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Dieffenbachia. .

, 22 2015 . 19:09 +

Dieffenbachia - Common but Toxic

Air Layering/Cloning of a Giant Dieffenbachia/Dumb Cane Plant

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The plant earned the name dumb cane from its toxic sap, which can cause a temporary inability to speak if ingested.
Dieffenbachia Plant Care

Lighting and Temperatures

The Dieffenbachia plant does well indoors, thriving with year round room temperatures averaging 65-75 degrees.

The dumbcane is not a fan for temperatures to drop below 60 degrees. The plant cannot handle full sun but does appreciate good lighting, like you would find in a kitchen.


In fact, high temperatures and bright light can make Dieffenbachia weak and sickly.

Watering and Feeding

Being from the aroid family with cousins like the Aglaonema, Spathiphyllum and Philodendron lets us know dieffenbachia likes humidity and during the summer lots of water. Soil stays moist but not wet. During the winter season watering should be reduced.

During the primary growing season March Through October feed every other week when watering using a complete liquid food. During the winter months use NO fertilizer and water only.

Soil, Potting and Transplanting

Dieffenbachia prefers a well draining soil. Ive had excellent results using 2 parts peatmoss and 1 part perlite. An African violet soil mix would work well also.

A large plant like Tropic Snow capable of reaching 4-5 feet can be grown and live in a relatively small pot. The problem is usually not pot size but plant size making the plant top heavy.

For top heavy plants use a cachepot to stabalize the top heavy plant

When potting or repotting plants, springtime is best just before the growing season begins. Do not overpot!

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Dieffenbachia Propagation

Most propagation of Dieffenbachia is done when the plant gets too big and the plant becomes leggy.



When plants become leggy the stems will be naked and the plant looks like a bunch of stems with foliage up top. Not a pretty site for a dumbcane.

The topshoot can be cut off, and rooted by placing the cutting in a pot with moist well draining soil (50% peatmoss & 50% perlite).

Stem Cuttings

Stems or canes of Dieffenbachia can be rooted as well. Stems must have an eye from which new leaves and stems will emerge.

Place stem cuttings on their side, with about 1/2 the stem buried in the soil with the eye pointing upwards. Rooting in a mini greenhouse like a soda bottle planter will speed up the rooting process. Roots should start forming in 2-4 weeks. Keep temperatures around the 72 degree range.

When taking cuttings I like to use a razor blade as Dieffenbachia is very sensitive to bacteria.
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, 21 2015 . 02:33 +
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, 19 2015 . 22:25 +

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, 18 2015 . 01:48 +
Overgrown Houseplant Cutting


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Cultivating Yucca

? / How to water the yucca?

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( ). Crassula Ovata.

, 18 2015 . 23:09 +
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Propagating Jade Plants | At Home With P. Allen Smith

The Jade Plant - A great low maintenance plant for your indoor garden! - Crassula ovata

How often does my Jade (Crassula ovata) need water?
Crassulas are generally succulents, and will usually grow a new plant from a single leaf. Few are frost tolerant, although temps. just above freezing will promote bloom. They grow outside only in a few areas of the US and Europe, so the focus here is on Jades as houseplants. When days grow short and nights are cool, Jade plants in habitat receive most of their yearly rain and also do the majority of their growing. Often times the Jades in the house also react by shedding copious amounts of leaves, leading many people to water their plant. This is to be avoided because the result can be a sudden collapse of the plant. Always allowing the plant to get very dry before watering thoroughly will keep the plant healthy. The dropping of leaves just before new growth begins is normal.

To encourage bloom, allow the plant to go without water around the time of the first frost. When the days get short, withhold the water completely and let the plant withstand the cool nights. Several weeks of this dry, cold treatment followed by regular watering will result in blossoms around the shortest day of the year. Regular watering, or nights too warm, and the plant will remain healthy, but bloomless.

Propagating many of the Crassulas involves detatching a healthy leaf and placing it on suitable soil. Out of the sun, but in bright light, about a month later roots will form. Watering while the plant is forming roots is unnecessary and can be deleterious if the plant starts to rot. Without roots, the water is wasted as the plant has no means to transport it into the leaf. Stems laid or planted in the soil also will root, the only requirement is that they be sound. Rooting is also easiest when days are shortest, Nov/Dec in the Northern Hemisphere.
A yearly cycle for an indoor Jade is usually growth in the early spring, and the plant gets regular water (dilute fertilizer if desired), summer when there is little growth visible and the plant should be allowed to go very dry between waterings. In the fall, around the Equinox, the nights lengthen and cool, and if the plant experiences the cool then water should be withheld, and expect leaf drop as well as some of the branches. If the plant is indoors, it still will likely shed in preparation for the main growing season- the late fall/early winter. When new growth shows (after bloom if the plant flowers), water and fertilizer can be given, but always allow the plant to dry before drenching it thoroughly.

Jade Plant Care Tips

jade plant, jade plant care. succulent house plants, crassula ovata
Origin: South Africa

Height: Up to 3 ft (90 cm). When grown as a bonsai, jade plant only reaches 1 ft (30 cm) or less.

Light: Bright light with some direct sun.

Water: Allow soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Dropped leaves or brown spots on leaves are signs that the plant needs more water.

Humidity: Average room humidity. Will tolerate dry air.

Temperature: Average room temperatures 60-75F, 15-24C

Soil: 2 parts peat moss-based potting mix and 1 part sharp sand or perlite.

Fertilizer: Feed monthly from spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. Do not feed in winter.

Propagation: Take leaf cuttings or stem cuttings in spring. Allow cuttings to dry out for about 5 days (to prevent them from oozing sap) before potting them in moist potting mix.

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Jade PlantsHow to Grow Crassula Species.

4inJADE (385x257, 90Kb)
The jade plant is an extremely popular succulent houseplant. Sometimes called the money plant or dollar plant, these plants were once thought to bring good luck to their owners so were often given as housewarming gifts. Jade plants belong to the Crassula species and are generally undemanding. There are several species that are sometimes seen labeled as jade plants in garden centers, but they share cultural requirements.

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They need an even hand with water and plenty of light to develop their full potential.

Growing Conditions:

Light: Full sun.
Water: Water during the summer and spring, making sure drainage is immaculate. Reduce water in the winter to monthly.
Temperature: Prefers average summer temps (65ºF - 70ºF). In winter, cool to 50ºF.
Soil: A well-drained succulent mix, with an ideal pH around 6.0 (slightly acidic).
Fertilizer: Many people underfeed their succulents during the growing season. Feed with a controlled-release fertilizer in the beginning of the season or weekly with a weak liquid solution. Use a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer at 1/4 strength on mature plants, and a fertilizer with less nitrogen on young plants.


Jade plant is known for its ease of propagation. Plants can be easily propagated from a single leaf: sprout leaves by placing them into a succulent or cacti mix, then covering the dish until they sprout.


Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. To repot a succulent, make sure the soil is dry before repotting, then gently remove the pot.


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Knock away the old soil from the roots, making sure to remove any rotted or dead roots in the process. Treat any cuts with a fungicide. Place the plant in its new pot and backfill with potting soil, spreading the roots out as you repot. Leave the plant dry for a week or so, then begin to water lightly to reduce the risk of root rot.


Several species of Crassula are identified as jade plants in the nursery trade. The standard jade plant is a C. ovata, which also goes by the names C. argentea and C. portulaca. Variegated varieties have been introduced, such as C. ovata Tricolor. Variegated jade plants need full sun to develop their full coloration. Other varieties that are sometimes sold as jade plants include C. arborescens.

Grower's Tips:

Jade plants are easy to grow, but they are susceptible to mealy bugs and fungal diseases. As with all succulents, overwatering is sure to be fatal, so err on the side of too dry rather than too wet. Never let your jade plant sit in water. If you water from beneath by letting the plant sit in a saucer of water, make sure to pour off any excess water after a few minutes. Given proper conditions, the Crassula will flower with white flowers in the late winter, making an attractive and mildly fragrant display.

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