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, 13 2012 . 12:32 +

522px-Planispheric_astrolabe (522x599, 312Kb)
654px-Astrolabe-Persian-18C (654x599, 164Kb)

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220px-Spherical_astrolabe_2 (220x293, 14Kb)

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John Philoponus. Concerning the using and arrangement of the astrolabe and the things engraved upon it. In: Gunther R. T. Astrolabes of the World. Oxford, 1932, pp.61-81.
Severus Sebokht. Description of the Astrolabe. In: Gunther R. T. Astrolabes of the World. Oxford, 1932, pp.82–103.
Geoffrey Chaucer. A Treatise on the Astrolabe. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Boston, 1957.
. . . .: , 2004.
- . ., . . . - , 12, 1975, . 169—225.
Morrison J. E. The astrolabe. Janus, 2007.
Neugebauer O. The Early History of the Astrolabe. Studies in Ancient Astronomy IX. Isis, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Aug., 1949), pp. 240-256
North J. D. The Astrolabe. Scientific American, 230:1, January 1974, p.96-106

// : 86 (82 . 4 .). — ., 1890—1907.
The Astrolabe. . .
ASṬORLĀB (Encyclopædia Iranica)
Robert T. Gunther, The astrolabe. An extract from Astrolabes of the World (1932)
[] ()
The Letters of Synesius
Did Hypatia invent the Astrolabe?
Synesius, Catastasis

Astrolabe ?




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