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: 29.11.2011
: 2091
: 33
: 2155



, 03 2013 . 11:48 +

, - "" . , - - "" - "walking",

45- . 1 -, 2,3 - - - - , .

, :

. (Indefinite), .. , ,

. (Continuous), .. ,

. (Perfect), .. , .

1.1. Present Indefinite ( ), . .

I walk every day. - . everyday

: usually, seldom, often, from time to time

1.2. Present Continuous ():

I am walking now. .


He is constantly working! !

1.3. Present Perfect ( ):

Ihavealreadywalkedtoday. - . ( )

1.4. Present Perfect Continuous ( -):

I have been drawing since childhood. I have been waiting for you for 2 hours.

2.1. Past Indefinite ( ):

I walked (went out) yesterday. - . 1.3., .

I took it easy when my husband came ( )

2.2. Past Continuous ( ):

, 2.1

- Unfortunately, I was walking (was taking easy) at the moment my husband came.

(, )

2.3. Past Perfect ( ):

- I had already walked (come back from my walk) when my wife came.

- , .

3.2.4. Past Perfect Continuous ( -):

- I had been traveling for about a month when I meet him.

- , () .

3.1. Future Indefinite ():

I will walkingtomorrow . - .


- If I walk tomorrow my legs will be sick the day after tomorrow.

3.3.2. Future Continuous ():

I will be walking tomorrow at 5. - 5.

: 3.1. 3.2. :

- Soon! Soon I will be traveling!

3.3.3. Future Perfect ( ):

- Tomorrow by 5 oclock I will have walked.

- .

3.3.4. Future Perfect Continuous ( -):

- By tomorrow morning I will have been traveling for a week.

- .

1: , , , .



, .
, , .
, .


, . 7 , :


, ?
Do present simple , ?

: Simple | ontinuous |Perfect |Perfect Continuous

(Simple Tenses)

, , (never, seldom, sometimes, often, as a rule / usually/normally/typically/commonly, always) .

Present Simple(Indefinite) ( ) /.

I often hear English words on TV.

Past Simple(Indefinite) ( ) /.

It happened when I was 10.

, 10.

Future Simple(Indefinite) ( ) /.

After the 2nd right turn youll see your destination


((right) now / at the moment / nowadays) (as, while).

Present Continuous(Progressive) ( ) /.

What are you talking about?


Past Continuous(Progressive) ( ) /.

The sun was shining.

Future Continuous(Progressive) ( ) /.

Shell be asking for more and more

just, yet, already (when, after, before, no sooner).

Present Perfect ( ) /.

Look what youve done!

, !

Past Perfect ( ) /.

He thought the party had started.


Future Perfect ( ) /.

Will you have done the work by lunch?



lately / of late / recently by, since, for, during.

Present Perfect Continuous ( -) /.

Weve been waiting here for a whole hour.


Past Perfect Continuous ( -) /.

Id been watching him from my car before he disappeared.


Future Perfect Continuous ( -) .

By 2020 the family will have been living there for 50 years.

2020 . 50

- . .



Past Future Simple (- ) / .

We knew we would manage somehow.


Past Future Continuous (- ) .

They hoped theyd be living together.


Past Future Perfect (- ) .

He promised the project would have been finished by the next day.


Past Future Perfect Continuous (- -) .

I hoped the movie wouldnt have been going on long when I came.

, , .

3 : , ! , , , .


, , .
, .
, , .

" ":
1 - .
2 - :
3 -
4 - :
5 - - .
6 -
8 - 15 ,
9 - ,
10 -


-_   , 04 2013 . 10:33 ()
, .
: [1] []


: ( )
