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: 06.01.2008
: 44781



, 21 2011 . 21:18 +
1. time-lapse NASA 11.09.2011

ISS Flies Above the Aurora Australis

This video of the Aurora Australis was created from a sequence of still shots taken by astronauts on board the International Space Station. The images were acquired on September 11, 2011 as the ISS orbit pass descended over eastern Australia.

2. Sun Pops Off 6 CMEs in 24 Hours

This movie from the chronograph on board the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), shows the sun's atmosphere -- the corona -- from September 17 to September 20. The sun let loose with at least six coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from 7 PM ET on September 18, 2011 until 1 PM on September 19.
____ / / Cosmos
, , , /Videos, TRAILERS

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_274   , 21 2011 . 21:40 ()
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AmAyfaar   , 21 2011 . 21:43 ()
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Vadim-32   , 21 2011 . 23:07 ()

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SVETLA-IRINA   , 21 2011 . 23:41 ()
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AmAyfaar   , 22 2011 . 10:10 ()
Vadim-32, ...
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AmAyfaar   , 22 2011 . 10:11 ()
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