прячь от света (с) Даймонд (дроу)
Воскресенье, 28 Мая 2006 г. 19:39
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В колонках играет - She is my sin - NightwishНастроение сейчас - все то жеHide me from light
Can you feel my pain?
I’m dying seeing the light
Hide me under strong cold rain…
Lead me into the night.
Can you hear my scream?
It is the cry of death
The darkness is my dream
A dream of the cold breath.
Only you can help me to survive
Only you can keep me alive
But you leaving me, under the burning sky
Now my last wish is one “ TO DIE”
My deep black eyes are crying
And I can not stop the tears
My soul is slowly dying
Haunted by the sunny fears
Where are you going? Please return!
You see how it is hurting me
My silky white skin will be burned
I’m falling down at my knees
(I’m praying) (I’m screaming) (I’m crying) (I’m weeping) (I’m falling) (I’m burning)
(I’m praying) (I’m whispering) (I’m asking you) (I’m dying) (can’t see my pain?) (Can’t you feel my tears?) HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
I’m praying…
But no reason…
I’m left alone…
I’m quietly whispering…
“Hide me from light”…
But nobody comes…
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