb)
Boaz recieves the shoe of inheritance. .

4000579_Ruth_and_Naomi_by_Jan_Victors_1653 (700x563, 273Kb)
Ruth and Naomi. (1653, Source Sotheby's)

4000579_13950 (700x441, 101Kb)
Isaac and Rebecca with Jacob and Esau. (1652, Private collection)

4000579_jan_victors_jacob_esau (700x609, 158Kb)
Jacob and his family before meeting Esau.  (1652, Museum of Art, Indianapolis) 

4000579_Victors_Esau_and_the_mess_of_pottage (673x536, 266Kb)
Esau and the mess of pottage. (1653, Palace on the Water (Royal Baths Museum) Warsaw)

4000579_jan_victors_finding_moses (700x624, 170Kb)
The finding of Moses. (1653, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden)

4000579_9518 (700x614, 144Kb)
Abraham's Parting from the Family of Lot. (1655-65, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
(. ‏לוֹט‎‏‎‎), — ( )
, , . , , , , , . , . , . , , , . , . , .

4000579_6826 (700x507, 105Kb)
Lot and His Daughters.
, , , , . , , . . . , , « ». , , , .
. , , . , , , , , . , , . , , . , .
, . , , , . , — ; . , , — -, .

4000579_painting1_9 (640x520, 47Kb)
Moses strikes the rock twice in front of the assembled people and water gushes out; the people quench their thirst (Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 20:2-13), ;  (1655-1676)

4000579_painting1_2 (531x660, 55Kb)
Portrait of an Old Man in an Extravagant Costume

4000579_turkish (539x700, 278Kb)
Portrait of a Man as a Turkish Prince (Hampel (München))

4000579_jan_victors_young_hunter (588x700, 102Kb)
Young hunter

4000579_H0046L09709502 (600x600, 82Kb)
Portrait of a young lady as Diana

4000579_jan_victors_family_portrait (700x504, 128Kb)
Group portrait of a family, full-length, in pastoral dress, in a landscape Family portrait (1640-45, Sale Christie's London)

4000579_14695 (700x564, 137Kb)
Diana and her Nymphs after the hunt Diana with her nymphs (Galerie Armin Pertsch, Mannheim)

4000579_2dfe6ad8111e764fff06e61f19dca3ad (700x571, 293Kb)
attributed to Jan Victors or possibly Charles Emmanuel Biset. Portrait of a Family in a classical garden setting (1640)

4000579_556c8ba39a86f84483a830547cf868950df4324a3de8789aa541491a12db92f8 (495x650, 40Kb)
Portrait of a man in 16th century fantasy costume

4000579_jan_victors_man_fantasy_costume (581x700, 86Kb)
Young Man in a Fantasy Costume (Musée de Toulon, Toulon)

4000579_H0043L93726026 (599x700, 76Kb)

4000579_painting1_15 (525x660, 53Kb)
Portrait Of A Lady, Half Length, Wearing Black, Holding A Book (Bruun Rasmussen (Copenhagen))

4000579_jan_victors_young_lady (582x700, 60Kb)
Formerly attributed to Jan Victors and Govaert Flinck. Portrait of a Young Lady (c. 1640, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne)

4000579_jan_victors_portrait_woman2 (581x700, 85Kb)
Portrait of a woman (Art Museum, Milwaukee)

4000579_jan_victors_portrait_man (641x700, 82Kb)
Portrait of a Gentleman (1651)

4000579_jan_victors_portrait_man (575x700, 69Kb)
Portrait of a man (Art Museum, Milwaukee)

4000579_Jan_Victors__Diogenes (512x616, 94Kb)
Diogenes Searching For An Honest Man

4000579_painting1_5 (640x544, 52Kb)
A woman and child purchasing fruit at a market

4000579_painting1_6 (640x537, 50Kb)
A Market Scene, With A Horse And Cart And Travellers Taking Refreshment

4000579_painting1_1 (640x533, 67Kb)
A young woman buying fruit from an old woman at a market, a man smoking a pipe nearby

4000579_De_groentewinkel_De_Buyskool_Rijksmuseum_SKA2345_jpeg (700x576, 331Kb)
De groentewinkel 'De Buyskool' (1654, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam)

4000579_062amolenuvolette_it1645_1655_jan_victors_famille_de_paysans_mangeant_des_galettes_dans_un_interieur_rustique_nourriture_animaux (700x437, 271Kb)
 famille de paysans mangeant des galettes dans un intérieur rustique, nourriture, animaux (1645-1655)

4000579_De_varkensslachter_Rijksmuseum_SKC259_jpeg (700x556, 298Kb)
De varkensslachter (1648, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam)

4000579_NY_YAG_YORAG_792 (644x700, 64Kb)
The Butcher's Shop (1651, York Museums Trust)
4000579_H0684L43219176 (524x700, 174Kb)

4000579_WMR_APH_N070488 (700x570, 55Kb)
A Village Scene (1654, English Heritage, The Wellington Collection, Apsley House)

4000579_jan_victors_village_shoemaker (700x568, 131Kb)
A Village Scene with a Cobbler. (about 1650, National Gallery, London)

4000579_CDN_WELL_47453i (700x570, 323Kb)
An Itinerant Operator Extracting a Tooth (Wellcome Library)

4000579_The_Quack_Jan_Victors (700x555, 319Kb)
Le Charlatan (1650-55. Musée des beaux-arts de Budapest )

4000579_jan_victors_tooth_puller (700x601, 131Kb)
The tooth puller (Museum der Bildenden Künste, LeipzigMuseum der Bildenden K)

4000579_H0046L03678658 (700x556, 119Kb)

4000579_LeSphinx1032010T115650 (700x433, 231Kb)

. . , , . , , . , , , , , , . , . .
, . , . -, . . , . . , , , , .
, , , .

4000579_WOA_IMAGE_1_1 (700x501, 272Kb)
(1660- . (?), , .-)
. , , . , , , , . , , , , . , , , . , , , . , , , . .
, , . , . , , .
, 1882 . (1672 – 1725) . I , , , , . , , I.
, .

4000579_jan_victors_fairy_cows (700x541, 108Kb)
Fairy with cows (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)

4000579_792eb9ede25f1ceedee60457d255a321d416adbfe5a1fe87ebb7cd0510af4f43 (650x486, 56Kb)
Landschap met koeienvervoer bij een boerderij (1653, Poznań, Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu)

4000579_NML_WARG_WAG_963 (700x455, 39Kb)
Landscape with a Cow in a Boat  (1630s, Walker Art Gallery)

4000579_12250 (700x552, 91Kb)
Peasant company with a gypsy fortune-teller outside a smithy (jaren 1650, Formerly with R. Green, London)

4000579_m1974233 (700x512, 304Kb)
The Marriage Trap, (ca. 1640–60. Milwaukee Art Museum)

4000579_feb17288a4c2699a403eef08c55d996335ab2c8122819c727eb6802d0065a0e0 (650x547, 59Kb)
Rustende reizigers voor een herberg (Dorotheum (Vienna))

4000579_5e077d29e24137e3905c4de57d62f599181bf9a0314b297ae7e1a54fe8ad5b4b (650x553, 58Kb)
Village square with a decorated easter-ox (Dorotheum (Vienna))

4000579_6202 (700x493, 79Kb)
Farm House near a River (Formerly with Ch. Brunner, Paris)

4000579_peasants (700x539, 53Kb)
Peasants' Meal at the Stables (Private collection)

4000579_jan_victors_farmers_kitchen (700x521, 92Kb)
The farmer's kitchen (Galerie G. Caretto, Turin)

4000579_H0803L91351430 (500x364, 32Kb)
Art des Bauern im Stall

4000579_H4922L96634894 (700x591, 149Kb)
Landschap met vee en figuren (Zeeuws Veilinghuis (Middelburg (Zeeland))

4000579_painting1_8 (640x585, 65Kb)

4000579_painting1_11 (640x551, 45Kb)
A Still Life With A Couple Of Pigeons Nesting And Preening Together With Four Chicks

4000579_jan_victors_dressing_orphans (700x462, 81Kb)
De wezen worden gekleed. - (c. 1659-60, Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam)

4000579_jan_victors_feeding_orphans (700x462, 84Kb)
Een maaltijd in het weeshuis.  . (c. 1659-60, Amsterdam museum, Amsterdam)

4000579_e3a418c8555ca1c76c69cc8428d71db18de464f8169628409634c751311e7790 (650x538, 44Kb)

Interior with a suffering young woman, whose pulse is taken by a doctor (ca. 1660, Dorotheum (Vienna))

4000579_1280pxJan_Victors_Bauernkueche_im_Stall (700x496, 240Kb)
Bauernküche im Stall ( jaren 1660, Dorotheum (Vienna))

4000579_painting1_14 (640x514, 57Kb)
Peasants making merry and a wagon halting outside an inn (jaren 1660)

4000579_painting1_7 (640x526, 36Kb)
A Wedding Banquet With A Young Man Propositioning A Peasant Woman For A Dance

4000579_jan_victors_old_man (567x700, 62Kb)
Old Man (Gerhard Holland, Frankfurt a. M.)

4000579_14095 (572x700, 81Kb)
Portrait of a Man (Formerly Carlos A. Zemborain, Buenos Aires)

4000579_jan_victors_portrait_lady (642x700, 82Kb)
Portrait of a Lady (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille)

4000579_jan_victors_aecht_vries (570x700, 72Kb)
Aecht Simonsdr. Vries (1657)

4000579_14976 (577x700, 63Kb)
Jan Appelman, Mayor of Amsterdam (1661, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem)

4000579_6507 (700x592, 111Kb)
Mother with Two Children

4000579_painting1_10 (640x495, 95Kb)
Portrait historie of a family in a landscape (1670, Aalst (Oost-Vlaanderen), Gallery Pintelon)

4000579_Jan_Victors_Haman_with_Esther_and_Ahasverus (700x632, 104Kb)
Haman with Esther and Ahasverus

4000579_Jan_Victors_attributed_to_East_Indies_1676_Woman_making_Pancakes (700x468, 132Kb)
Attributed to Jan Victors (1619–1676)  Woman making Pancakes/Kitchen in Rembrandt’s House






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