
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612


( vr )

, 03 2018 . 20:57 +

- - - !!!
: to deceive - , . to cheat - , to sneak - , . deceiver - , deceit - , fraud - .

▪ *VaRtta → VaRtati > VaÑcayati ( => MauÑcati => Ma_cate ) → VaÑcaka
VaRtati ( => sVaRtati => hVaRL_ati → hVaR_as ) => VaRjati ( → VRjana ) > Vya_jayati → Vya_ja
- * | : s- | : h- | - (_) - (_) | : -y | - [t]
vañcaka () - hvaras () - māca () - vañcatha () - añcati () - vrtta ( ). - vartati ( , ). √ - VR, - VÑ - hVR - M_.
*VoR(ot) ( ) > VRtta, *VRtta, VaRtula, VaRa (. circle ) → VaRtati (. to turn, to move, etc. ), VaRtayati (. to cause to turn or revolve, etc. ) > VaÑcati -te (. to move to and fro, to go crookedly; to go, to go to; to pass over, to wander, to go astray ) > VaÑcayati -te (. to deceive, to cheat, to defraud of, to cause to go astray; to move or go away from, to escape, to avoid, to shun ) VaÑcaka (. cheater, rogue; cheat ), VaÑcayitr (. adj. one who deceives, deceiver, cheater ), VaÑcatha (. deceiver, cheater ), VaÑcana (. cheating, cheat, froud, take in, deception, illusion, delusion, hallucination ) | > nirVaÑcate (. to deceive ) | > pariVaÑcati (. to sneak about ) → pariVaÑcana (. deception )
VaÑcati (. to move to and fro, to go crookedly; to go, to go to; etc. ) => Vacyate (. to move or rock to and fro, to be moved, to be poured forth, to issue forth, to speed, to hurry along )
VaÑcayati (. to deceive, to cheat, etc. ) => MaÑcate (. to cheat, to be wicked or arrogant ) => Macate (. to cheat; to go, to move )
MaÑcate (. to cheat, to be wicked or arrogant ) => MuÑcate (. to cheat ) => Mocate (. to cheat )
VaÑcayati (. to deceive, to cheat, etc. ) => Vyacati -te (. to cheat, to be wicked or arrogant )
VaRtati (. to turn, to move, etc. ) => VaRjati (. to turn [away], to bend; to divert, to avert, to remove ) [ VRajati (. to go, to move, etc. ) ] VRjana (. deceit, crookedness, wickedness ), VRjinā (. deceit, guile, intrigue ) → VRjināyate (. to be crooked or deceitful or wicked ) | > Vyājayati (. to deceive, to cheat ) Vyāja (. fraud, deceit, deceitfulness, wickedness, deception )
VaRjati (. to turn [away], to bend; etc. ) → VRjina (. curled hair, hair )
VaRtati (. to turn, to move, etc. ) => sVaRtati (. to turn, to move ) => hVaRate (. to turn, to turn off, to diverge from the right line ), hVaRati (. to go crookedly or wrongly or deviously, to bend, to be crooked or curved, to deviate or diverge from the right line, to stumble; to fall, to down ), hVāRayati (. to go wrong or astray, to cause to go crookedly, to lead wrong or astray ) hVaRas (. deceit, crookedness, snare, trap, machination, intrigue ), hVāRa (. serpent; going crookedly or deviously ), hVāRya (. serpent on, horse ) | => hVaLati (. to go crookedly or astray or wrong or deviously, to stumble; to fall, to fail ), hVāLayati (. to shake, to cause to tremble ) → hVāLa (. going astray or wrong, failure, cessation ) | => hMaLati (. to move, to shake; to go ), hMaLayati (. to cause to move or shake )
VaRtati (. to turn, to move, etc. ) => VaÑcati (. to go, to move to and fro, etc. ) => Macate (. to go, to move ) Māca (. road, way ) | => MuÑcati (. to go, to move )
VaRtati (. to turn, to move, etc. ) => VaÑcati (. to go, to move to and fro, etc. ) VaÑcatha (. time - )
VaÑcati (. to go, to move to and fro, etc. ) > aÑcati (. to bend, to make round or curved, to curl, to wander about, to incline, to honour ), aÑcayati (. to unfold, to make clear), aÑcyate (. to be bend ) aÑcati (. wind - ), aÑcana (. act of bending or curving ), aÑcala (. shavl - )
VR > VR[t] > VN[c] > V_[c] / > MN[c] > M_[c] | VR[t > j] > Vy_[j] | VR[t] > sVR[t] > hVR[_] > hVL[_] > hML[_]
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