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: 04.02.2011
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!!!... Perola barroca - ...!!!

, 15 2017 . 21:05 +

!!!... Perola barroca - ...!!!
( - ˳ )

img20 (700x524, 340Kb)
"" "", ", ", , , ", " , . 1860- 볿, ͳ , 17-18 . ϳ, 1900- "" 17- 18- , "" , 1600 1750.

̲ :

Mezzo - Baroque Celebration - Haim Jaroussky Petibon Le Concert d' Astree Theatre des Champs-Elysees (Natalie Dessay, Stephane Degout, Philippe Jaroussky, Pascal Bertin, Sonia Yoncheva, Rolando Villazon )

The Best of Baroque Music



.ҪҲ ...


!!!... -Գ ...!!!

, 15 2017 . 20:40 +

!!!... -Գ ...!!!
( - ˳ )

Jean-Philippe_Rameau_by_Jean-Jacques_Caffieri_-_20080203-03 (700x700, 439Kb)
"" "", ", ", , , ", " , . 1860- 볿, ͳ , 17-18 . ϳ, 1900- "" 17- 18- , "" , 1600 1750.

-Գ - . ³
: 25 1683 ., ,
: 12 1764 ., ,

̳ - :



.ҪҲ ...


!!!... " " ...!!!

, 01 2017 . 20:16 +

!!!... " " ...!!!
( - ˳ )

anna (700x332, 141Kb)
, (Anna Prohaska, 1983 , , ) - - (), . .

Anna Prohaska - Furie Terribili (, )

Anna Prohaska - Alma Oppressa - Vivaldi (Official Video)

Les Airs Merveilleux d'Anna PROHASKA (Arte) (43 )

. :

Alma-Oppressa (606x343, 113Kb)
Anna-Prohaska (606x375, 98Kb)
Anna-Prohaska_c_Harald_Hoffmann-DG_Anna_Prohaska (1) (606x375, 88Kb)
anna-prohaska-c-chris-valentien-630x280 (630x280, 70Kb) AUSTRIA-THEATRE-SALZBURG-FESTIVAL-2010_1378385680995820 (700x419, 294Kb)
maxresdefault (1) (700x393, 161Kb)


ϲ ( ز )


!!!... " " ...!!!

, 30 2017 . 23:12 +

!!!... " " ...!!!
( - ˳ )

rozm (700x466, 291Kb)
Rosemary Standley - La Nuit Je Mens (Official DVD version)

- :

(Rosemary Standley) - - , 1979 .
Moriarty 1999 , . The Lightnin 3, Dom La Nena Helstroffer.
, , . , , . . ϳ , 20- , ѳ⳿ .
, , , , , : , , , ' ͳ ...


ϲ ( ز )


!!!... " Գ / (_) ...!!!

, 30 2017 . 22:05 +

!!!... " Գ / (_) ...!!!
( - ˳ )

Philippe-Jaroussky-C-Simon-Fowler_reference (600x569, 127Kb)
"" "", ", ", , , ", " , . 1860- 볿, ͳ , 17-18 . ϳ, 1900- "" 17- 18- , "" , 1600 1750.

Գ (. Philippe Jaroussky, *13 1978, -, --, ) .

Dnipro & Philippe Jaroussky ( )

̳ - :
(. Nathalie Stutzmann 6 1965, ) - (), .

̳ - :
nat (700x467, 172Kb)


.ҪҲ ...
.² ز... ...
ϲ ( ز )


!!!... " Lamore innamorato ( ) ...!!!

, 28 2017 . 19:05 +

!!!... " Lamore innamorato ( ) ...!!!
( - ˳ )

cd-cavalli-garrido copia (400x359, 127Kb)
"" "", ", ", , , ", " , . 1860- 볿, ͳ , 17-18 . ϳ, 1900- "" 17- 18- , "" , 1600 1750.

L'Arpeggiata - , 2000 . , .
L'Arpeggiata , () . (res facta) - .

( ; Christina Pluhar; . 1965, ) - , , . . .

' (. Pietro Francesco Cavalli, ' ' (Caletti), 14 1602, - 14 1676, ) - , .

Christina Pluhar- L'Arpeggiata: Cavalli, LAmore innamorato "Piante Ombrose" ()

Cavalli - L'Arpeggiata o.l.v. Christina Pluhar - Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht 2016 - Live concert HD

Lamore innamorato - ( )

г [1] (1975 , , ) . 1995 , . 1998 2002 ³ 쳿, .



.ҪҲ ...
.² ز... ...
ϲ ( ز )


!!!... " Regnez, plaisirs et jeux , , ...!!!

, 26 2017 . 12:43 +

!!!... " Regnez, plaisirs et jeux , , ...!!!
( - ˳ )

87ef76_87cd5133286044d7a38db3a5fe6e117b (543x545, 145Kb)
Baroque Celebration - .

"" "", ", ", , , ", " , . 1860- 볿, ͳ , 17-18 . ϳ, 1900- "" 17- 18- , "" , 1600 1750.

Regnez, plaisirs et jeux , , .
Mezzo - Baroque Celebration - Haim Jaroussky Petibon Le Concert d' Astree Theatre des Champs-Elysees

0:00 Forets paisibles - Rameau - Natalie Dessay, Stephane Degout
5:30 Sound the trumpet - Purcell - Philippe Jaroussky, Pascal Bertin
10:52 La descente de Venus - Rameau
12:13 Calme des sens - Rameau
13:55 Tambourins - Rameau
15:36 Regnez, plaisirs et jeux - Rameau - Sonia Yoncheva
19:21 Monstre affreux, monstre redoutable - Rameau - Stephane Degout
22:57 Scene de la folie - Rameau - Patricia Petibon
29:37 Bruit de tonnerre - Rameau
30:52 Paix favorable, paix adorable - Rameau - Francoise Masset, Stephane Degout
33:57 What power art thou (Cold Genius) - Purcell - Christopher Purves
37:55 Un pensiero voli in ciel - Handel - Stephanie-Marie Degand, Magali Leger
43:36 De torrente in via bibet - Handel - Karine Deshayes, Natalie Dessay
48:19 Ciel e terra armi di sdegno - Handel - Rolando Villazon
52:33 Son nata a lagrimar - Handel - Anne Sofie von Otter, Philippe Jaroussky
58:50 Voglio tempo per risolvere - Handel - Ann Hallenberg, Jael Azzaretti, Marijana Mijanovic, Topi Lehtipuu
1:03:08 Piangero la sorte mia - Handel - Sandrine Piau, Olivier Benichou
1:10:17 Venti turbini - Handel - Philippe Jaroussky
1:14:33 Se pieta - Handel - Natalie Dessay
1:24:58 Hallelujah - Handel

-Գ́ ́ (. Jean-Philippe Rameau) (25 1683, ij 12 1764, ) , .
ramo (700x525, 261Kb)

́ (Henry Purcell, ˈpɜrsəl; (. 10 1659 21 1695) . ij .
henry-purcell--1242656485-view-1 (620x460, 354Kb)

ó ( , , 23 1685 - 14 1759 ..) - , , .
George_Frideric_Handel_by_Balthasar_Denner (579x700, 341Kb)



.ҪҲ ...
.² ز... ...
ϲ ( ز )


!!!... " ...!!!

, 16 2017 . 23:07 +

!!!... " ...!!!
( - ˳ )

87ef76_87cd5133286044d7a38db3a5fe6e117b (543x545, 145Kb)
"" "", ", ", , , ", " , . 1860- 볿, ͳ , 17-18 . ϳ, 1900- "" 17- 18- , "" , 1600 1750.

01. 'Twas within a furlong - Music for a while - Improvisations on Henry Purcell ()

́ (Henry Purcell, ˈpɜrsəl;[1]) (. 10 1659 21 1695) . ij .

( ; Christina Pluhar; . 1965, ) - , , . . .

BARROCO. Henry Purcell Dido and Aeneas. Dido's lament. :

1200px-Christina_Pluhar,_Philippe_Jaroussky_-_Misteria_Paschalia_2011_(1) (700x468, 390Kb)

.... ...

.ҪҲ ...
.² ز... ...
ϲ ( ز )


!!!... _ ̳ ...!!!

, 27 2017 . 12:27 +

!!!... _ ̳ ...!!!
( - ˳ )

міненко (700x393, 167Kb)
. ̳. ³ - countertenor , BBC Cardiff Singer of The World!
, , . , .
: , , , -. , -! . - , !
1 - .

: , , - ( , ) (', - !).

, ղ , ... . ID, ' ...
! ' !

̳. ( ):

, 3 !

³ - countertenor , BBC Cardiff Singer of The World!


, ³ , г , ³, ³, , , .

, - . - . , .

, 5 2017 .



... ղ_
ϲ ( ز )


!!!... ONUKA & Ͳ ...!!!

, 16 2017 . 12:02 +

!!!... ONUKA & Ͳ ...!!!
( - ˳ )


onuka (700x414, 113Kb)


Great! GREAT! GREAT! I love it very much! Glory to Ukraine and her talanted and brave people

... ... Ҳ...
... ... ...
... ... ²˲... Ҳ... ͪ... ...

ONUKA & NAONI - Interval Act at Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final 2017


- :

, . Onuka - . , .

(Ͳ) 1969 . 12 1970 . 17.04.1997 . "".

. : , , , , .

., ., .-, ., ., ., ., ., .

, ( 40 - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .) .


쳿 . ., , ³ .


(Ͳ IJ...)
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 : [24] 23 22 ..
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