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: 03.05.2010
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, 09 2012 . 20:32 +

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, , , - Cararuie du-ma iar, , , ! , , .


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Piese: Ochii tăi m-au vrăjit.

Compozitor: Oscar Strock ,

Textier: Petre Lescenco .

Orch. Frank Fox Tanzorchester .

Inregistrat la Viena. 

4229746_f3e00498a010 (259x358, 29Kb)


6 , 1893 — 22 , 1975

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 Ochii tăi m-au vrăjit.

Petre Lescenco

Eu te astept sa revi.
Dorul te cheama mereu,
Caci fara tine mi-e greu.
Tu mi-esti etern paradis
Si viata imi pare un vis.

Ochii tai m-au vrajit,
Gura ta m-a mintit,
Totusi nu pot uita,
Ca ai fost iubita mea.
N-am sa uit niciodata,
Clipele de altadata.
Te astept sa revi
Si in veci te-oi iubi,
Altfel nu pot trai.

Ochii tai m-au vrajit,
Gura ta m-a mintit,
Totusi nu pot uita,
Ca ai fost iubita mea.
N-am sa uit niciodata,
Clipele de altadata.
Gura ta m-a mintit,
Si ochii tai m-au robit
Si am ramas nenorocït

, . . , . , . , , !





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: , , « ?» - Where Can I Go? - Steve Lawrence , .
Jane Schnitzer, Pompano Beach.

: « », - Sigmunt Berland, - Sonny Miller - Leo Fuld. , 1928 - , . - Vi Ahin Zol Ich Geyn, , 1948 . 1949 Decca Records. 1950 . –Steve Lawrence 1965 . SirArthurOldies, 7401 NW57thSt., Tamarac; 954-722-8303; e-mailsirartie@webtv.com .

, , , .
, , , 1975 , , , , , .

- Steve Lawrence.



, ! , , .

Tell me where can I go
There no place I can see
Where to go, where to go
Every door is closed to me
To the left, to the right
It’s the same in every land
There is nowhere to go
And it’s me, who should know
Would you please, understand
Now I know where to go
Where my folks proudly stand
Let me go, let me go
To that precious promised land
No more left, no more right
Lift your head and see the light
I’am proud, can’t you see
For at last I’m free
No more wondering for me.

Vi ahin zol ikh geyn?
Ver kon entfern mir?
Vi ahin zol ikh geyn?
Az farshlosn z’yede tir
S’iz di velt groys genug
Nor far mir iz eng un kleyn
Vi a blik kh’muz tsurik
S’iz tsushtert yede brik
Vi ahin zol ikh geyn?




, Sa Majeste, , “Wi Ahyn Soll Ich Gehn”. , : " !». . , «Where can I Go» - Decca Record. , , , , . , . , .

, , - Jane Schnitzer Pompano Beach, ! ?

- Ray Charles

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ϸ - m, - , . Jurek46pink, . , , " " / "Vi Ahin Zol Ich ?", You Tube. , . , , , - Leo Fuld. , . . , , , , 30- , . , , , . . " " , 1938 . , , « » - , » , jurek46pink youtube. .

4229746_05188eba0eca (300x468, 30Kb)


, , - , . , , , , , Jurek46pink , , , , , .

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. 2 - 29 - 2012. Los Angeles.   http://petrleschenco.ucoz.ru/forum/33-351-1 





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