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 - e-mail



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, 09 2016 . 15:16 +


, 21 2015 . 12:40 +
- [ + !]


, , , - , , - . ? ? , , , ...


, 17 2015 . 22:12 +



, 05 2014 . 23:08 +
Ananta [ + !]


. , - :)

, ...

44_34 (472x480, 50Kb)


, 27 2013 . 14:01 +
_ [ + !]

- , , ...

0001 (499x700, 120Kb)



, 27 2013 . 13:58 +
_ [ + !]

English. -. 6-7 .

0001 (494x700, 84Kb)



, 07 2013 . 10:37 +
mai-day [ + !]


http://denistutor.narod.ru/ - - , . , , , , .
http://www.englishtopic.narod.ru/ - English Topics and Texts - .
http://esl.report.ru/ - , , , , .
http://www.english4u.dp.ua/ - .
http://www.uk.ru/language.shtml - . .
http://www.englishclub.narod.ru/ - Study English Club - . , , , .
http://www.englishbest.ru/ - . . . .
http://www.russianseattle.com/ - , : “ : ” “ ”.
http://mega.km.ru/ALPHABYTE/ - -, - .
http://www.lingvo.ru/lingvo/ - ABBYY Lingvo-online . - - .
http://altnet.ru/~mcsmall/index.htm - - , .
http://www.langust.ru/ - , .
http://www.englishtests.narod.ru/ - , , .
http://www.englishforum.com/00/ - English Forum & EFL resource - .
http://www.novella.ru/ - - .
http://info.study.ru/ - - , . , , , . .
http://www.study.ru/002/wwwboard.htm - . .
http://www.comics.ru/e/index.htm - - .
http://www.lifeclub.narod.ru/ - LIFEclub - . 7 - 9 , .

http://www.free-english.com/ - . , , . .
http://www.englishpage.com/ - , , . , .
http://www.english.language.ru/slang/ - .
http://kinder-english.narod.ru/ - - , , , , .
http://www.englishfor.narod.ru/ - - , .
http://efmf.ru/ - .
http://agenda.narod.ru/Main.htm - , , . .
http://english-language/ - . , , , , , .
http://www.effingpot.com/ - The American's guide to speaking British The Best of British - 1000 .
http://www.english.language.ru/ - , , , , TOEFL on-line, , .
http://www.toefl.ru/ - TOEFL . , mini-test.
http://alemeln.narod.ru/ - - .
http://www.foreign-languages.com/ - , .
http://www.supremelearning.com/ - , . - , .
http://www.faceweb.okanagan.bc.ca/pron/ - English Pronunciation - .
http://www.englishlearner.com/tests/test.html - .
http://enghelp/ - English HELPer - . .
http://uweb.superlink.net/pavelg/mikhail/esl. htm - English as Second Language - . .
http://www.better-english.com/exerciseli st.html - English Exercise EFL and ESL Quizzes - .
http://dasign/etiket/ - “ “ - - .
http://englishlang.narod.ru/english.ht m - . 30 .
http://www.supremelearning.com/RussianInterviews.html - SupremeLearning. “ “ “ “.
http://www.elit-a-a.com.ua/8page.htm - “ “ - -.
http://angl.by.ru/ - . .
http://www.edufind.com/ - English Grammar - .
http://www.esl-lab.com/ - , .
http://angliysky.narod.ru/ - . . , -, .
http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/ - Guide to Grammar and Writing - .
http://www.boston-online.com/wickedv.html - The Wicked Good Guide to Boston English - . .
http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/dare/dar e.html - The Dictionary of American Regional English - .
http://www.westegg.com/cliche/ - . 3300 (english).
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar/ - , (english).
http://www.bbc.co.uk/home/today/index.sht ml - Real Audio. , (english).
http://www.study.ru/ - , ( on-line 14 , , ).
http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/ - 11000 , .
http://parcelworld.narod.ru/exercises/exercisesmain.htm - “Cambridge English for Schools“ - .
http://www.cooper.com/alan/homonym_list.html- Alan Cooper's Homonym List - - , -,


" ":
1 - -
2 -
3 - !


, 15 2013 . 20:57 +
Konstancia [ + !]

: !


it served him right -
to take a nap -



, 13 2013 . 11:33 +


16 ?

,  .


, 06 2013 . 15:37 +

, , : Pop-ap ABC ( )




", ":

1 -
2 - : Google - Dicter
21 -
22 - ! ..
23 - , , : Pop-ap ABC ( )
24 - : « + »
25 - : « »
34 - , !
35 - .
36 -


, 11 2013 . 10:18 +
MinD_VandalizM [ + !]




4 , .. , . . - !

at first blush - ,
at sea - , ,
at sixes and sevens - -, - ,
at the tip of the tongue - ,
bublin brook - ,
babe at the woods -
back off - , ,
back out - ,
rotten rat - ,
back up - ,
back to the wall - ,
bad egg - ,
ball game - , ,
balls, nuts -
ball of fire - ,
bananas - , ,
bananas oil - ,
bananas truck - , ,
bang - , ,
bang up - ,
bank on - ,
be gettin on - ,
beat about the bush - ,
beat it - , ,
beauty sleep -
beef up - ,
between he devil and the deep blue sea -
bi -
big daddy, big papa - ,
big mouth -
big stink - ,
big time (to have) -
bird has flown - ,
to bitch - ,
blast off - ,
blow job - ,
blow one's stack, blow a fuse, blow one's stop - ,
to blow smn's mind - , ()
blow the whistle - , ,
blow up - ,
blunder - ,
bone head - , ,
bong -
boner -
boobs, tits, boobies, knockers - , ,
bow out - ,
brain drain -
bro - ,
to bug - ,
bug eyed -
bull in chinas shop -
bull shit - , ,
bush - , ,
butch - , ,
butt in - ,
butt - ,
buterflyes in the stomack -
butter up - , ,
cancel out - ,
callgirl - ,
calm down - ,
can of worms - ,
carry away - , , ,
cash - , ,
catch some rays -
catch some Zt's -
cheescake - (, , )
chew the fat - , ,
chiken feed - ( ) - ,
coach -
cold turkey -
cop out - ,
cozy up - ,
cute - , ,
crash the gates - ,
cut the mustard - , ,
dod - ,
dead beat -
feel up - , ,
fly of the handle -
flyhigh -
fuck around - ,
fuck up (positive) - , ,
fuck up (negative) - , ,
full of beans -
garbage down - , ,
gaga - , ,
gayguy - ,
gee - ()
to get a screw loose - ,
to get it out - ,
toged off -
get smn's ass in a sling - -
giveaway (noun) - ,
gloss over - ,
go ape -
go-go -
golfish bowl - ,
greenback -
grip, to grubble, to moan, to bith - ,
gumbo - , ,
heat - , , , , ,
hit the road - ,
hit the souce - ,
hold out(noun) -
hot dog - ,
hot red (adj) - ,
ice -
iceman -
idiot box -
instant karma - ,
jawbreaker - ( )
jail pait -
jazz up - ,
jig -
kick back -
kick the bucket - ,
knut -
corpse - , ,
legman (legboy) -
lemon -
long hair man - ,
long face - ,
lash out - ,
make a play for smn - , ,
make eyes - ,
make waves - ,
mob - ,
monkey bussines - ,
money to burn -
son of the bitch, creep, jerk, crud - , , ,
moonlight - ,
morning after -
nunie, ass -
nut - ,
nut house -
odd ball -
old hat -
out in the left field - ,
pickup (noun) -
pig in a poke - ,
piss off - , , ,
paystick -
pooped out - ,
rape session -
rat race - ,
rat out - ,
screw around -
shake a leg! - () - ,
sow off -
skidrow - ,
sleaseball - , ,
slug - , ,
son of a gun -
spaced out - ,
stoned - ,
to stuck on smbd -
sugar daddy - ,
tell it to sweety -
tell it to marines - ,
tehere is no sunshine come through someones ass - -
throu up - ,
toss off - , ,
tought cat - ,
triped out - ,
to two time
yak -
yuck - ,
zerocool - , , ,
zip - ,
zod -


, 09 2013 . 10:33 +
secret_girl_ [ + !]


, , - 2009 . – 242 : Business English.


, 09 2013 . 10:29 +


. 16 . 2




- c - (, , ) -tion (revolution, nation, abstraction);
- - (, ) -sion (profession, expression).


, 09 2013 . 10:27 +



youtube , .

have time -  

once upon a time - ,

spend - ,

how long does it take to go from.. to...? ?

it depends - ,

it depens on you -

much - (time money love)

many -  ,

few -  

small -

country house - ,

have rest -




, 09 2013 . 10:23 +
Bo4kaMeda [ + !]

. 16 ! ()

- - ( 30 ), , , , " ".

01 . 16 !



, 09 2013 . 10:19 +
_1 [ + !]

English ...

* - English : 939 *

1. ;
2. , ( ) , ;
3. "",
"Go to page" , ( 105 ), .


   .      !



, 09 2013 . 10:18 +
Ananta [ + !]


. , - :)

, ...

44_34 (472x480, 50Kb)


, 09 2013 . 10:16 +
Juliana-Juliana [ + !]

? .


" . .":
. , , . , . !

1 -
2 - 16
3 - ,. .
4 - . ( ).
5 - ? .
6 - , (part 1)
7 - -
18 - . .
19 - . . .
20 - ( ).


, 09 2013 . 10:12 +
Aliciya_Bes [ + !]


0004 (381x341, 73Kb)

2971058_razdelitel_36 (610x4, 3Kb)

. - , , . - . , - , , . 

, , , , , , . , , , , . ,   . , , , bebris.ru.

, . . - . , - ! - ; , . - , . !


, 09 2013 . 10:10 +
[ + !]

, !!!

! , , !!!

  , , , , , , , ! ! 
, - , , ! – 30!!!
: « », « . », «This is» ( ), « », « + »…
, . !


 : [2] 1