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: 26.07.2010
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, 07 2012 . 10:28 +


Gloria Barbie furniture that I painted on Saturday are the Shower, toilet. I got the set for under $6.00 on ebay, but shipping made it more. Search for Gloria Barbie furniture and you'll find it. The tub and table came from a spa set for My Scene Barbie. I spray painted the tub white. Champaign and glasses came from a Gloria's furniture dining set. Dresser is a Michael's wood dresser I painted white. and wall cabinet also My Scene dresser spray painted white: 

The basket is from Home Goods, under $3.00, if I remember correctly. The vase is filled with Home Depot bathroom tiles, and the back wall is a square piece of thin wood from Michaels that I wrapped in silver wrapping paper, then used a glue gun to paste 2 strips of bathroom tiles(still on their webbed nylon wrapping) to the paper. A really cheap package of different sized square mirrors came in handy, also glued them above the tiles on the wall to give it texture: 


The sink is either a tea cup, or a soy sauce cup my mom had in the kitchen. It's double sided taped to a cabinet I purchased from Emjay and spray painted white. I took another thin wood board from Michaels, wrapped it in the same silver wrapping paper and glue gunned more tile, a square mirror. In between the multicolored tiles. I glued in a bigger square mirror piece facing down to look like one of those cool modern faucets. 2 smaller pieces of mirror squares to the tiles, then 2 beads to make them look like faucet handles. Inside the sink is another bead glued down for the drain: 

and on top this is actually more bathroom tile from Home depot which looks like a strip of lights! 

The Shower is a Gloria shower that's almost finished. It's the same except the back tile wall is from a roll of wallpaper and make it really, really hard to put together. Too thick to fit in the grooves. 

Sconce above the toilet is from Joann's jewelry department, I think it's a necklace part: 

The items on in the cabinet are all kinds of Barbie stuff I've collected over the years. The towels are rectangular pieces of cotton cloth I cut, carefully folded, then wrapped in 2-sided tape to stick to each other. 

Walls: Foam board pinned together with sewing pins and covered with stripped wrapping paper. 
Floor: Foam board with marble looking wallpaper as well as a rug that's from a wallpaper sample book. 

Bed is one of my creations. End tables are from Joann's wood crafts department, I spray painted them white. Fireplace from Gloria's furniture, also spray painted white. Plant is I got at a local Tall Mouse hobby store, but Michaels and most hobby stores have plant stems. Chair from: Style in Scale.Walls have Sample wall paper on them, as is the rug on the floor. 

Curtains are thin napkins that I put on a wooden dowel and hung with pins on my foam board wall: 

Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments on the sneak peek! I hope this answers most of your questions on how I did it. You'll be seeing this bedroom and bathroom in the upcoming dolly soap Desperately Real Housewives of Dollyland 

Thanks for looking and for all the wonderful support on this board!!!! I just love it here! I keep doing more because I love to share with all of you. You enrich my life. 


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