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: 23.03.2009
: 38042
: 235
: 38823



, 01 2016 . 16:13 +
laura2012 9

9 ,

, , . C , , , : , , .
AdMe.ru , .

, : , . , : , , . , .
- :
there is there are: There is a frog in your bed ( );
: Punk is musical freedom, said Kurt Cobain ( , );
, here: Here is your tea, Hatter ( , );
was, were, had, could, should: Had I thought better, I wouldnt marry her ( , );
, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, never, nothing, not only: Never had I seen such a terrible sofa ( );
, : In Shakespeares grave is buried a man who didnt leave any manuscripts for his heirs ( , );
It is / was... that / who / whom : It was me who found her lover in a wardrobe ( ).
which that
, who, whom, that, which, whose, when where. . , , .
, , :
Mary Jane fell in love with a guy who was wearing a strange red and blue costume. It was Spider-Man ( , - . -). , .
Mary Jane fell in love with a guy who was wearing a strange red and blue costume, which was wet. It was Spider-Man ( , - , . -). , .
? , , . which , that . which , that .
. , , , , - - - .

as, because, since, though, although, even, even if, if, unless, when, whenever, while, rather than, in order that, so that, before, once, after, until.
, . :
Because he was a freak, I broke up with him (- , , ). .
I broke up with him because he was a freak ( , ). .
: , , : Thor saved the planet again, whereas his brother Loki tried to master it and destroyed New York ( , -).

, , . , . , , Absolute Phrase. , (phrase) , ; (clause) , , (sentence) .
. His feet rooted to the spot, Lestrade waited for Holmes to give him a sign: , . . . : -ing (Present Participle ) -ed (Past Participle ). , , .

, , , (running), (to run). , , , : To run a marathon has always been his dream, although he has been born in a tiny mountain village where there are no level roads: , , .

. . I saw a sad man sitting next to the window, it was Jim Carrey ( , , ) . , : I saw a sad man sitting next to the window; it was Jim Carrey.
, , . , ; . , , , , : I saw a sad man sitting next to the window. It was Jim Carrey ( , . ).
. , , . It was a real shame. ( ).
, : : It was a real shame, said Hulk" ( , .) : Hulk said, It was a real shame. ( : ).
Oxford comma:
Oxford comma ( ), Harvard comma ( ), , . , , and, or nor. Jason wanted to hit his boss on the head, kick the bejesus out of him, and hang them on a chandelier, but decided to say nothing ( , , ).
, , . , .

4 :
(simple sentence): ;
(compound sentence): , ;
(complex sentence): , ;
(compound-complex sentence): , , : You could fly to Madrid, or you could go to London by rail since the tickets are so cheap ( , ).
. , . , ( ) .
? . FANBOYS. , , :
F for,
A and,
N nor,
B but,
O or,
Y yet,
S so.
FANBOYS, , : I saw a goose on the riverside, and it was very angry ( , ). , , : I went away because the goose seemed to be dangerous ( , ). , , , , : Because the goose seemed to be angry, I went away ( , ).

: [1] []


: ( )
